Number of items: 9.
Lischke, Lars and Grüninger, Jürgen and Klouche, Khalil and Schmidt, Albrecht and Slusallek, Philipp and Jacucci, Giulio
Interaction Techniques for Wall-Sized Screens.
Steimle, Jürgen and Hornecker, Eva and Schmidt, Albrecht
Interaction Beyond the Desktop.
Informatik Spektrum, 37 (5).
p. 385.
Davies, Nigel and Krüger, Antonio and Langheinrich, Marc and Schmidt, Albrecht and Strohbach, Martin
10011 Report - Pervasive Public Displays.
Pfeiffer, Max and Kern, Dagmar and Schöning, Johannes and Döring, Tanja and Krüger, Antonio and Schmidt, Albrecht
A multi-touch enabled steering wheel: exploring the design space.
Müller, Jörg and Wilmsmann, Dennis and Exeler, Juliane and Buzeck, Markus and Schmidt, Albrecht and Jay, Tim and Krüger, Antonio
Display Blindness: The Effect of Expectations on Attention towards Digital Signage.
Döring, Tanja and Krüger, Antonio and Schmidt, Albrecht and Schöning, Johannes
Tangible, Embedded, and Reality-Based Interaction (Begreifbare, eingebettete und realitätsbasierte Interaktion).
it - Information Technology, 51 (6).
Kray, Christian and Butz, Andreas and Krüger, Antonio and Schmidt, Albrecht and Prendinger, Helmut
Multi-user and ubiquitous user interfaces: (MU3I 2005).
Rukzio, Enrico and Schmidt, Albrecht and Krüger, Antonio
The rotating compass: a novel interaction technique for mobile navigation.
Butz, Andreas and Krüger, Antonio and Kray, Christian and Schmidt, Albrecht
Workshop W5: multi-user and ubiquitous user interfaces (MU3I).
This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 20:58:29 2025 CET.