Number of items: 12.
Conference or Workshop Item (A Paper)
Jiang, Xiaowen and Stich, Sebastian U.
Adaptive SGD with Polyak stepsize and Line-search: Robust Convergence and Variance Reduction.
Koloskova, Anastasia and Hendrikx, Hadrien and Stich, Sebastian U.
Revisiting Gradient Clipping: Stochastic bias and tight convergence guarantees.
Mohtashami, Amirkeivan and Jaggi, Martin and Stich, Sebastian U.
Special Properties of Gradient Descent with Large Learning Rates.
Bo, Li and Schmidt, Mikkel N. and Alstrøm, Tommy S. and Stich, Sebastian U.
On the effectiveness of partial variance reduction in federated learning with heterogeneous data.
Dodwadmath, Akshay and Stich, Sebastian U.
Preserving privacy with PATE for heterogeneous data.
Beznosikov, Aleksandr and Dvurechensky, Pavel and Koloskova, Anastasia and Samokhin, Valentin and Stich, Sebastian U. and Gasnikov, Alexander
Decentralized Local Stochastic Extra-Gradient for Variational Inequalities.
Koloskova, Anastasia and Stich, Sebastian U. and Jaggi, Martin
Sharper Convergence Guarantees for Asynchronous SGD for Distributed and Federated Learning.
Wang, Hui-Po and Stich, Sebastian U. and He, Yang and Fritz, Mario
ProgFed: Effective, Communication, and Computation Efficient Federated Learning by Progressive Training.
Mishchenko, Konstantin and Malinovsky, Grigory and Stich, Sebastian U. and Richtarik, Peter
ProxSkip: Yes! Local Gradient Steps Provably Lead to Communication Acceleration! Finally!
Mohtashami, Amirkeivan and Jaggi, Martin and Stich, Sebastian U.
Masked Training of Neural Networks with Partial Gradients.
(In Press)
Liu, Yehao and Pagliardini, Matteo and Chavdarova, Tatjana and Stich, Sebastian U.
The Peril of Popular Deep Learning Uncertainty Estimation Methods.
Horváth, Samuel and Kovalev, Dmitry and Mishchenko, Konstantin and Richtárik, Peter and Stich, Sebastian U.
Stochastic distributed learning with gradient quantization and double-variance reduction.
Optimization Methods and Software, 38 (1).
pp. 91-106.
This list was generated on Fri Mar 7 03:24:49 2025 CET.