Items where Year is 2006

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Number of items: 50.

(2006) Smart Graphics, 6th International Symposium, SG 2006, Vancouver, Canada, July 23-25, 2006, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4073 . Springer.

Anicic, Darko and Brodie, Michael L. and de Bruijn, Jos and Fensel, Dieter and Haselwanter, Thomas and Hepp, Martin and Heymans, Stijn and Hoffmann, Jörg and Kerrigan, Mick and Kopecký, Jacek and Krummenacher, Reto and Lausen, Holger and Mocan, Adrian and Scicluna, James and Toma, Ioan and Zaremba, Michal
(2006) A Semantically Enabled Service Oriented Architecture.
In: Web Intelligence Meets Brain Informatics, First WICI International Workshop, WImBI 2006, Beijing, China, December 15-16, 2006, Revised Selected and Invited Papers.

Aslan, Ilhan and Schwalm, Maximilian and Baus, Jörg and Krüger, Antonio and Schwartz, Tim
(2006) Acquisition of spatial knowledge in location aware mobile pedestrian navigation systems.
In: Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, Mobile HCI 2006, Helsinki, Finland, September 12-15, 2006.

Backes, Michael
(2006) Real-or-Random Key Secrecy of the Otway-Rees Protocol via a Symbolic Security Proof.
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS), 155. pp. 111-145.

Backes, Michael and Cachin, Christian and Oprea, Alina
(2006) Secure Key-Updating for Lazy Revocation.
In: Proceedings of 11th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security(ESORICS).

Backes, Michael and Cervesato, Iliano and Jaggard, Aaron D and Scedrov, Andre and Tsay, Joe-Kai
(2006) Cryptographically Sound Security Proofs for Basic and Public-key Kerberos.
In: Proceedings of 11th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security(ESORICS).

Backes, Michael and Datta, Anupam and Derek, Ante and Mitchell, John C. and Ramanathan, Ajith and Scedrov, Andre
(2006) Games and the Impossibility of Realizable Ideal Functionality.

Backes, Michael and Datta, Anupam and Derek, Ante and Mitchell, John C. and Turuani, Mathieu
(2006) Compositional Analysis of Contract Signing Protocols.
Theoretical Computer Science, 367 (1-2). pp. 33-56.

Backes, Michael and Dürmuth, Markus and Hofheinz, Dennis and Küsters, Ralf
(2006) Conditional Reactive Simulatability.
In: Proceedings of 11th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS).

Backes, Michael and Gritzalis, Stefanos and Preneel, Bart and Katsikas, Sokratis K and Lopez, Javier
(2006) Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Information Security (ISC), Samos Island, Greece.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4176 . Springer.

Backes, Michael and Laud, Peeter
(2006) Computationally Sound Secrecy Proofs by Mechanized Flow Analysis.
In: Proceedings of 13th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS).
Conference: CCS ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security

Backes, Michael and Laud, Peeter
(2006) Computationally Sound Secrecy Proofs by Mechanized Flow Analysis.

Backes, Michael and Mödersheim, Sebastian and Pfitzmann, Birgit and Vigano, Luca
(2006) Symbolic and Cryptographic Analysis of the Secure WS-ReliableMessaging Scenario.
In: Proceedings of Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures (FOSSACS).

Backes, Michael and Müller-Quade, Jörn and Unruh, Dominique
(2006) On the Necessity of Rewinding in Secure Multiparty Computation.

Backes, Michael and Pfitzmann, Birgit
(2006) On the Cryptographic Key Secrecy of the Strengthened Yahalom Protocol.
In: Proceedings of 21st IFIP International Information Security Conference (SEC).

Backes, Michael and Pfitzmann, Birgit and Waidner, Michael
(2006) Formal Methods and Cryptography.
In: Proceedings of 14th International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM).

Backes, Michael and Pfitzmann, Birgit and Waidner, Michael
(2006) Limits of the Reactive Simulatability/UC of Dolev-Yao Models with Hashes.
In: Proceedings of 11th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security(ESORICS).

Backes, Michael and Pfitzmann, Birgit and Waidner, Michael
(2006) Soundness Limits of Dolev-Yao Models.

Butz, Andreas and Kray, Christian and Krüger, Antonio and Schwesig, Carsten
(2006) Workshop W2: multi-user and ubiquitous user interfaces (MU3I 2006).
In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI 2006, Sydney, Australia, January 29 - February 1, 2006.

Butz, Andreas and Krüger, Antonio
(2006) Applying the Peephole Metaphor in a Mixed-Reality Room.
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 26 (1). 56–63.

Butz, Andreas and Krüger, Antonio
(2006) User-centered development of a pervasive healthcare application.
In: 1st International ICST Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, PervasiveHealth 2006, Innsbruck, Austria, November 29 - December 1, 2006.

Domshlak, Carmel and Hoffmann, Jörg
(2006) Fast Probabilistic Planning through Weighted Model Counting.
In: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS 2006, Cumbria, UK, June 6-10, 2006.

Hammer, Christian and Grimme, Martin and Krinke, Jens
(2006) Dynamic path conditions in dependence graphs.
In: PEPM '06: Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Partial evaluation and semantics-based program manipulation.

Hammer, Christian and Krinke, Jens and Nodes, Frank
(2006) Intransitive Noninterference in Dependence Graphs.
In: Proc. Second International Symposium on Leveraging Application of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISoLA 2006).

Hammer, Christian and Krinke, Jens and Snelting, Gregor
(2006) Information Flow Control for Java Based on Path Conditions in Dependence Graphs.
In: Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Secure Software Engineering (ISSSE'06).

Hein, Matthias
(2006) Uniform Convergence of Adaptive Graph-Based Regularization.
In: Learning Theory, 19th Annual Conference on Learning Theory, COLT 2006, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, June 22-25, 2006, Proceedings.

Hein, Matthias and Maier, Markus
(2006) Manifold Denoising.
In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 19, Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, December 4-7, 2006.

Hoffmann, Jörg
(2006) KI 2007: Call for Tutorials.
KI, 20 (4). p. 65.

Hoffmann, Jörg and Brafman, Ronen I.
(2006) Conformant planning via heuristic forward search: A new approach.
Artif. Intell., 170 (6-7). 507–541.

Hoffmann, Jörg and Edelkamp, Stefan and Thiébaux, Sylvie and Englert, Roman and dos Liporace, Frederico S. and Trüg, Sebastian
(2006) Engineering Benchmarks for Planning: the Domains Used in the Deterministic Part of IPC-4.
J. Artif. Intell. Res., 26. 453–541.

Hoffmann, Jörg and Gomes, Carla P. and Selman, Bart
(2006) Structure and Problem Hardness: Goal Asymmetry and DPLL Proofs in SAT-Based Planning.
In: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS 2006, Cumbria, UK, June 6-10, 2006.

Hoffmann, Jörg and Sabharwal, Ashish and Domshlak, Carmel
(2006) Friends or Foes? An AI Planning Perspective on Abstraction and Search.
In: Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS 2006, Cumbria, UK, June 6-10, 2006.

Hoffmann, Jörg and Smaus, Jan-Georg and Rybalchenko, Andrey and Kupferschmid, Sebastian and Podelski, Andreas
(2006) Using Predicate Abstraction to Generate Heuristic Functions in UPPAAL.
In: Model Checking and Artificial Intelligence, 4th Workshop, MoChArt IV, Riva del Garda, Italy, August 29, 2006, Revised Selected and Invited Papers.

Hofheinz, Dennis and Müller-Quade, Jörn and Unruh, Dominique
(2006) On the (Im-)Possibility of Extending Coin Toss.
In: Advances in Cryptology, Proceedings of EUROCRYPT '06.
Conference: EuroCrypt International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques

Hofheinz, Dennis and Unruh, Dominique
(2006) Simulatable Security and Polynomially Bounded Concurrent Composition.
In: IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, Proceedings of SSP '06.

Hofheinz, Dennis and Unruh, Dominique
(2006) An attack on a group-based cryptographic scheme.
In: Algebraic Methods in Cryptography.

Kupferschmid, Sebastian and Hoffmann, Jörg and Dierks, Henning and Behrmann, Gerd
(2006) Adapting an AI Planning Heuristic for Directed Model Checking.
In: Model Checking Software, 13th International SPIN Workshop, Vienna, Austria, March 30 - April 1, 2006, Proceedings.

Leeuwen, M. van and Vreeken, Jilles and Siebes, A.
(2006) Compression Picks Item Sets That Matter.
In: KDD06.

Müller, Hans Jörg and Krüger, Antonio
(2006) MusicSpace: A Multi Perspective Browser for Music Albums.
In: Smart Graphics, 6th International Symposium, SG 2006, Vancouver, Canada, July 23-25, 2006, Proceedings.

Müller, Hans Jörg and Schöning, Johannes and Krüger, Antonio
(2006) Mobile Map Interaction - Evaluation in an indoor scenario.
In: Informatik 2006 - Informatik für Menschen, Band 2, Beiträge der 36. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 2.-6. Oktober 2006 in Dresden.

Müller-Quade, Jörn and Unruh, Dominique
(2006) Composable Deniability (abstract).

Rolli, Daniel and Conrad, Michael and Neumann, Dirk and Sorge, Christoph
(2006) Distributed Ascending Proxy Auction: A Cryptographic Approach.
Wirtschaftsinformatik, 48 (1). pp. 7-15.

Siebes, A. and Vreeken, Jilles and Leeuwen, M. van
(2006) Item Sets that Compress.
In: Proceedings of the SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM).

Sorge, Christoph
(2006) Vertragsschluss durch Softwareagenten: Motivation und rechtliche Einordnung.
In: e-Staat und e-Wirtschaft aus rechtlicher Sicht: Tagungsband des 9. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik-Symposions IRIS 2006.

Sorge, Christoph and Dreier, Thomas and Zitterbart, Martina
(2006) Trust and the Law.
In: UNSPECIFIED Universitätsverlag Karlsruhe, pp. 45-56.

Sorge, Christoph and Zitterbart, Martina
(2006) A reputation-based system for confidentiality modeling in peer-to-peer networks.
In: Trust Management: Fourth International Conference, iTrust 2006, Pisa, Italy, Proceedings.

Sprenger, Christoph and Backes, Michael and Basin, David and Pfitzmann, Birgit and Waidner, Michael
(2006) Cryptographically Sound Theorem Proving.
In: Proceedings of 19th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop (CSFW).

Unruh, Dominique
(2006) Quantum Programming Languages.
Informatik - Forschung und Entwicklung, 21 (1). pp. 55-63.

Unruh, Dominique and Müller-Quade, Jörn and Hofheinz, Dennis
(2006) A Simple Model of Polynomial Time UC (abstract).

Wasinger, Rainer and Krüger, Antonio
(2006) Modality preferences in mobile and instrumented environments.
In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI 2006, Sydney, Australia, January 29 - February 1, 2006.

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