Items where Year is 2007

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Number of items: 72.

(2007) Smart Graphics, 7th International Symposium, SG 2007, Kyoto, Japan, June 25-27, 2007, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4569 . Springer.

Backes, Michael and Cortesi, Agostino and Focardi, Riccardo and Maffei, Matteo
(2007) A Calculus of Challenges and Responses.
In: Proceedings of 5th ACM Workshop on Formal Methods in Security Engineering (FMSE).

Backes, Michael and Cortesi, Agostino and Maffei, Matteo
(2007) Causality-based Abstraction of Multiplicity in Security Protocol Analysis.

Backes, Michael and Cortesi, Agostino and Maffei, Matteo
(2007) Causality-based Abstraction of Multiplicity in Security Protocols.
In: Proceedings of 20th IEEE Computer Security Foundation Symposium (CSF).
Conference: CSF IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (was CSFW)

Backes, Michael and Dürmuth, Markus
(2007) Enterprise Privacy Policies and Languages.

Backes, Michael and Dürmuth, Markus
(2007) Enterprise Privacy Policies and Languages.

Backes, Michael and Dürmuth, Markus and Küsters, Ralf
(2007) On Simulatability Soundness and Mapping Soundness of Symbolic Cryptography.
In: Proceedings of 27th International Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS).

Backes, Michael and Dürmuth, Markus and Unruh, Dominique
(2007) Information Flow in the Peer-Reviewing Process (extended abstract).
In: Proceedings of 28th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SSP).

Backes, Michael and Dürmuth, Markus and Unruh, Dominique
(2007) Vorgetäuscht / Böse Textdokumente -- Postscript gone wild.
Heise Verlag, Hannover

Backes, Michael and Müller-Quade, Jörn and Unruh, Dominique
(2007) On the Necessity of Rewinding in Secure Multiparty Computation.
In: Theory of Cryptography, Proceedings of TCC 2007.

Backes, Michael and Pfitzmann, Birgit and Scedrov, Andre
(2007) Key-dependent Message Security under Active Attacks - BRSIM/UC-Soundness of Symbolic Encryption with Key Cycles.
In: Proceedings of 20th IEEE Computer Security Foundation Symposium (CSF).
Conference: CSF IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (was CSFW)

Backes, Michael and Pfitzmann, Birgit and Waidner, Michael
(2007) The Reactive Simulatability Framework for Asynchronous Systems.
Information and Computation.

Backes, Michael and Unruh, Dominique
(2007) On the Security of Protocols with Logarithmic Communication Complexity.

Baus, Jörg and Wasinger, Rainer and Aslan, Ilhan and Krüger, Antonio and Maier, Andreas and Schwartz, Tim
(2007) Auditory perceptible landmarks in mobile navigation.
In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, January 28-31, 2007.

Berg, Matthias
(2007) On Key-dependent Encryption.
Masters thesis, Saarland University.

Bertoli, Piergiorgio and Hoffmann, Jörg and Lécué, Freddy and Pistore, Marco
(2007) Integrating Discovery and Automated Composition: from Semantic Requirements to Executable Code.
In: 2007 IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2007), July 9-13, 2007, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

Bettenburg, Nicolas and Just, Sascha and Schröter, Adrian and Weiss, Cathrin and Premraj, Rahul and Zimmermann, Thomas
(2007) Quality of Bug Reports in Eclipse.
In: Proceedings of the 2007 OOPSLA Workshop on Eclipse Technology eXchange.

Borges, Georg and Stuckenberg, Carl-Friedrich and Wegener, Christoph
(2007) Bekämpfung der Computerkriminalität - Zum Entwurf eines Strafrechtsänderungsgesetzes zur Bekämpfung der Computerkriminalität.
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, 31 (4). 275–278.

Böttcher, Süntje
(2007) Multiparty Computation in an Asynchronous Network.
Bachelors thesis, Saarland University.

Domshlak, Carmel and Hoffmann, Jörg
(2007) Probabilistic Planning via Heuristic Forward Search and Weighted Model Counting.
J. Artif. Intell. Res., 30. 565–620.

Eigner, Fabienne
(2007) Cryptographic Soundness of Simpler Symbolic Signatures and Authentications.
Bachelors thesis, Saarland University.

Gerling, Sebastian
(2007) LAN Crypt Gateway and Secure Browser Access.
Bachelors thesis, Saarland University.

Giffhorn, Dennis and Hammer, Christian
(2007) An Evaluation of Precise Slicing Algorithms for Concurrent Programs.
In: SCAM'07: Seventh IEEE International Working Conference on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation.

Gomes, Carla P. and Hoffmann, Jörg and Sabharwal, Ashish and Selman, Bart
(2007) From Sampling to Model Counting.
In: IJCAI 2007, Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Hyderabad, India, January 6-12, 2007.

Gomes, Carla P. and Hoffmann, Jörg and Sabharwal, Ashish and Selman, Bart
(2007) Sampling and Soundness: Can We Have Both?
In: Proceedings of the First International Workshop Workshop "New forms of reasoning for the Semantic Web: scalable, tolerant and dynamic", co-located with ISWC 2007 and ASWC 2007, Busan, Korea, November 11th, 2007.

Gomes, Carla P. and Hoffmann, Jörg and Sabharwal, Ashish and Selman, Bart
(2007) Short XORs for Model Counting: From Theory to Practice.
In: Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2007, 10th International Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, May 28-31, 2007, Proceedings.

Grochulla, Martin
(2007) Trust Model for eVoting.
Bachelors thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Hein, Matthias and Audibert, Jean-Yves and von Luxburg, Ulrike
(2007) Graph Laplacians and their Convergence on Random Neighborhood Graphs.
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 8. 1325–1368.

Hein, Matthias and Maier, Markus
(2007) Manifold Denoising as Preprocessing for Finding Natural Representations of Data.
In: Proceedings of the Twenty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 22-26, 2007, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Helmert, Malte and Haslum, Patrik and Hoffmann, Jörg
(2007) Flexible Abstraction Heuristics for Optimal Sequential Planning.
In: Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS 2007, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, September 22-26, 2007.

Hoffmann, Jörg and Bertoli, Piergiorgio and Pistore, Marco
(2007) Web Service Composition as Planning, Revisited: In Between Background Theories and Initial State Uncertainty.
In: Proceedings of the Twenty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 22-26, 2007, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Hoffmann, Jörg and Gomes, Carla P. and Selman, Bart
(2007) Structure and Problem Hardness: Goal Asymmetry and DPLL Proofs in SAT-Based Planning.
Logical Methods in Computer Science, 3 (1).

Hoffmann, Jörg and Gomes, Carla P. and Selman, Bart and Kautz, Henry A.
(2007) SAT Encodings of State-Space Reachability Problems in Numeric Domains.
In: IJCAI 2007, Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Hyderabad, India, January 6-12, 2007.

Hoffmann, Jörg and Scicluna, James and Kaczmarek, Tomasz and Weber, Ingo
(2007) Polynomial-Time Reasoning for Semantic Web Service Composition.
In: 2007 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing - Workshops (SCW 2007), 9-13 July 2007, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

Hofheinz, Dennis and Unruh, Dominique and Müller-Quade, Jörn
(2007) Universally Composable Zero-Knowledge Arguments and Commitments from Signature Cards.
Tatra Mt. Math. Pub.. pp. 93-103.

Kritzler, Mareike and Lewejohann, Lars and Krüger, Antonio
(2007) Analysing Movement and Behavioural Patterns of Laboratory Mice in a Semi Natural Environment Based on Data collected via RFID-Technology.
In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Behaviour Monitoring and Interpretation BMI 2007, Osnabrück, Germany, September 10, 2007.

Kritzler, Mareike and Raubal, Martin and Krüger, Antonio
(2007) A GIS Framework for Spatio-temporal Analysis and Visualization of Laboratory Mice Tracking Data.
Trans. GIS, 11 (5). 765–782.

Krüger, Antonio and Baus, Jörg and Heckmann, Dominik and Kruppa, Michael and Wasinger, Rainer
(2007) Adaptive Mobile Guides.
In: The Adaptive Web, Methods and Strategies of Web Personalization.

Krüger, Antonio and Jiang, Xiaoyi
(2007) Improving Human Computer Interaction Through Embedded Vision Technology.
In: Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, ICME 2007, July 2-5, 2007, Beijing, China.

Krüger, Antonio and Kruppa, Michael and Rocchi, Cesare
(2007) Integration of Mobile and Stationary Presentation Devices.
In: PEACH - Intelligent Interfaces for Museum Visits. Cognitive Technologies . Springer, 147–164.

Kupferschmid, Sebastian and Drager, Klaus and Hoffmann, Jörg and Finkbeiner, Bernd and Dierks, Henning and Podelski, Andreas and Behrmann, Gerd
(2007) Uppaal/DMC- Abstraction-Based Heuristics for Directed Model Checking.
In: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 13th International Conference, TACAS 2007, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2007 Braga, Portugal, March 24 - April 1, 2007, Proceedi.
Conference: TACAS Tools and Algorithms for Construction and Analysis of Systems

Maier, Markus and Hein, Matthias and von Luxburg, Ulrike
(2007) Cluster Identification in Nearest-Neighbor Graphs.
In: Algorithmic Learning Theory, 18th International Conference, ALT 2007, Sendai, Japan, October 1-4, 2007, Proceedings.

Müller, Hans Jörg and Krüger, Antonio
(2007) Learning Topologies of Situated Public Displays by Observing Implicit User Interactions.
In: Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Ambient Interaction, 4th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, UAHCI 2007 Held as Part of HCI International 2007 Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007 Proceedings, Part II.

Müller, Hans Jörg and Krüger, Antonio
(2007) Visual Navigation within Conceptual Spaces.
In: Simulation und Visualisierung 2007 (SimVis 2007), 8-9 März 2007, Magdeburg.

Müller, Jörg and Krüger, Antonio
(2007) Competing for your Attention: Negative Externalities in Digital Signage Advertising.
In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Ambient Information Systems, Colocated at Pervasive 2007, Toronto, Canada, May 13, 2007.

Müller, Jörg and Krüger, Antonio and Kuflik, Tsvi
(2007) Maximizing the Utility of Situated Public Displays.
In: User Modeling 2007, 11th International Conference, UM 2007, Corfu, Greece, June 25-29, 2007, Proceedings.

Müller, Jörg and Paczkowski, Oliver and Krüger, Antonio
(2007) Situated Public News and Reminder Displays.
In: Ambient Intelligence, European Conference, AmI 2007, Darmstadt, Germany, November 7-10, 2007, Proceedings.

Müller, Markus
(2007) Implementing Fuzzy Identity-Based Encryption.
Bachelors thesis, Saarland University.

Müller-Quade, Jörn and Unruh, Dominique
(2007) Long-term Security and Universal Composability.
In: Theory of Cryptography, Proceedings of TCC 2007.

Nicolay, Martin
(2007) Design und Implementierung eines Sync-ML Clients für das c`man-Framework für Symbian Gerät.
Bachelors thesis, UNSPECIFIED.

Pecina, Kim
(2007) Mechanized verification of Security Protocols Using Causality-based Abstractions.
Bachelors thesis, Saarland University.

Rohs, Michael and Schöning, Johannes and Raubal, Martin and Essl, Georg and Krüger, Antonio
(2007) Map navigation with mobile devices: virtual versus physical movement with and without visual context.
In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces, ICMI 2007, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan, November 12-15, 2007.

Roibás, Anxo Cereijo and Krüger, Antonio
(2007) Designing intelligent user interface for ubiquitous computing environments.
In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, January 28-31, 2007.

Schellenbach, Michael and Krüger, Antonio and Lövdén, Martin and Lindenberger, Ulman
(2007) A laboratory evaluation framework for pedestrian navigation devices.
In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Mobile Technology, Applications, and Systems and the 1st International Symposium on Computer Human Interaction in Mobile Technology, Mobility Conference 2007, Singapore, September 10-12, 2007.

Schmitz, Michael and Krüger, Antonio and Schmidt, Sarah
(2007) Modelling personality in voices of talking products through prosodic parameters.
In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, January 28-31, 2007.

Sen, Sumit and Krüger, Antonio
(2007) Heuristics for Constructing Bayesian Network Based Geospatial Ontologies.
In: On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2007: CoopIS, DOA, ODBASE, GADA, and IS, OTM Confederated International Conferences CoopIS, DOA, ODBASE, GADA, and IS 2007, Vilamoura, Portugal, November 25-30, 2007, Proceedings, Part I.

Siebes, Arno and van Leeuwen, Matthijs and Vreeken, Jilles
(2007) MDL for Pattern Mining.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Statistics for Data Mining, Learning and Knowledge Extraction Models (IASC).

Sirbu, Adina and Hoffmann, Jörg
(2007) Scalable Web Service Composition with Partial Matches.
In: Proceedings of the KWEPSY 2007 Knowledge Web PhD Symposium 2007, Innsbruck, Austria, June 6, 2007.

Sorge, Christoph
(2007) A Chord-based Recommender System.
In: Proceedings of the 32nd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks.

Sorge, Christoph
(2007) Datenschutz in P2P-basierten Systemen: Peer-to-Peer-Netze jenseits des Filesharing.
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, 31 (2). pp. 102-106.

Sorge, Christoph
(2007) Rechtliche Einordnung Peer-to-Peer-basierter Dienste.
In: 10 Jahre IRIS: Bilanz und Ausblick. Tagungsband des 10. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik Symposions IRIS 2007.

Stock, Oliviero and Krüger, Antonio and Kuflik, Tsvi and Zancanaro, Massimo
(2007) Intelligent Interfaces for Groups in a Museum.
In: PEACH - Intelligent Interfaces for Museum Visits. Cognitive Technologies . Springer, 269–288.

Stock, Oliviero and Zancanaro, Massimo and Busetta, Paolo and Callaway, Charles B. and Krüger, Antonio and Kruppa, Michael and Kuflik, Tsvi and Not, Elena and Rocchi, Cesare
(2007) Adaptive, intelligent presentation of information for the museum visitor in PEACH.
User Model. User-Adapt. Interact., 17 (3). 257–304.

Stollberg, Michael and Hepp, Martin and Hoffmann, Jörg
(2007) A Caching Mechanism for Semantic Web Service Discovery.
In: The Semantic Web, 6th International Semantic Web Conference, 2nd Asian Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2007 + ASWC 2007, Busan, Korea, November 11-15, 2007..

Tippenhauer, Nils Ole
(2007) Design and Cryptoanalysis of Multi-Precision Arithmetics on Smart Cards with SmartMIPS Architecture.
Masters thesis, Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH).

Unruh, Dominique
(2007) Protokollkomposition und Komplexität.
In: UNSPECIFIED Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) -- Dissertations, D-7 . Gesellschaft für Informatik, pp. 189-198.

Unruh, Dominique
(2007) Protokollkomposition und Komplexität.
Doctoral thesis, Universität Karlsruhe (TH).

Unruh, Dominique
(2007) Quantum Programs with Classical Output Streams.
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 170. pp. 165-184.

Unruh, Dominique
(2007) Random Oracles and Auxiliary Input.
In: Proceedings of Crypto 2007.

Vreeken, Jilles and Leeuwen, M. van and Siebes, A.
(2007) Characterising the Difference.
In: KDD07.

Vreeken, Jilles and Leeuwen, M. van and Siebes, A.
(2007) Preserving Privacy through Data Generation.
In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM).

Weber, Ingo and Hoffmann, Jörg and Mendling, Jan and Nitzsche, Jörg
(2007) Towards a Methodology for Semantic Business Process Modeling and Configuration.
In: Service-Oriented Computing - ICSOC 2007 Workshops, International Workshops, Vienna, Austria, September 17, 2007, Revised Selected Papers.

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