Number of items: 229.
Automata, Languages, and Programming - 39th International Colloquium, ICALP 2012, Warwick, UK, July 9-13, 2012, Proceedings, Part I.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7391
Automata, Languages, and Programming - 39th International Colloquium, ICALP 2012, Warwick, UK, July 9-13, 2012, Proceedings, Part II.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7392
KI 2012: Advances in Artificial Intelligence - 35th Annual German Conference on AI, Saarbrücken, Germany, September 24-27, 2012. Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7526
Pervasive Computing - 10th International Conference, Pervasive 2012, Newcastle, UK, June 18-22, 2012. Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7319
Proceedings Second International Workshop on Interactions, Games and Protocols, IWIGP 2012, Tallinn, Estonia, 25th March 2012.
Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 22-26, 2012, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
AAAI Press.
Proceedings of the Workshop on JavaScript Tools.
Ubiquitous Display Environments.
Cognitive Technologies
Aditya, Paarijaat and Zhao, Mingchen and Lin, Yin and Haeberlen, Andreas and Druschel, Peter and Maggs, Bruce and Wishon, Bill
Reliable Client Accounting for P2P-infrastructure Hybrids.
Afshani, Peyman and Agrawal, Manindra and Doerr, Benjamin and Winzen, Carola and Larsen, Kasper Green and Mehlhorn, Kurt
The Deterministic and Randomized Query Complexity of a Simple Guessing Game.
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC), 19.
p. 87.
Akkus, Istemi Ekin and Chen, Ruichuan and Hardt, Michaela and Francis, Paul and Gehrke, Johannes
Non-tracking Web Analytics.
Akoglu, Leman and Tong, Hanghang and Vreeken, Jilles and Faloutsos, Christos
Fast and Reliable Anomaly Detection in Categoric Data.
Akoglu, Leman and Vreeken, Jilles and Tong, Hanghang and Chau, Duen Horng and Faloutsos, Christos
Mining and Visualizing Connection Pathways in Large Information Networks.
Alkassar, Eyad and Cohen, Ernie and Kovalev, Mikhail and Paul, Wolfgang J.
Verification of TLB Virtualization Implemented in C.
Asghar, Muhammad Rizwan and Ion, Mihaela and Russello, Giovanni and Crispo, Bruno
Securing Data Provenance in the Cloud.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7039
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 145-160.
ISBN 978-3-642-27584-5
Asghar, Muhammad Rizwan and Russello, Giovanni
ACTORS: A Goal-Driven Approach for Capturing and Managing Consent in e-Health Systems.
Asghar, Muhammad Rizwan and Russello, Giovanni
Flexible and Dynamic Consent-Capturing.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7039
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 119-131.
ISBN 978-3-642-27584-5
Awadallah, Rawia and Ramanath, Maya and Weikum, Gerhard
Harmony and dissonance: organizing the people's voices on political controversies.
Awadallah, Rawia and Ramanath, Maya and Weikum, Gerhard
OpinioNetIt: A Structured and Faceted Knowledge-base of Opinions.
Awadallah, Rawia and Ramanath, Maya and Weikum, Gerhard
PolariCQ: polarity classification of political quotations.
Backes, Michael and Barthe, Gilles and Berg, Matthias and Grégoire, Benjamin and Kunz, César and Skoruppa, Malte and Béguelin, Santiago Zanella
Verified Security of Merkle-Damgård.
Backes, Michael and Bendun, Fabian and Kate, Aniket
Brief announcement: distributed cryptography using trinc.
Backes, Michael and Bendun, Fabian and Unruh, Dominique
Computational Soundness of Symbolic Zero-knowledge Proofs: Weaker Assumptions and Mechanized Verification.
Backes, Michael and Busenius, Alex and Hriţcu, Cătălin
On the Development and Formalization of an Extensible Code Generator for Real Life Security Protocols.
Backes, Michael and Gerling, Sebastian and Hammer, Christian and Maffei, Matteo and Styp-Rekowsky, Philipp von
AppGuard - Real-time Policy Enforcement for Third-Party Applications.
Technical Report.
Backes, Michael and Goldberg, Ian and Kate, Aniket and Toft, Tomas
Adding query privacy to robust DHTs.
Backes, Michael and Kate, Aniket and Goldberg, Ian and Mohammadi, Esfandiar
Provably Secure and Practical Onion Routing.
Backes, Michael and Kate, Aniket and Maffei, Matteo and Pecina, Kim
ObliviAd: Provably Secure and Practical Online Behavioral Advertising.
Backes, Michael and Kate, Aniket and Mohammadi, Esfandiar
Ace: An Efficient Key-Exchange Protocol for Onion Routing.
Backes, Michael and Maffei, Matteo and Pecina, Kim
Automated Synthesis of Secure Distributed Applications.
Backes, Michael and Malik, Ankit and Unruh, Dominique
Computational Soundness without Protocol Restrictions.
Basin, David and Cremers, Cas and Meier, Simon
Provably Repairing the ISO/IEC 9798 Standard for Entity Authentication.
Basin, David and Jugé, Vincent and Klaedtke, Felix and Zvalinescu, Eugen
Enforceable Security Policies Revisited.
Basin, David and Klaedtke, Felix and Marinovic, Srdjan and Zălinescu, Eugen
Monitoring compliance policies over incomplete and disagreeing logs.
Benz, Florian and Hildebrandt, Andreas and Hack, Sebastian
A dynamic program analysis to find floating-point accuracy problems.
Berrang, Pascal and Bogdoll, Jonathan and Hahn, Ernst Moritz and Hartmanns, Arnd and Hermanns, Holger
Dependability Results for Power Grids with Decentralized Stabilization Strategies.
AVACS Technical Report (83).
ISSN 1860-9821
Bessani, Alysson and Abbadi, Imad and Bugiel, Sven and Cesena, Emanuele and Deng, Mina and Gröne, Michael and Marnau, Ninja and Nürnberger, Stefan and Pasin, Marco and Schirmer, Norbert
TClouds: Privacy and Resilience for Internet-scale Critical Infrastructures.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Bonifaci, Vincenzo and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Varma, Girish
Physarum can compute shortest paths.
Brasser, Franz Ferdinand and Bugiel, Sven and Filyanov, Atanas and Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza and Schulz, Steffen
Softer Smartcards: Usable Cryptographic Tokens with Secure Execution.
Bugiel, Sven and Davi, Lucas and Dmitrienko, Alexandra and Fischer, Thomas and Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza and Shastry, Bhargava
Towards Taming Privilege-Escalation Attacks on Android.
Bugliesi, Michele and Calzavara, Stefano and Eigner, Fabienne and Maffei, Matteo
Affine Refinement Types for Authentication and Authorization.
Böhm, Christoph and de, Gerard Melo and Naumann, Felix and Weikum, Gerhard
LINDA: distributed web-of-data-scale entity matching.
Carreira, João Carlos Menezes and Rodrigues, Rodrigo and Candea, George and Majumdar, Rupak
Scalable Testing of File System Checkers.
Carzaniga, Antonio and Gorla, Alessandra and Mattavelli, Andrea and Perino, Nicolò
A self-healing technique for Java applications.
Cauchard, Jessica R. and Löchtefeld, Markus and Fraser, Mike and Krüger, Antonio and Subramanian, Sriram
m+pSpaces: virtual workspaces in the spatially-aware mobile environment.
Cha, Meeyoung and Benevenuto, Fabrício and Haddadi, Hamed and Gummadi, Krishna P.
The World of Connections and Information Flow in Twitter.
IEEE Trans. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A, 42 (4).
Chatterjee, Krishnendu and Chmelik, Martin and Majumdar, Rupak
Equivalence of Games with Probabilistic Uncertainty and Partial-Observation Games.
Chau, Duen Horng and Akoglu, Leman and Vreeken, Jilles and Tong, Hanghang and Faloutsos, Christos
Interactively and Visually Exploring Tours of Marked Nodes in Large Graphs.
Chau, Duen Horng and Akoglu, Leman and Vreeken, Jilles and Tong, Hanghang and Faloutsos, Christos
\textsc TourViz : Interactive Visualization of Connection Pathways in Large Graphs.
Cheikhrouhou, Lassaad and Stephan, Werner and Fischlin, Marc and Ullmann, Markus
Merging the Cryptographic Security Analysis and the Algebraic-Logic Security Proof of PACE.
Chen, Ruichuan and Reznichenko, Alexey and Francis, Paul and Gehrke, Johannes
Towards Statistical Queries over Distributed Private User Data.
Ciobotaru, Oana
On the (Non-)Equivalence of UC Security Notions.
Ciobotaru, Oana
Rational Cryptography.
Doctoral thesis, Saarland University.
Clement, Allen and Junqueira, Flavio and Kate, Aniket and Rodrigues, Rodrigo
On the (limited) power of non-equivocation.
Cloud, Arbeitsgruppe "Rechtsrahmen Cloud Computing" Kompetenzzentrum Tr
Cloud Computing: solutions in the field of data protection law - Cloud Computing Legal Framework Working Group.
Technical Report.
Cloud, Arbeitsgruppe "Rechtsrahmen Cloud Computing" Kompetenzzentrum Tr
Thesenpapier – Datenschutzrechtliche Lösungen für Cloud Computing.
Technical Report.
Daiber, Florian and Falk, Eric and Krüger, Antonio
Balloon selection revisited: multi-touch selection techniques for stereoscopic data.
Daiber, Florian and Gehring, Sven and Löchtefeld, Markus and Krüger, Antonio
TouchPosing: multi-modal interaction with geospatial data.
Daiber, Florian and Krüger, Antonio and Schöning, Johannes and Müller, Jörg
Context-Sensitive Display Environments.
Ubiquitous Display Environments.
Cognitive Technologies
Springer, 31–51.
Daiber, Florian and Li, Lianchao and Krüger, Antonio
Designing gestures for mobile 3D gaming.
Dallmeier, Valentin and Knopp, Nikolai and Mallon, Christoph and Fraser, Gordon and Hack, Sebastian and Zeller, Andreas
Automatically Generating Test Cases for Specification Mining.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 38 (2).
pp. 243-257.
Davi, Lucas and Dmitrienko, Alexandra and Egele, Manuel and Fischer, Thomas and Holz, Thorsten and Hund, Ralf and Nürnberger, Stefan and Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza
MoCFI: A Framework to Mitigate Control-Flow Attacks on Smartphones.
Davi, Lucas and Dmitrienko, Alexandra and Nürnberger, Stefan and Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza
XIFER: A Software Diversity Tool Against Code-Reuse Attacks.
Dimitrova, Rayna and Finkbeiner, Bernd
Counterexample-Guided Synthesis of Observation Predicates.
Dimitrova, Rayna and Finkbeiner, Bernd and Kovács, Máté and Rabe, Markus N. and Seidl, Helmut
Model Checking Information Flow in Reactive Systems.
Dimitrova, Rayna and Finkbeiner, Bernd and Rabe, Markus N.
Monitoring Temporal Information Flow.
Dittrich, Jens and Quiané-Ruiz, Jorge-Arnulfo
Efficient Big Data Processing in Hadoop MapReduce.
The Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), 5 (12).
pp. 2014-2015.
Dittrich, Jens and Quiané-Ruiz, Jorge-Arnulfo and Richter, Stefan and Schuh, Stefan and Jindal, Alekh and Schad, Jorg
Only Aggressive Elephants are Fast Elephants.
The Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB), 5 (11).
pp. 1591-1602.
Dolby, Julian and Hammer, Christian and Marino, Daniel and Tip, Frank and Vaziri, Mandana and Vitek, Jan
A data-centric approach to synchronization.
ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst., 34 (1).
Doychev, Goran
Analysis and Mitigation of Information Leaks in Web Browsing Traffic.
Masters thesis, Saarland University.
Dreyer, Derek and Neis, Georg and Birkedal, Lars
The impact of higher-order state and control effects on local relational reasoning.
J. Funct. Program., 22 (4-5).
Druschel, Peter
Accountability and Trust in Cooperative Information Systems.
Döttling, Nico and Dowsley, Rafael and Müller-Quade, Jörn and Nascimento, Anderson C. A.
A CCA2 Secure Variant of the McEliece Cryptosystem.
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 58 (10).
pp. 6672-6680.
Döttling, Nico and Kraschewski, Daniel and Müller-Quade, Jörn
Statistically Secure Linear-Rate Dimension Extension for Oblivious Affine Function Evaluation.
Döttling, Nico and Nascimento, Anderson C. A. and Müller-Quade, Jörn
IND-CCA Secure Cryptography Based on a Variant of the LPN Problem.
Ebert, Sandra and Fritz, Mario and Schiele, Bernt
Active Metric Learning for Object Recognition.
Ebert, Sandra and Fritz, Mario and Schiele, Bernt
RALF: A reinforced active learning formulation for object class recognition.
Ebert, Sandra and Fritz, Mario and Schiele, Bernt
Semi-Supervised Learning on a Budget: Scaling Up to Large Datasets.
Ehlers, Rüdiger and Finkbeiner, Bernd
Monitoring Realizability.
Elmasry, Amr and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schmidt, Jens M.
An O(n+m) Certifying Triconnnectivity Algorithm for Hamiltonian Graphs.
Algorithmica, 62 (3-4).
pp. 754-766.
Esparza, Javier and Ganty, Pierre and Majumdar, Rupak
A Perfect Model for Bounded Verification.
Fahl, Sascha and Harbach, Marian and Muders, Thomas and Baumgärtner, Lars and Freisleben, Bernd and Smith, Matthew
Why Eve and Mallory Love Android: An Analysis of Android SSL (in)Security.
Fehringer, Benedict and Bulling, Andreas and Krüger, Antonio
Analysing the potential of adapting head-mounted eye tracker calibration to a new user.
Finkbeiner, Bernd and Jacobs, Swen
Lazy Synthesis.
Finkbeiner, Bernd and Peter, Hans-Jörg
Template-Based Controller Synthesis for Timed Systems.
Fiore, Dario and Schröder, Dominique
Uniqueness Is a Different Story: Impossibility of Verifiable Random Functions from Trapdoor Permutations.
Fischer, Jeffrey and Majumdar, Rupak and Esmaeilsabzali, Shahram
Engage: A Deployment Management System.
Fischlin, Marc and Lehmann, Anja and Schröder, Dominique
History-Free Sequential Aggregate Signatures.
Fischlin, Marc and Schröder, Dominique
Security of blind signatures under aborts and applications to adaptive oblivious transfer.
Journal of Mathematical Cryptology, 5 (2).
Fraser, Gordon and Zeller, Andreas
Mutation-Driven Generation of Unit Tests and Oracles.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 38 (2).
pp. 278-292.
Ganty, Pierre and Majumdar, Rupak
Algorithmic Verification of Asynchronous Programs.
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, 34 (1).
Garg, Deepak and Genovese, Valerio and Negri, Sara
Countermodels from Sequent Calculi in Multi-Modal Logics.
Garg, Deepak and Pfenning, Frank
Stateful authorization logic - Proof theory and a case study.
Journal of Computer Security, 20 (4).
pp. 353-391.
Gehring, Sven and Krüger, Antonio
Façade map: continuous interaction with media façades using cartographic map projections.
Gehring, Sven and Krüger, Antonio
Using media façades to engage social interaction.
Gehring, Sven and Löchtefeld, Markus and Daiber, Florian and Böhmer, Matthias and Krüger, Antonio
Using intelligent natural user interfaces to support sales conversations.
Genovese, Valerio and Garg, Deepak and Rispoli, Daniele
Labeled Goal-Directed Search in Access Control Logic.
Genovese, Valerio and Garg, Deepak and Rispoli, Daniele
Labeled Sequent Calculi for Access Control Logics: Countermodels, Saturation and Abduction.
Gerke, Michael and Ehlers, Rüdiger and Finkbeiner, Bernd and Peter, Hans-Jörg
FlexRay for Avionics: Automatic Verification with Parametric Physical Layers.
Ghosh, Saptarshi and Sharma, Naveen Kumar and Benevenuto, Fabrício and Ganguly, Niloy and Gummadi, Krishna P.
Cognos: crowdsourcing search for topic experts in microblogs.
Ghosh, Saptarshi and Viswanath, Bimal and Kooti, Farshad and Sharma, Naveen Kumar and Korlam, Gautam and Benevenuto, Fabrício and Ganguly, Niloy and Gummadi, Krishna P.
Understanding and combating link farming in the twitter social network.
Giustiniano, Domenico and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole and Mangold, Stefan
Low-complexity Visible Light Networking with LED-to-LED communication.
Gomez-Rodriguez, Manuel and Leskovec, Jure and Krause, Andreas
Inferring Networks of Diffusion and Influence.
TKDD, 5 (4).
Gomez-Rodriguez, Manuel and Leskovec, Jure and Schölkopf, Bernhard
Structure and Dynamics of Information Pathways in Online Media.
CoRR, abs/12.
Gomez-Rodriguez, Manuel and Rogati, Monica
Bridging offline and online social graph dynamics.
Gomez-Rodriguez, Manuel and Schölkopf, Bernhard
Influence Maximization in Continuous Time Diffusion Networks.
CoRR, abs/12.
Gomez-Rodriguez, Manuel and Schölkopf, Bernhard
Submodular Inference of Diffusion Networks from Multiple Trees.
Grier, Chris and Ballard, Lucas and Caballero, Juan and Chachra, Neha and Dietrich, Christian J. and Levchenko, Kirill and Mavrommatis, Panayiotis and McCoy, Damon and Nappa, Antonio and Pitsillidis, Andreas and Provos, Niels and Rafique, M. Zubair and Rajab, Moheeb Abu and Rossow, Christian and Thomas, Kurt and Paxson, Vern and Savage, Stefan and Voelker, Geoffrey M.
Manufacturing compromise: the emergence of exploit-as-a-service.
Gross, Florian and Fraser, Gordon and Zeller, Andreas
EXSYST: Search-based GUI testing.
Gross, Florian and Fraser, Gordon and Zeller, Andreas
Search-based system testing: high coverage, no false alarms.
Grosse, Kathrin and Chesñevar, Carlos Iván and Maguitman, Ana Gabriela
An Argument-based Approach to Mining Opinions from Twitter.
Grosse, Kathrin and Chesñevar, Carlos Iván and Maguitman, Ana Gabriela and Estevez, Elsa
Empowering an E-Government Platform Through Twitter-Based Arguments.
Inteligencia Artificial, Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial, 15 (50).
pp. 46-56.
Gummadi, Krishna P.
Extracting Relevant and Trustworthy Information from Microblogs.
Hartmanns, Arnd and Hermanns, Holger and Berrang, Pascal
A comparative analysis of decentralized power grid stabilization strategies.
Heymans, Stijn and Hoffmann, Jörg and Marconi, Annapaola and Phillips, Joshua and Weber, Ingo
Semantic Web Services Fundamentals.
Handbook of Service Description - USDL and Its Methods.
Springer, 135–158.
Hofbauer, Stefan and Beckers, Kristian and Quirchmayr, Gerald and Sorge, Christoph
A Lightweight Privacy Preserving Approach for Analysing Communication Records to Prevent VoIP Attacks using Toll Fraud as an Example.
Hoffart, Johannes and Seufert, Stephan and Nguyen, Dat Ba and Theobald, Martin and Weikum, Gerhard
KORE: keyphrase overlap relatedness for entity disambiguation.
Hoffmann, Jörg and Weber, Ingo and Governatori, Guido
On compliance checking for clausal constraints in annotated process models.
Information Systems Frontiers, 14 (2).
Hoffmann, Jörg and Weber, Ingo and Kraft, Frank Michael
SAP Speaks PDDL: Exploiting a Software-Engineering Model for Planning in Business Process Management.
J. Artif. Intell. Res., 44.
Hofheinz, Dennis and Unruh, Dominique and Müller-Quade, Jörn
Polynomial Runtime and Composability.
Journal of Cryptology.
Holler, Christian and Herzig, Kim and Zeller, Andreas
Fuzzing with Code Fragments.
Hur, Chung-Kil and Dreyer, Derek and Neis, Georg and Vafeiadis, Viktor
The marriage of bisimulations and Kripke logical relations.
Jacobs, Swen and Bloem, Roderick
Parameterized Synthesis.
Kane, Daniel M. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sauerwald, Thomas and Sun, He
Counting Arbitrary Subgraphs in Data Streams.
Karayev, Sergey and Baumgartner, Tobias and Fritz, Mario and Darrell, Trevor
Timely Object Recognition.
Kate, Aniket and Huang, Yizhou and Goldberg, Ian
Distributed Key Generation in the Wild.
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2012.
p. 377.
Katoen, Joost-Pieter and Klink, Daniel and Leucker, Martin and Wolf, Verena
Three-valued abstraction for probabilistic systems.
Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, 81 (4).
pp. 356-389.
Katz, Michael and Hoffmann, Jörg and Helmert, Malte
How to Relax a Bisimulation?
Keefe, Daniel F. and Krüger, Antonio and Steinicke, Frank and de la Rivière, Jean-Baptiste
Touching the 3rd Dimension (Dagstuhl Seminar 12151).
Dagstuhl Reports, 2 (4).
Kerber, Frederic and Lessel, Pascal and Daiber, Florian and Krüger, Antonio
Shift 'n' touch: combining Wii Balance Board and Cubtile.
Keyder, Emil Ragip and Hoffmann, Jörg and Haslum, Patrik
Semi-Relaxed Plan Heuristics.
Keyder, Emil Ragip and Hoffmann, Jörg and Haslum, Patrik
Semi-Relaxed Plan Heuristics.
Knuth, Karsten
Security Analysis of Browser Extension Concepts.
Bachelors thesis, Saarland University.
Kooti, Farshad and Mason, Winter A and Gummadi, Krishna P. and Cha, Meeyoung
Predicting emerging social conventions in online social networks.
Kooti, Farshad and Yang, Haeryun and Cha, Meeyoung and Gummadi, Krishna P. and Mason, Winter A.
The Emergence of Conventions in Online Social Networks.
Krishnaswami, Neelakantan R. and Turon, Aaron and Dreyer, Derek and Garg, Deepak
Superficially substructural types.
Kuhtz, Lars and Finkbeiner, Bernd
Efficient Parallel Path Checking for Linear-Time Temporal Logic With Past and Bounds.
Kulshrestha, Juhi and Kooti, Farshad and Nikravesh, Ashkan and Gummadi, Krishna P.
Geographic Dissection of the Twitter Network.
Künnemann, Robert and Steel, Graham
YubiSecure? Formal Security Analysis Results for the Yubikey and YubiHSM.
Lee, Jonathan K. and Palsberg, Jens and Majumdar, Rupak and Hong, Hong
Efficient May Happen in Parallel Analysis for Async-finish Parallelism.
Leiva, Luis A. and Böhmer, Matthias and Gehring, Sven and Krüger, Antonio
Back to the app: the costs of mobile application interruptions.
Lessel, Pascal and Böhmer, Matthias and Kröner, Alexander and Krüger, Antonio
User requirements and design guidelines for digital restaurant menus.
Li, Wenbin and Fritz, Mario
Recognizing Materials from Virtual Examples.
Liu, Yabing and Viswanath, Bimal and Mondal, Mainack and Gummadi, Krishna P. and Mislove, Alan
Simplifying friendlist management.
Long, Zhenyue and Calin, Georgel and Majumdar, Rupak and Meyer, Roland
Language-Theoretic Abstraction Refinement.
Lutz, Joachim
Model-based Monitoring for Sensitive SCADA Systems.
Bachelors thesis, Saarland University.
Mainberger, Markus and Backes, Michael and Berg, Matthias and Weickert, Joachim
Diffusion-Based Image Compression in Steganography.
Majumdar, Rupak and Saha, Indranil and Shashidhar, K C and Wang, Zilong
CLSE: Closed-Loop Symbolic Execution.
Majumdar, Rupak and Saha, Indranil and Zamani, Majid
Synthesis of minimal-error control software.
Majumdar, Rupak and Zamani, Majid
Approximately Bisimilar Symbolic Models for Digital Control Systems.
Maksoud, Mohamed Abdel and Reineke, Jan
An Empirical Evaluation of the Influence of the Load-Store Unit on WCET Analysis.
Mampaey, Michael and Vreeken, Jilles and Tatti, Nikolaj
Summarizing Data Succinctly with the Most Informative Itemsets.
Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data.
pp. 1-44.
Marino, Daniel and Hammer, Christian and Dolby, Julian and Vaziri, Mandana and Tip, Frank and Vitek, Jan
Detecting Deadlock in Programs with Data-Centric Synchronization.
Technical Report.
Marmol, Felix Gomez and Sorge, Christoph and Ugus, Osman and Perez, Gregorio Martinez
Do not Snoop my Habits: Preserving Privacy in the Smart Grid.
IEEE Communications Magazine, Special Issue on Communication Protocols and Algorithms for the Smart Grid, 50 (5).
pp. 166-172.
Marnau, Ninja and Schlehahn, Eva and Jensen, Meiko and Ferrer, Ricardo Morte
Cloud Computing: Solutions and Enablers.
Technical Report.
Megow, Nicole and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schweitzer, Pascal
Online graph exploration: New results on old and new algorithms.
Theoretical Computer Science, 463.
Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sack, Jörg-Rüdiger
CGTA-Awards 2011.
Computational Geometry, 45 (4).
p. 139.
Mehlhorn, Kurt and Vardi, Moshe Y. and Herbstritt, Marc
Publication Culture in Computing Research (Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop 12452).
Dagstuhl Reports, 2 (11).
Meyer, Sebastian
Privacy Preserving Surveillance and Face Recognition.
Bachelors thesis, Saarland University.
Miller, Stephen and van den Berg, Jur and Fritz, Mario and Darrell, Trevor and Goldberg, Kenneth Y. and Abbeel, Pieter
A geometric approach to robotic laundry folding.
I. J. Robotics Res., 31 (2).
pp. 249-267.
Mondal, Mainack and Viswanath, Bimal and Clement, Allen and Druschel, Peter and Gummadi, Krishna P. and Mislove, Alan and Post, Ansley
Defending Against Large-scale Crawls in Online Social Networks.
Möllers, Frederik
An Analysis of Traceability of Electronic Identification Documents.
Masters thesis, Universität Paderborn.
Nakashole, Ndapandula and Weikum, Gerhard and Suchanek, Fabian M
Discovering and Exploring Relations on the Web.
Proc. of the Very Large Database Endowment (PVLDB), 5 (12).
pp. 1982-1985.
Nakashole, Ndapandula and Weikum, Gerhard and Suchanek, Fabian M
PATTY: A Taxonomy of Relational Patterns with Semantic Types.
Nakhost, Hootan and Hoffmann, Jörg and Müller, Martin
Resource-Constrained Planning: A Monte Carlo Random Walk Approach.
Obser, Sven
User-controlled Internet Connections in Android.
Masters thesis, Saarland University.
Paul, Wolfgang J.
Cyber War, Formal Verification and Certified Infrastructure.
Paul, Wolfgang J. and Schmaltz, Sabine and Shadrin, Andrey
Completing the Automated Verification of a Small Hypervisor - Assembler Code Verification.
Peter, Hans-Jörg and Finkbeiner, Bernd
The Complexity of Bounded Synthesis for Timed Control with Partial Observability.
Peter, Philip
Autonomous UAV.
Bachelors thesis, Saarland University.
Petrlic, Ronald
Privacy-Preserving Digital Rights Management in a Trusted Cloud Environment.
Petrlic, Ronald
Proxy Re-Encryption in a Privacy-Preserving Cloud Computing DRM Scheme.
Petrlic, Ronald and Sorge, Christoph
Privacy-Preserving DRM for Cloud Computing.
Pishchulin, Leonid and Jain, Arjun and Andriluka, Mykhaylo and Thormählen, Thorsten and Schiele, Bernt
Articulated People Detection and Pose Estimation: Reshaping the Future.
Prakash, B. Aditya and Vreeken, Jilles and Faloutsos, Christos
Spotting Culprits in Epidemics: How many and Which ones?
Qu, Lizhen and Gemulla, Rainer and Weikum, Gerhard
A Weakly Supervised Model for Sentence-Level Semantic Orientation Analysis with Multiple Experts.
Ranganathan, Aanjhan and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole and Skoric, Boris and Singelé, Dave and \vCapkun, Srdjan
Design and Implementation of a Terrorist Fraud Resilient Distance Bounding System.
Rangapuram, Syama Sundar and Hein, Matthias
Constrained 1-Spectral Clustering.
Reinert, Manuel
A Framework for Security-Oriented Distributed Programming.
Masters thesis, Saarland University.
Reischuk, Raphael M. and Backes, Michael and Gehrke, Johannes
SAFE Extensibility of Data-Driven Web Applications.
Rematas, Konstantinos and Fritz, Mario and Tuytelaars, Tinne
The Pooled NBNN Kernel: Beyond Image-to-Class and Image-to-Image.
Richter, Stefan and Quiané-Ruiz, Jorge-Arnulfo and Schuh, Stefan and Dittrich, Jens
Towards Zero-Overhead Adaptive Indexing in Hadoop.
CoRR, abs/12.
Rossow, Christian and Dietrich, Christian J. and Grier, Chris and Kreibich, Christian and Paxson, Vern and Pohlmann, Norbert and Bos, Herbert and van Steen, Maarten
Prudent Practices for Designing Malware Experiments: Status Quo and Outlook.
Ruffing, Tim
Computational Soundness of Interactive Primitives.
Bachelors thesis, Saarland University.
Rößler, Jeremias and Fraser, Gordon and Zeller, Andreas and Orso, Alessandro
Isolating failure causes through test case generation.
Saha, Indranil and Majumdar, Rupak
Trigger memoization in self-triggered control.
Santos, Nuno and Rodrigues, Rodrigo and Gummadi, Krishna P. and Saroiu, Stefan
Policy-Sealed Data: A New Abstraction for Building Trusted Cloud Services.
Sarraute, Carlos and Buffet, Olivier and Hoffmann, Jörg
POMDPs Make Better Hackers: Accounting for Uncertainty in Penetration Testing.
Scheffler, Tatjana and Schirru, Rafael and Lehmann, Paul
Matching Points of Interest from Different Social Networking Sites.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science/Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI, 7526
Springer, pp. 245-248.
Schmaltz, Sabine and Shadrin, Andrey
Integrated Semantics of Intermediate-Language C and Macro-Assembler for Pervasive Formal Verification of Operating Systems and Hypervisors from VerisoftXT.
Schmidt, Jens M
Certifying 3-Connectivity in Linear Time.
Schröder, Dominique and Schröder, Heike
Verifiable data streaming.
Schröder, Dominique and Unruh, Dominique
Security of Blind Signatures Revisited.
Schöning, Johannes and Rogers, Yvonne and Krüger, Antonio
Digitally Enhanced Food.
IEEE Pervasive Computing, 11 (3).
Sharma, Naveen Kumar and Ghosh, Saptarshi and Benevenuto, Fabrício and Ganguly, Niloy and Gummadi, Krishna P.
Inferring who-is-who in the Twitter social network.
Skoruppa, Malte
Verifiable Security of Prefix-free Merkle-Damgård.
Masters thesis, Saarland University.
Slawski, Martin and Hussong, Rene and Tholey, Andreas and Jakoby, Thomas and Gregorius, Barbara and Hildebrandt, Andreas and Hein, Matthias
Isotope pattern deconvolution for peptide mass spectrometry by non-negative least squares/least absolute deviation template matching.
BMC Bioinformatics, 13.
p. 291.
Smets, Koen and Vreeken, Jilles
\textsc Slim : Directly Mining Descriptive Patterns.
Song, Hyun Oh and Zickler, Stefan and Althoff, Tim and Girshick, Ross B. and Fritz, Mario and Geyer, Christopher and Felzenszwalb, Pedro F. and Darrell, Trevor
Sparselet Models for Efficient Multiclass Object Detection.
Sorge, Christoph and Krohn-Grimberghe, Artus
Bitcoin: Eine erste Einordnung.
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit, 36 (7).
pp. 479-484.
Steinicke, Frank and Benko, Hrvoje and Krüger, Antonio and Keefe, Daniel F. and de la Rivière, Jean-Baptiste and Anderson, Kenneth T. and Häkkilä, Jonna and Arhippainen, Leena and Pakanen, Minna
The 3rd dimension of CHI (3DCHI): touching and designing 3D user interfaces.
Streit, Kevin and Hammacher, Clemens and Zeller, Andreas and Hack, Sebastian
Sambamba: A Runtime System for Online Adaptive Parallelization.
Suchanek, Fabian M and Gross-Amblard, David
Adding fake facts to ontologies.
Sumner, William N and Hammer, Christian and Dolby, Julian
Marathon: Detecting Atomic-Set Serializability Violations with Conflict Graphs.
Runtime Verification.
Springer, pp. 161-176.
Tabuada, Paulo and Balkan, Ayca and Caliskan, Sina Yamac and Shoukry, Yasser and Majumdar, Rupak
Input-Output stability for discrete systems.
Tatti, Nikolaj and Vreeken, Jilles
Comparing Apples and Oranges : Measuring Differences between Exploratory Data Mining Results.
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 25 (2).
pp. 173-207.
Tatti, Nikolaj and Vreeken, Jilles
Discovering Descriptive Tile Trees by Fast Mining of Optimal Geometric Subtiles.
Tatti, Nikolaj and Vreeken, Jilles
The Long and the Short of It: Summarising Event Sequences with Serial Episodes.
Teris, Liviu
Securing User-data in Android - A conceptual approach for consumer and enterprise usage.
Masters thesis, Saarland University.
Tippenhauer, Nils Ole
Physical-Layer Security Aspects of Wireless Localization.
PhD thesis, ETH Zurich, Switzerland.
Tippenhauer, Nils Ole and Giustiniano, Domenico and Mangold, Stefan
Toys communicating with LEDs: Enabling toy cars interaction.
Treiblmayr, Martin and Scheider, Simon and Krüger, Antonio and von der Linden, Marc
Integrating GI with non-GI services - showcasing interoperability in a heterogeneous service-oriented architecture.
GeoInformatica, 16 (1).
Unruh, Dominique
Everlasting Quantum Security.
Unruh, Dominique
Programmable encryption and key-dependent messages.
Unruh, Dominique
Quantum Proofs of Knowledge.
Vahldiek, Anjo and Elnikety, Eslam and Post, Ansley and Druschel, Peter and Garg, Deepak and Gehrke, Johannes and Rodrigues, Rodrigo
Trusted Storage.
Vetter, Benjamin and Ugus, Osman and Westhoff, Dirk and Sorge, Christoph
Homomorphic Primitives for a Privacy-Friendly Smart Metering Architecture.
Viswanath, Bimal and Mondal, Mainack and Clement, Allen and Druschel, Peter and Gummadi, Krishna P. and Mislove, Alan and Post, Ansley
Exploring the design space of social network-based Sybil defense.
Viswanath, Bimal and Mondal, Mainack and Gummadi, Krishna P. and Mislove, Alan and Post, Ansley
Canal: scaling social network-based Sybil tolerance schemes.
Vreeken, Jilles and Ling, Charles X. and Siebes, Arno and Zaki, Mohammed J. and Xu Yu, Jeffrey and Goethals, Bart and Webb, Geoffrey I. and Wu, Xindong
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW), IEEE, 2012.
Vreeken, Jilles and Tatti, Nikolaj
Summarising Event Sequences with Serial Episodes.
Vreeken, Jilles and van Leeuwen, Matthijs and Nijssen, Siegfried and Tatti, Nikolaj and Dries, Anton and Goethals, Bart
Proceedings of the ECML PKDD Workshop on Instant Interactive Data Mining (IID).
Weikum, Gerhard and Hoffart, Johannes and Nakashole, Ndapandula and Spaniol, Marc and Suchanek, Fabian M and Yosef, Mohamed Amir
Big Data Methods for Computational Linguistics.
IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, 35 (3).
pp. 46-64.
Wu, Hao and Mampaey, Michael and Tatti, Nikolaj and Vreeken, Jilles and Hossain, M.Shariar and Ramakrishnan, Naren
Where Do I Start? Algorithmic Strategies to Guide Intelligence Analysts.
Zeller, Andreas
Mining Models.
Zeller, Andreas
Proving programs continuous: technical perspective.
Communications of the ACM, 55 (8).
p. 106.
and Daniel Kraschewski and J\"rn M\"ller-Quade, Nico D\"ttling
Statistically Secure Linear-Rate Dimension Extension for Oblivious Affine Function Evaluation.
and J\"rn M\"ller-Quade, Nico D\"ttling and Nascimento, Anderson C. A.
IND-CCA Secure Cryptography Based on a Variant of the LPN Problem.
and Rafael Dowsley and J\"rn M\"ller-Quade, Nico D\"ttling and Nascimento, Anderson C. A.
A CCA2 Secure Variant of the McEliece Cryptosystem.
IEEE Trans. Information Theory, 58 (10).
pp. 6672-6680.
This list was generated on Sat Feb 22 20:02:37 2025 CET.