Number of items: 131.
Asghar, Muhammad Rizwan and Backes, Michael and Simeonovski, Milivoj
PRIMA: Privacy-Preserving Identity and Access Management at Internet-Scale.
Azimi, Seyedmajid and Britz, Dominik and Engstler, Michael and Fritz, Mario and Mücklich, Frank
Advanced Steel Microstructural Classification by Deep Learning Methods.
Scientific Reports, 8.
ISSN 2045-2322
Backes, Michael and Hanzlik, Lucjan and Kluczniak, Kamil and Schneider, Jonas
Signatures with Flexible Public Key: Introducing Equivalence Classes for Public Keys.
(In Press)
Basin, David and Cremers, Cas and Kim, Tiffany Hyun-Jin and Perrig, Adrian and Sasse, Ralf and Szalachowski, Pavel
Design, Analysis, and Implementation of ARPKI: An Attack-Resilient Public-Key Infrastructure.
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 15 (3).
pp. 393-408.
Basin, David and Cremers, Cas and Meadows, Catherine A.
Model Checking Security Protocols.
Handbook of Model Checking.
Springer International Publishing, pp. 727-762.
ISBN 978-3-319-10574-1
Baumann, Christoph and Guanciale, Roberto and Nemati, Hamed and Dam, Mads
Verifying System Level Information Flow Using Confidentiality-Preserving Refinement.
Berrang, Pascal and Humbert, Mathias and Zhang, Yang and Lehmann, Irina and Eils, Roland and Backes, Michael
Dissecting Privacy Risks in Biomedical Data.
Bhattacharyya, Apratim and Fritz, Mario and Schiele, Bernt
Long-Term On-Board Prediction of People in Traffic Scenes under Uncertainty.
Bhattacharyya, Apratim and Malinowski, Mateusz and Schiele, Bernt and Fritz, Mario
Long-Term Image Boundary Prediction.
Bhattacharyya, Apratim and Schiele, Bernt and Fritz, Mario
Accurate and Diverse Sampling of Sequences Based on a “Best of Many” Sample Objective.
Bonakdarpour, B. and Finkbeiner, Bernd
The Complexity of Monitoring Hyperproperties.
Borges, Nataniel P. and Hotzkow, Jenny and Zeller, Andreas
DroidMate-2: A Platform for Android Test Generation.
Brahmakshatriya, Ajay and Kedia, Piyus and Nemati, Hamed and McKee, Derrick and Bhatu, Pratik and Garg, Deepak and Lal, Akash and Rastogi, Aseem
CONFLLVM: Compiler-Based Information Flow Control in Low-Level Code.
Brakerski, Zvika and Döttling, Nico
Two-Message Statistically Sender-Private OT from LWE.
Brengel, Michael and Rossow, Christian
Identifying Key Leakage of Bitcoin Users.
(In Press)
Brengel, Michael and Rossow, Christian
MemScrimper: Time- and Space-Efficient Storage of Malware Sandbox Memory Dumps.
Buchwald, Sebastian and Fried, Andreas and Hack, Sebastian
Synthesizing an instruction selection rule library from semantic specifications.
Budhathoki, Kailash and Boley, Mario and Vreeken, Jilles
Rule Discovery for Exploratory Causal Reasoning.
Budhathoki, Kailash and Vreeken, Jilles
Accurate Causal Inference on Discrete Data.
Budhathoki, Kailash and Vreeken, Jilles
Causal Inference on Event Sequences.
Budhathoki, Kailash and Vreeken, Jilles
Origo: Causal Inference by Compression.
Knowledge and Information Systems, 56 (2).
pp. 285-307.
Bushart, Jonas
Optimizing Recurrent Pulsing Attacks using Application-Layer Amplification of Open DNS Resolvers.
Bushart, Jonas and Rossow, Christian
DNS Unchained: Amplified Application-Layer DoS Attacks Against DNS Authoritatives.
Böhme, Marcel and Soremekun, Ezekiel and Chattopadhyay, Sudipta and Ugherughe, Emamurho and Zeller, Andreas
Wo ist der Fehler und wie wird er behoben?
Ein Experiment mit Softwareentwicklern.
Chowdhury, Sreyasi Nag and Tandon, Niket and Ferhatosmanoglu, Hakan and Weikum, Gerhard
VISIR: Visual and Semantic Image Label Refinement.
Cohn-Gordon, Katriel and Cremers, Cas and Garratt, Luke and Millican, Jon and Milner, Kevin
On Ends-to-Ends Encryption: Asynchronous Group Messaging with Strong Security Guarantees.
Dawoud, Abdallah
OS Support For Capabilities In Android.
Masters thesis, Saarland University.
Dietrich, Aljoscha and Leibenger, Dominik and Sorge, Christoph
Sicherheit und Datenschutz im Smart Grid – rechtliche Anforderungen und technische Lösungen.
(In Press)
Dietrich, Aljoscha and Sorge, Christoph
Rechtliche Aspekte von Cloud Computing in der Finanz- und Versicherungswirtschaft.
Dietrich, Constanze and Krombholz, Katharina and Borgolte, Kevin and Fiebig, Tobias
Investigating System Operators' Perspective on Security Misconfigurations.
Döttling, Nico and Garg, Sanjam and Gupta, Divya and Miao, Peihan and Mukherjee, Pratyay
Obfuscation from Low Noise Multilinear Maps.
Döttling, Nico and Garg, Sanjam and Hajiabadi, Mohammad and Masny, Daniel
New Constructions of Identity-Based and Key-Dependent Message Secure Encryption Schemes.
Elnikety, Eslam and Garg, Deepak and Druschel, Peter
Shai: Enforcing Data-Specific Policies with Near-Zero Runtime Overhead.
CoRR, abs/18.
Fakhreddine, Aymen and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole and Giustiniano, Domenico
Design and Large-Scale Evaluation of WiFi Proximity Metrics.
Fass, Aurore and Krawczyk, Robert and Backes, Michael and Stock, Ben
JaSt: Fully Syntactic Detection of Malicious (Obfuscated) JavaScript.
Feltz, Michèle and Cremers, Cas
Strengthening the Security of Authenticated Key Exchange against Bad Randomness.
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 86 (3).
pp. 481-516.
Fey, G\"rschwin and Ghasempouri, Tara and Jacobs, Swen and Martino, Gianluca and Raik, Jaan and Riener, Heinz
Design Understanding: From Logic to Specification.
Finkbeiner, Bernd and Hahn, Christopher and Hans, Tobias
MGHyper: Checking Satisfiability of HyperLTL Formulas Beyond the \exists* \forall* Fragment.
Finkbeiner, Bernd and Hahn, Christopher and Lukert, Philip and Stenger, Marvin and Tentrup, Leander
Synthesizing Reactive Systems from Hyperproperties.
Finkbeiner, Bernd and Hahn, Christopher and Stenger, Marvin and Tentrup, Leander
RVHyper: A Runtime Verification Tool for Temporal Hyperproperties.
Finkbeiner, Bernd and Hahn, Christopher and Torfah, Hazem
Model Checking Quantitative Hyperproperties.
Fleischhacker, Nils and Krupp, Johannes and Malavolta, Giulio and Schneider, Jonas and Schröder, Dominique and Simkin, Mark
Efficient unlinkable sanitizable signatures from signatures with re-randomizable keys.
IET Information Security, 12 (3).
pp. 166-183.
ISSN 1751-8709
Frassinelli, Daniel and Gambi, Alessio and Nürnberger, Stefan and Park, Sohyeon
DRiVERSITY - Synthetic Torture Testing to Find Limits of Autonomous Driving Algorithms.
Frenkel, Hadar and Grumberg, Orna and Sheinvald, Sarai
An Automata-Theoretic Approach to Model-Checking Systems and Specifications Over Infinite Data Domains.
Journal of Automated Reasoning, 63 (4).
pp. 1077-1101.
Gambi, Alessio and Bell, Jonathan and Zeller, Andreas
Practical Test Dependency Detection.
Garg, Jugal and Hoefer, Martin and Mehlhorn, Kurt
Approximating the Nash Social Welfare with Budget-Additive Valuations.
Georgoulis, Stamatios and Rematas, Konstantinos and Ritschel, Tobias and Gavves, Efstratios and Fritz, Mario and Gool, Luc Van and Tuytelaars, Tinne
Reflectance and Natural Illumination from Single-Material Specular Objects Using Deep Learning.
Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 40 (8).
pp. 1932-1947.
ISSN 0162-8828
Gerling, Sebastian and Marnau, Ninja and Sorge, Christoph
Stellungnahme gegenüber dem Landtag des Saarlandes zum Thema „Stand und Entwicklungsperspektiven der Telemedizin im Saarland“.
Gerstacker, Carsten and Klein, Felix and Finkbeiner, Bernd
Bounded Synthesis of Reactive Programs.
Ghaeini, Hamid Reza and Antonioli, Daniele and Brasser, Ferdinand and Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole
State-Aware Anomaly Detection for Industrial Control Systems.
Ghorbani Lyastani, Sanam and Schilling, Michael and Fahl, Sascha and Backes, Michael and Bugiel, Sven
Better managed than memorized? Studying the Impact of Managers on Password Strength and Reuse.
Giechaskiel, Ilias and Cremers, Cas and Rasmussen, Kasper B.
When the Crypto in Cryptocurrencies Breaks: Bitcoin Security under Broken Primitives.
IEEE Security & Privacy.
Giraldo, Jairo and Urbina, David and Cardenas, Alvaro and Valente, Junia and Faisal, Mustafa and Ruths, Justin and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole and Sandberg, Henrik and Candell, Richard
A Survey of Physics-Based Attack Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems.
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 1 (1).
Gnad, Daniel and Hoffmann, Jörg
Star-topology decoupled state space search.
Artif. Intell., 257.
Gopinath, Rahul and Mathis, Björn and Zeller, Andreas
If You Can't Kill a Supermutant, You Have a Problem.
Grimm, Niklas and Maillard, Kenji and Fournet, Cédric and Hritcu, Catalin and Maffei, Matteo and Protzenko, Jonathan and Ramananandro, Tahina and Rastogi, Aseem and Swamy, Nikhil and Béguelin, Santiago Zanella
A monadic framework for relational verification: applied to information security, program equivalence, and optimizations.
Grosse, Kathrin and Pfaff, David and Smith, Michael Thomas and Backes, Michael
The Limitations of Model Uncertainty in Adversarial Settings.
ArXiv e-prints.
Grosse, Kathrin and Smith, Michael Thomas and Backes, Michael
Killing Three Birds with one Gaussian Process:
Analyzing Attack Vectors on Classification.
ArXiv e-prints.
Hanzlik, Lucjan and Zhang, Yang and Grosse, Kathrin and Salem, Ahmed and Augustin, Max and Backes, Michael and Fritz, Mario
MLCapsule: Guarded Offline Deployment of Machine Learning as a Service.
He, Yang and Fritz, Mario and Schiele, Bernt
Diverse Conditional Image Generation by Stochastic Regression with Latent Drop-Out Codes.
Hessel, Stefan
Zum Stand der vernetzten Dinge: Die Probleme mit der IT-Sicherheit bei Smart Toys.
Hessel, Stefan
Zum Stand der vernetzten Dinge: Die Probleme mit der IT-Sicherheit bei Smart Toys.
Hessel, Stefan and Möllers, Frederik
Wie sicher ist das beA? – Das besondere elektronische Anwaltspostfach aus Sicht der IT-Sicherheit.
Saarländisches Anwaltsblatt (1).
pp. 24-27.
Jacobs, Swen and Sakr, Mouhammad
Analyzing Guarded Protocols: Better Cutoffs, More Systems, More Expressivity.
Jacobs, Swen and Sakr, Mouhammad
A Symbolic Algorithm for Lazy Synthesis of Eager Strategies.
(In Press)
Jacobs, Swen and Tentrup, Leander and Zimmermann, Martin
Distributed synthesis for parameterized temporal logics.
Information and Computation, 262 (2).
pp. 311-328.
Jung, Ralf and Jourdan, Jacques-Henri and Krebbers, Robbert and Dreyer, Derek
RustBelt: securing the foundations of the rust programming language.
Kawohl, Claudia and Krämer, Annika and Marnau, Ninja
Datenschutz durch Technikgestaltung für Genomdaten.
DSRI Herbstakademie Tagungsband 2018.
Kim, Jooyeon and Tabibian, Behzad and Oh, Alice and Schölkopf, Bernhard and Gomez-Rodriguez, Manuel
Leveraging the Crowd to Detect and Reduce the Spread of Fake News and Misinformation.
Kokologiannakis, Michalis and Lahav, Ori and Sagonas, Konstantinos and Vafeiadis, Viktor
Effective stateless model checking for C/C++ concurrency.
Koprowski, Przemyslaw and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Ray, Saurabh
Corrigendum to "Faster algorithms for computing Hong's bound on absolute positiveness".
Journal of Symbolic Computation, 87.
Krombholz, Katharina and Dabrowski, Adrian and Purgathofer, Peter and Weippl, Edgar
Poster: The Petri Dish Attack - Guessing Secrets Based on Bacterial Growth.
Krupp, Johannes and Rossow, Christian
teEther: Gnawing at Ethereum to Automatically Exploit Smart Contracts.
Krüger, Jochen and Sorge, Christoph and Vogelgesang, Stephanie
IT-Forscher als potentielle Straftäter? – IT-Sicherheitsforschung zwischen Wissenschaftsfreiheit und Strafrecht.
(In Press)
Kuznetsov, Konstantin and Avdiienko, Vitalii and Gorla, Alessandra and Zeller, Andreas
Analyzing the User Interface of Android Apps.
Lee, Hojoon and Song, Chihyun and Kang, Brent Byunghoon
Lord of the x86 Rings: A Portable User Mode Privilege Separation Architecture on x86.
List, Markus and Hornakova, Andrea and Vreeken, Jilles and Schulz, Marcel
JAMI: Fast Computation of Conditional Mutual Information for ceRNA network analysis.
Bioinformatics, 34 (17).
pp. 3050-3051.
Ma, Liqian and Sun, Qianru and Georgoulis, Stamatios and Gool, Luc Van and Schiele, Bernt and Fritz, Mario
Disentangled Person Image Generation.
Maisuradze, Giorgi and Rossow, Christian
Ret2Spec: Speculative Execution Using Return Stack Buffers.
Maisuradze, Giorgi and Rossow, Christian
Speculose: Analyzing the Security Implications of Speculative Execution in CPUs.
CoRR, abs/18.
Majumdar, Rupak and Niksic, Filip
Why is random testing effective for partition tolerance bugs?
Mandros, Panagiotis and Boley, Mario and Vreeken, Jilles
Discovering Reliable Dependencies from Data: Hardness and Improved Algorithms.
Marnau, Ninja
Paris Call: Important Commitment Against The Arms Race With Cyber Weapons.
Tagesspiegel - Background Digitalisierung.
Marnau, Ninja and Berrang, Pascal and Humbert, Mathias
Anonymisierungsverfahren für genetische Daten.
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (DuD), 2/2018.
pp. 83-88.
Marx, Alexander and Vreeken, Jilles
Causal Inference on Multivariate and Mixed Type Data.
Marx, Alexander and Vreeken, Jilles
Stochastic Complexity for Testing Conditional Independence on Discrete Data.
Mathis, Björn and Avdiienko, Vitalii and Soremekun, Ezekiel and Böhme, Marcel and Zeller, Andreas
Detecting Information Flow by Mutating Input data.
Maximov, Maxim and Ritschel, Tobias and Fritz, Mario
Deep Appearance Maps.
Technical Report.
Mirzaie, Nahal and Faghih, Fathiyeh and Jacobs, Swen and Bonakdarpour, Borzoo
Parameterized Synthesis of Self-Stabilizing Protocols in Symmetric Rings.
Möllers, Frederik and Hessel, Stefan
Das Sicherheitsgutachten zum besonderen elektronischen Anwaltspostfach (beA).
Computer und Recht, 34 (7).
pp. 413-417.
Münnich-Hessel, Susanne and Hessel, Stefan
Achtung, Spionage! – Wie vernetzte Spielzeuge die Privatsphäre von Kindern bedrohen.
Betrifft: Evangelischer Kindergarten (2).
pp. 24-27.
Nemati, Hamed and Baumann, Christoph and Guanciale, Roberto and Dam, Mads
Formal Verification of Integrity-Preserving Countermeasures Against Cache Storage Side-Channels.
POST 2018.
Nemati, Hamed and Baumann, Christoph and Guanciale, Roberto and Dam, Mads
Formal Verification of Integrity-Preserving Countermeasures Against Cache Storage Side-Channels.
Oh, Seong Joon and Augustin, Max and Schiele, Bernt and Fritz, Mario
Towards Reverse-Engineering Black-Box Neural Networks.
Oltrogge, Marten and Derr, Erik and Stransky, Christian and Acar, Yasemin and Fahl, Sascha and Rossow, Christian and Pellegrino, Giancarlo and Bugiel, Sven and Backes, Michael
The Rise of the Citizen Developer: Assessing the Security Impact of Online App Generators.
Orekondy, Tribhuvanesh and Fritz, Mario and Schiele, Bernt
Connecting Pixels to Privacy and Utility: Automatic Redaction of Private Information in Images.
Pereira Borges Jr., Nataniel and Gómez, Maria and Zeller, Andreas
Guiding app testing with mined interaction models.
Pereira Borges Jr., Nataniel and Hotzkow, Jenny and Zeller, Andreas
DroidMate-2: A Platform for Android Test Generation.
Radicek, Ivan and Barthe, Gilles and Gaboardi, Marco and Garg, Deepak and Zuleger, Florian
Monadic refinements for relational cost analysis.
Rau, Andreas and Hotzkow, Jenny and Zeller, Andreas
Efficient GUI Test Generation by Learning from Tests of Other Apps.
Rau, Andreas and Hotzkow, Jenny and Zeller, Andreas
Transferring Tests Across Web Applications.
Salem, Ahmed and Berrang, Pascal and Humbert, Mathias and Backes, Michael
Privacy-Preserving Similar Patient Queries for Combined Biomedical Data.
(In Press)
Sharma, Ankur and Schuhknecht, Felix Martin and Dittrich, Jens
The Case for Automatic Database Administration using Deep Reinforcement Learning.
ArXiv e-prints.
Shetty, Rakshith and Fritz, Mario and Schiele, Bernt
Adversarial Scene Editing: Automatic Object Removal from Weak Supervision.
Shetty, Rakshith and Schiele, Bernt and Fritz, Mario
A4NT: Author Attribute Anonymity by Adversarial Training of Neural Machine Translation.
Shirazi, Fatemeh and Simeonovski, Milivoj and Asghar, Muhammad Rizwan and Backes, Michael and Díaz, Claudia
A Survey on Routing in Anonymous Communication Protocols.
ACM Computing Surveys, 51 (3).
pp. 1-39.
ISSN 0360-0300
Siddiqi, Ahnaf and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole and Mashima, Daisuke and Chen, Binbin
On Practical Threat Scenario Testing in an Electric Power ICS Testbed.
Speicher, Patrick and Steinmetz, Marcel and Backes, Michael and Hoffmann, Jörg and Künnemann, Robert
Stackelberg Planning: Towards Effective Leader-Follower State Space Search.
Speicher, Patrick and Steinmetz, Marcel and Künnemann, Robert and Simeonovski, Milivoj and Pellegrino, Giancarlo and Hoffmann, Jörg and Backes, Michael
Formally Reasoning about the Cost and Efficacy of Securing the Email Infrastructure.
Speicher, Patrick and Steinmetz, Marcel and Künnemann, Robert and Simeonovski, Milivoj and Pellegrino, Giancarlo and Hoffmann, Jörg and Backes, Michael
Formally Reasoning about the Cost and Efficacy of Securing the Email Infrastructure (full version).
Speicher, Till and Ali, Muhammad and Venkatadri, Giridhari and Ribeiro, Filipe Nunes and Arvanitakis, George and Benevenuto, Fabrício and Gummadi, Krishna P. and Loiseau, Patrick and Mislove, Alan
Potential for Discrimination in Online Targeted Advertising.
Sridharan, Ragav and Maiti, Rajib Ranjan and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole
WADAC: Privacy-Preserving Anomaly Detection and Attack Classification on Wireless Traffic.
Stock, Ben and Pellegrino, Giancarlo and Li, Frank and Backes, Michael and Rossow, Christian
Didn’t You Hear Me? — Towards More Successful Web Vulnerability Notifications.
Sun, Qianru and Ma, Liqian and Oh, Seong Joon and Gool, Luc Van and Schiele, Bernt and Fritz, Mario
Natural and Effective Obfuscation by Head Inpainting.
Sun, Qianru and Tewari, Ayush and Xu, Weipeng and Fritz, Mario and Theobalt, Christian and Schiele, Bernt
A Hybrid Model for Identity Obfuscation by Face Replacement.
Technical Report.
Sun, Qianru and Tewari, Ayush and Xu, Weipeng and Fritz, Mario and Theobalt, Christian and Schiele, Bernt
A Hybrid Model for Identity Obfuscation by Face Replacement.
Tanabe, Rui and Ueno, Wataru and Ishii, Kou and Yoshioka, Katsunari and Matsumoto, Tsutomu and Kasama, Takahiro and Inoue, Daisuke and Rossow, Christian
Evasive Malware via Identifier Implanting.
Taormina, Riccardo and Galelli, Stefano and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole and Salomons, Elad and Ostfeld, Avi and Eliades, Demetrios G. and Aghashahi, Mohsen and Sundararajan, Raanju and Pourahmadi, Mohsen and Banks, M. Katherine and Brentan, B. M. and Campbell, Enrique and Lima, G. and Manzi, D. and Ayala-Cabrera, D. and Herrera, M. and Montalvo, I. and Izquierdo, J. and Luvizotto Jr, E. and Chandy, Sarin E. and Rasekh, Amin and Barker, Zachary A. and Campbell, Bruce and Shafiee, M. Ehsan and Giacomoni, Marcio and Gatsis, Nikolaos and Taha, Ahmad and Abokifa, Ahmed A. and Haddad, Kelsey and Lo, Cynthia S. and Biswas, Pratim and Pasha M. Fayzul , Bijay and Somasundaram, Saravanakumar Lakshmanan and Housh, Mashor and Ohar, Ziv
The Battle Of The Attack Detection Algorithms: Disclosing Cyber Attacks On Water Distribution Networks.
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 144 (8).
Thanh Nguyen, Binh and Sprenger, Christoph and Cremers, Cas
Abstractions for security protocol verification.
Journal of Computer Security.
(In Press)
Tretschk, Edgar and Oh, Seong Joon and Fritz, Mario
Sequential Attacks on Agents for Long-Term Adversarial Goals.
(In Press)
Vahldiek-Oberwanger, Anjo and Elnikety, Eslam and Garg, Deepak and Druschel, Peter
ERIM: Secure and Efficient In-process Isolation with Memory Protection Keys.
CoRR, abs/18.
Wagner, Misha and Basevi, Hector and Shetty, Rakshith and Li, Wenbin and Malinowski, Mateusz and Fritz, Mario and Leonardis, Ales
Answering Visual What-If Questions: From Actions to Predicted Scene Descriptions.
Wang, Xueou and Hou, Xiaolu and Rios, Ruben and Hallgren, Per and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole and Ochoa, Martín
Location Proximity Attacks against Mobile Targets: Analytical Bounds and Attacker Strategies.
Wermke, Dominik and Huaman, Nicolas and Acar, Yasemin and Reaves, Bradley and Traynor, Patrick and Fahl, Sascha
A Large Scale Investigation of Obfuscation Use in Google Play.
CoRR, abs/18.
Wu, Hao and Ning, Y and Chakraborty, P and Vreeken, Jilles and Tatti, Nikolaj and Ramakrishnan, Naren
Generating Realistic Synthetic Population Datasets.
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 12 (4).
pp. 1-45.
Xian, Yongqin and Lorenz, Tobias and Schiele, Bernt and Akata, Zeynep
Feature Generating Networks for Zero-Shot Learning.
Xu, Meng and Qian, Chenxiong and Lu, Kangjie and Backes, Michael and Kim, Taesoo
Precise and Scalable Detection of Double-Fetch Bugs in OS Kernels.
Yu, Jiangshan and Ryan, Mark and Cremers, Cas
DECIM: Detecting Endpoint Compromise In Messaging.
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 13 (1).
pp. 106-118.
Zhang, Xucong and Sugano, Yusuke and Fritz, Mario and Bulling, Andreas
MPIIGaze: Real-World Dataset and Deep Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation.
Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI).
Zhang, Yang and Humbert, Mathias and Rahman, Tahleen and Li, Cheng-Te and Pang, Jun and Backes, Michael
Tagvisor: A Privacy Advisor for Sharing Hashtags.
Zhao, Fanghua and Gao, Linan and Zhang, Yang and Wang, Zeyu and Wang, Bo and Guo, Shanqing
You Are Where You APP: An Assessment on Location Privacy of Social APPs.
This list was generated on Sat Mar 29 12:34:40 2025 CET.