Items where Year is 2023

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Number of items: 110.

Abdelnabi, Sahar and Fritz, Mario
(2023) Fact-Saboteurs: A Taxonomy of Evidence Manipulation Attacks against Fact-Verification Systems.
In: 32nd USENIX Security Symposium, 9-11 Aug 2023, Anaheim, CA, USA.
Conference: USENIX Usenix Annual Technical Conference
(In Press)

Aghakhani, Hojjat and Schönherr, Lea and Eisenhofer, Thorsten and Kolossa, Dorothea and Holz, Thorsten and Kruegel, Christopher and Vigna, Giovanni
(2023) VENOMAVE: Targeted Poisoning Against Speech Recognition.

Agrawal, Akanksha and Marx, Dániel and Neuen, Daniel and Slusallek, Jasper
(2023) Computing Square Colorings on Bounded-Treewidth and Planar Graphs.
In: ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2023).
Conference: SODA ACM/SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
(In Press)

AlHamdan, Abdullah and Staicu, Cristian-Alexandru
(2023) SandDriller: A Fully-Automated Approach for Testing Language-Based JavaScript Sandboxes.
In: USENIX Security Symposium 2023.
Conference: USENIX-Security Usenix Security Symposium

Amft, Sabrina and Höltervennhoff, Sandra and Huaman, Nicolas and Acar, Yasemin and Fahl, Sascha
(2023) “Would You Give the Same Priority to the Bank and a Game? I Do Not!” Exploring Credential Management Strategies and Obstacles during Password Manager Setup.
In: Nineteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, 06.08.2023-08.08.2023, Anaheim, CA, USA.
Conference: SOUPS Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security

Amft, Sabrina and Höltervennhoff, Sandra and Huaman, Nicolas and Krause, Alexander and Simko, Lucy and Acar, Yasemin and Fahl, Sascha
(2023) “We’ve Disabled MFA for You”: An Evaluation of the Security and Usability of Multi-Factor Authentication Recovery Deployments.
In: The 30th ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security, 26.11.2023-30.11.2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Conference: CCS ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security
(In Press)

Balliu, Alkida and Brandt, Sebastian and Kuhn, Fabian and Olivetti, Dennis
(2023) Distributed Maximal Matching and Maximal Independent Set on Hypergraphs.
In: SODA 2023.
Conference: SODA ACM/SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms

Balliu, Alkida and Brandt, Sebastian and Kuhn, Fabian and Olivetti, Dennis and Schmid, Gustav
(2023) On the Node-Averaged Complexity of Locally Checkable Problems on Trees.
In: DISC 2023.
Conference: DISC International Symposium on Distributed Computing (was WDAG)

Bars, Nils and Schloegel, Moritz and Scharnowski, Tobias and Schiller, Nico and Holz, Thorsten
(2023) Fuzztruction: Using Fault Injection-based Fuzzing to Leverage Implicit Domain Knowledge.
In: USENIX Security Symposium.
Conference: USENIX-Security Usenix Security Symposium

Ben Guebila, Marouen and Wang, Tian and Lopes-Ramos, Camila M. and Fanfani, Viola and Weighill, Des and Burkholz, Rebekka and Schlauch, Daniel and Paulson, Joseph N. and Altenbuchinger, Michael and Shutta, Katherine H and Sonawane, Abhijeet R. and Lim, James and Calderer, Genis and van IJzendoorn, David G. P. and Morgan, Daniel and Marin, Alessandro and Chen, Cho-Yi and Song, Qi and Saha, Enakshi and DeMeo, Dawn L. and Padi, Megha and Platig, John and Kuijjer, Marieke and Glass, Kimberly and Quackenbush, John
(2023) The Network Zoo: a multilingual package for the inference and analysis of gene regulatory networks.
Genome Biology, 24 (1). ISSN 1474-7596

Beutner, Raven and Finkbeiner, Bernd and Frenkel, Hadar and Metzger, Niklas
(2023) Second-Order Hyperproperties.
In: CAV 2023, 17-22/07/23, Paris.
Conference: CAV Computer Aided Verification

Beutner, Raven and Finkbeiner, Bernd and Frenkel, Hadar and Siber, Julian
(2023) Checking and Sketching Causes on Temporal Sequences.
In: ATVA 2023.
Conference: ATVA International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis

Bhuiyan, Masudul Hasan Masud and Parthasarathy, Adithya Srinivas and Vasilakis, Nikos and Pradel, Michael and Staicu, Cristian-Alexandru
(2023) SecBench.js: An Executable Security Benchmark Suite for Server-Side JavaScript.
In: ICSE 2023, 14-20 May 2023, Melbourne, Australia.
Conference: ICSE International Conference on Software Engineering

Bindel, Nina and Cremers, Cas and Zhao, Mang
(2023) FIDO2, CTAP 2.1, and WebAuthn 2: Provable Security and Post-Quantum Instantiation.
In: 44rd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, May 22-25, 2023, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Conference: SP IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
(In Press)

Blechschmidt, Birk and Stock, Ben
(2023) Extended Hell(o): A Comprehensive Large-Scale Study on Email Confidentiality and Integrity Mechanisms in the Wild.
In: USENIX Security Symposium.
Conference: USENIX-Security Usenix Security Symposium

Bo, Li and Schmidt, Mikkel N. and Alstrøm, Tommy S. and Stich, Sebastian U.
(2023) On the effectiveness of partial variance reduction in federated learning with heterogeneous data.
In: IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Vancouver, Canada.
Conference: CVPR IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

Borrello, Pietro and Easdon, Catherine and Schwarzl, Martin and Czerny, Roland and Schwarz, Michael
(2023) CustomProcessingUnit: Reverse Engineering and Customization of Intel Microcode.
Conference: WOOT USENIX Workshop on Offensive Technologies

Bushart, Jonas and Rossow, Christian
(2023) Anomaly-based Filtering of Application-Layer DDoS Against DNS Authoritatives.
In: 8th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy, 2023-07-03/2023-07-07, Delft.
Conference: EuroS&P IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy

Bushart, Jonas and Rossow, Christian
(2023) ResolFuzz: Differential Fuzzing of DNS Resolvers.
Conference: ESORICS European Symposium On Research In Computer Security

Bytes, Andrei and Rajput, Prashant Hari Narayan and Doumanidis, Constantine and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole and Maniatakos, Michail and Zhou, Jianying
(2023) FieldFuzz: In Situ Blackbox Fuzzing of Proprietary Industrial Automation Runtimes via the Network.
In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID).
Conference: RAID The International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (was International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection)

Chakraborty, Dhiman and Schwarz, Michael and Bugiel, Sven
(2023) TALUS: Reinforcing TEE Confidentiality with Cryptographic Coprocessors.
In: Financial Cryptography and Data Security - 27th International Conference, FC 2023, May 1–5, 2023, Bol, Brač, Croatia.
Conference: FC Financial Cryptography and Data Security Conference

Cheval, Vincent and Cremers, Cas and Dax, Alexander and Hirschi, Lucca and Jacomme, Charlie and Kremer, Steve
(2023) Hash Gone Bad: Automated discovery of protocol attacks that exploit hash function weaknesses.
In: USENIX 2023.
Conference: USENIX-Security Usenix Security Symposium

Cogliati, Benoît-Michel and Ethan, Jordan and Jha, Ashwin
(2023) Subverting Telegram's End-to-End Encryption.
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, 2023 (1). pp. 5-40. ISSN 2519-173X

Cosler, Matthias and Hahn, Christopher and Mendoza, Daniel and Schmitt, Frederik and Trippel, Caroline
(2023) nl2spec: Interactively Translating Unstructured Natural Language to Temporal Logics with Large Language Models.
In: 35th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV 2023).
Conference: CAV Computer Aided Verification

Cosler, Matthias and Schmitt, Frederik and Hahn, Christopher and Finkbeiner, Bernd
(2023) Iterative Circuit Repair Against Formal Specifications.
In: Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations.
Conference: ICLR International Conference on Learning Representations

Cremers, Cas and Dax, Alexander and Jacomme, Charlie and Zhao, Mang
(2023) Automated Analysis of Protocols that use Authenticated Encryption: How Subtle AEAD Differences can impact Protocol Security.
In: USENIX Security Symposium.
Conference: USENIX-Security Usenix Security Symposium

Cremers, Cas and Dax, Alexander and Naska, Aurora
(2023) Formal Analysis of SPDM: Security Protocol and Data Model version 1.2.
In: 32nd USENIX Security Symposium, 9-11 Aug 2023, Anaheim, CA, USA.
Conference: USENIX-Security Usenix Security Symposium

Cremers, Cas and Jacomme, Charlie and Naska, Aurora
(2023) Formal Analysis of Session-Handling in Secure Messaging: Lifting Security from Sessions to Conversations.
In: USENIX Security Symposium 2023.
Conference: USENIX-Security Usenix Security Symposium

Dewes, Rafael and Dimitrova, Rayna
(2023) Compositional High-Quality Synthesis.
In: 21st International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis.
Conference: ATVA International Symposium on Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis
(In Press)

Ding, Aolin and Chan, Matthew and Hassanzadeh, Amin and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole and Ma, Shiqing and Zonouz, Saman
(2023) Get Your Cyber-Physical Tests Done! Data-Driven Vulnerability Assessment of Robotic Vehicle.
In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN).
Conference: DSN IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks

Distler, Verena and Fassl, Matthias and Habib, Hana and Krombholz, Katharina and Lenzini, Gabriele and Lallemand, Carine and Koenig, Vincent and Cranor, Lorrie Faith
(2023) Empirical Research Methods in Usable Privacy and Security.
In: Human Factors in Privacy Research. Springer Cham, pp. 29-53. ISBN 978-3-031-28643-8

Doron-Arad, Ilan and Kulik, Ariel and Shachnai, Hadas
(2023) An EPTAS for Budgeted Matching and Budgeted Matroid Intersection via Representative Sets.
In: International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming.
Conference: ICALP International Colloquium on Automata Languages and Programming
(In Press)

Doron-Arad, Ilan and Kulik, Ariel and Shachnai, Hadas
(2023) An EPTAS for Budgeted Matroid Independent Set.
In: SIAM Symposium on Simplicity in Algorithms (SOSA23).
(In Press)

Eberlein, Martin and Smytzek, Marius and Steinhöfel, Dominic and Grunske, Lars and Zeller, Andreas
(2023) Semantic Debugging.
In: ESEC/FSE 2023, Sun 3 - Sat 9 December 2023, San Francisco, California, United States.
Conference: ESEC/FSE European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (formerly listed as ESEC)
(In Press)

Eberlein, Martin and Smytzek, Marius and Steinhöfel, Dominic and Grunske, Lars and Zeller, Andreas
(2023) Semantic Debugging.
In: ESEC/FSE 2023, Sun 3 - Sat 9 December 2023, San Francisco, California, United States.
Conference: ESEC/FSE European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (formerly listed as ESEC)
(In Press)

EdalatNejad, Kasra and Raynal, Mathilde and Lueks, Wouter and Troncoso, Carmela
(2023) Private Collection Matching Protocols.
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs).
(In Press)

Eisele, Max and Ebert, Daniel and Huth, Christopher and Zeller, Andreas
(2023) Fuzzing Embedded Systems Using Debug Interfaces.
In: ISSTA 2023, 17-21 July 2023, Seattle, USA.
Conference: ISSTA International Symposium on Software Testing and Analysis
(In Press)

Erba, Alessandro and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole
(2023) White-box Concealment Attacks Against Anomaly Detectors for Cyber-Physical Systems.
In: Proceedings of Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment (DIMVA).
Conference: DIMVA GI International Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment

Esiyok, Ilkan and Berrang, Pascal and Cohn-Gordon, Katriel and Künnemann, Robert
(2023) Accountable Javascript Code Delivery.
In: NDSS Symposium 2023, 27 February - 3 March, San Diego.
Conference: NDSS Network and Distributed System Security Symposium

Fassl, Matthias and Krombholz, Katharina
(2023) Why I Can't Authenticate --- Understanding the Low Adoption of Authentication Ceremonies with Autoethnography.
In: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23), Hamburg, Germany.
Conference: CHI International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Fassl, Matthias and Ponticello, Alexander and Dabrowski, Adrian and Krombholz, Katharina
(2023) Investigating Security Folklore: A Case Study on the Tor over VPN Phenomenon.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 7 (CSCW2).

Finkbeiner, Bernd
(2023) Logics and Algorithms for Hyperproperties.
ACM SIGLOG News, 10 (2). pp. 4-23. ISSN 2372-3491

Finkbeiner, Bernd and Frenkel, Hadar and Hofmann, Jana and Janine, Lohse
(2023) Automata-Based Software Model Checking of Hyperproperties.
In: NFM.
Conference: NFM NASA Formal Methods Symposium

Finkbeiner, Bernd and Siber, Julian
(2023) Counterfactuals Modulo Temporal Logics.
In: LPAR-23, June 4-9, 2023, Manizales, Colombia.
Conference: LPAR Logic Programming and Automated Reasoning

Fisman, Dana and Frenkel, Hadar and Zilles, Sandra
(2023) Inferring Symbolic Automata.
Logical Methods in Computer Science, 19 (2).

Focke, Jacob and Marx, Dániel and Mc Inerney, Fionn and Neuen, Daniel and Sankar, Govind and Schepper, Philipp and Wellnitz, Philip
(2023) Tight Complexity Bounds for Counting Generalized Dominating Sets in Bounded-Treewidth Graphs.
In: ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2023).
Conference: SODA ACM/SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
(In Press)

Fourné, Marcel and Wermke, Dominik and Enck, William and Fahl, Sascha and Acar, Yasemin
(2023) It’s like flossing your teeth: On the Importance and Challenges of Reproducible Builds for Software Supply Chain Security.
In: 44th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P '23), 22-25 May 2023, San Francisco, CA.
Conference: SP IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy

Gadhikar, Advait and Mukherjee, Sohom and Burkholz, Rebekka
(2023) Why Random Pruning Is All We Need to Start Sparse.
In: 40th International Conference on Machine Learning.
Conference: ICML International Conference on Machine Learning

Gegenhuber, Gabriel Karl and Mayer, Wilfried and Weippl, Edgar and Dabrowski, Adrian
(2023) MobileAtlas: Geographically Decoupled Measurements in Cellular Networks for Security and Privacy Research.
In: USENIX Security Symposium 2023, August 9-11, 2023, Anaheim, California, United State.
Conference: USENIX-Security Usenix Security Symposium
(In Press)

Gerhardt, Dañiel and Ponticello, Alexander and Dabrowski, Adrian and Krombholz, Katharina
(2023) Investigating Verification Behavior and Perceptions of Visual Digital Certificates.
In: 32nd USENIX Security Symposium, 9-11 Aug 2023, Anaheim, CA, USA.
Conference: USENIX-Security Usenix Security Symposium

Gerlach, Lukas and Thomas, Fabian and Pietsch, Robert and Schwarz, Michael
(2023) A Rowhammer Reproduction Study Using the Blacksmith Fuzzer.
Conference: ESORICS European Symposium On Research In Computer Security

Gerlach, Lukas and Weber, Daniel and Zhang, Ruiyi and Schwarz, Michael
(2023) A Security RISC: Microarchitectural Attacks on Hardware RISC-V CPUs.
In: 44th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy.
Conference: SP IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy

Ghorbani Lyastani, Sanam and Bugiel, Sven and Backes, Michael
(2023) A Systematic Study of the Consistency of Two-Factor Authentication User Journeys on Top-Ranked Websites.
In: Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium 2023, 27 February - 3 March 2023, San Diego, CA, USA.
Conference: NDSS Network and Distributed System Security Symposium

Gröber, Lea and Mrowczynski, Rafael and Vijay, Nimisha and Muller, Daphne A. and Dabrowski, Adrian and Krombholz, Katharina
(2023) To Cloud or not to Cloud: A Qualitative Study on Self-Hosters’ Motivation, Operation, and Security Mindset.
In: The 32nd USENIX Security Symposium, August 9–11, 2023, Annaheim, CA, US.
Conference: USENIX-Security Usenix Security Symposium

Gunsing, Aldo and Bhaumik, Ritam and Jha, Ashwin and Mennink, Bart and Shen, Yaobin
(2023) Revisiting the Indifferentiability of the Sum of Permutations.
In: IACR CRYPTO 2023, 19-24 August 2023, Santa Barbara, USA.
Conference: CRYPTO Advances in Cryptology

Guthoff, Carolyn and Anell, Simon and Hainzinger, Johann and Dabrowski, Adrian and Krombholz, Katharina
(2023) Perceptions of Distributed Ledger Technology Key Management - An Interview Study with Finance Professionals.
In: 44th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy.
Conference: SP IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy

Hantke, Florian and Calzavara, Stefano and Wilhelm, Moritz and Rabitti, Alvise and Stock, Ben
(2023) You Call This Archaeology? Evaluating Web Archives for Reproducible Web Security Measurements.
In: ACM CCS 2023.
Conference: CCS ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security

Hanzlik, Lucjan and Loss, Julian and Wagner, Benedikt
(2023) Rai-Choo! Evolving Blind Signatures to the Next Level.
In: Eurocrypt 2023.
Conference: EuroCrypt International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques

Hanzlik, Lucjan and Loss, Julian and Wagner, Benedikt
(2023) Token meets Wallet: Formalizing Privacy and Revocation for FIDO2.
In: 44rd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, May 22-25, 2023, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Conference: SP IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy

Hasan, Rakibul and Weil, Rebecca and Siegel, Rudolf and Krombholz, Katharina
(2023) A Psychometric Scale to Measure Individuals’ Value of Other People’s Privacy (VOPP).
In: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23), Hamburg, Germany.
Conference: CHI International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Heim, Philippe and Dimitrova, Rayna
(2023) Taming Large Bounds in Synthesis from Bounded-Liveness Specifications.
In: 29th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems.
Conference: TACAS Tools and Algorithms for Construction and Analysis of Systems
(In Press)

Horváth, Samuel and Kovalev, Dmitry and Mishchenko, Konstantin and Richtárik, Peter and Stich, Sebastian U.
(2023) Stochastic distributed learning with gradient quantization and double-variance reduction.
Optimization Methods and Software, 38 (1). pp. 91-106.

Izhikevich, Liz and Tran, Manda and Kallitsis, Michalis and Fass, Aurore and Durumeric, Zakir
(2023) Cloud Watching: Understanding Attacks Against Cloud-Hosted Services.
In: IMC (ACM Internet Measurement Conference).
Conference: IMC Internet Measurement Conference

Jiang, Xiaowen and Stich, Sebastian U.
(2023) Adaptive SGD with Polyak stepsize and Line-search: Robust Convergence and Variance Reduction.
In: Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 11.12.2023-16.12.2023, New Orleans, USA.
Conference: NeurIPS Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems

Khodayari, Soheil and Pellegrino, Giancarlo
(2023) It's (DOM) Clobbering Time: Attack Techniques, Prevalence, and Defenses.
In: 44th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy.
Conference: SP IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy

Kogler, Andreas and Juffinger, Jonas and Giner, Lukas and Gerlach, Lukas and Schwarzl, Martin and Schwarz, Michael and Gruss, Daniel and Mangard, Stefan
(2023) Collide+Power: Leaking Inaccessible Data with Software-based Power Side Channels.
In: USENIX Security Symposium.
Conference: USENIX-Security Usenix Security Symposium

Koloskova, Anastasia and Hendrikx, Hadrien and Stich, Sebastian U.
(2023) Revisiting Gradient Clipping: Stochastic bias and tight convergence guarantees.
In: International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Honolulu, USA.
Conference: ICML International Conference on Machine Learning

Krause, Alexander and Klemmer, Jan H. and Huaman, Nicolas and Wermke, Dominik and Acar, Yasemin and Fahl, Sascha
(2023) Pushed by Accident: A Mixed-Methods Study on Strategies of Handling Secrets in Source Code Repositories.
In: 32nd USENIX Security Symposium, 9-11 Aug 2023, Anaheim, CA, USA.
Conference: USENIX-Security Usenix Security Symposium

Lenzen, Christoph and Medina, Moti and Saberi, Mehrdad and Schmid, Stefan
(2023) Robust Routing Made Easy: Reinforcing Networks Against Non-Benign Faults.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking. pp. 1-15. ISSN 1063-6692

Li, Zheng and Yu, Ning and Salem, Ahmed and Backes, Michael and Fritz, Mario and Zhang, Yang
(2023) UnGANable: Defending Against GAN-based Face Manipulation.
In: USENIX Security.
Conference: USENIX-Security Usenix Security Symposium

Lorenz, Tobias and Kwiatkowska, Marta and Fritz, Mario
(2023) Certifiers Make Neural Networks Vulnerable to Availability Attacks.
In: 16th ACM Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security, 30.11.2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Conference: AISec ACM Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Security
(In Press)

Mammadov, Tural
(2023) Learning Program Models from Generated Inputs.
In: Doctoral Symposium, 16 May 2023, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Conference: ICSE International Conference on Software Engineering

Mohtashami, Amirkeivan and Jaggi, Martin and Stich, Sebastian U.
(2023) Special Properties of Gradient Descent with Large Learning Rates.
In: International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Honolulu, USA.
Conference: ICML International Conference on Machine Learning

Morio, Kevin and Esiyok, Ilkan and Jackson, Dennis and Künnemann, Robert
(2023) Automated Security Analysis of Exposure Notification Systems.
In: 32st USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 23), 2023, Anaheim, CA.
Conference: USENIX-Security Usenix Security Symposium
(In Press)

Mosier, Nicholas and Eselius, Kate and Nemati, Hamed and Mitchell, John and Trippel, Caroline
(2023) Hardware-Software Codesign for Mitigating Spectre.
In: Workshop on Programming Languages for Architecture.
Conference: PLDI ACM-SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation

Motallebighomi, Maryam and Sathaye, Harshad and Singh, Mridula and Ranganathan, Aanjhan
(2023) Location-independent GNSS Relay Attacks: A Lazy Attacker’s Guide to Bypassing Navigation Message Authentication.
In: 16th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec 2023), May 29 - June 01, 2023, Surrey, UK.

Mustafa, Maryam and Asad, Abdul Moeed and Hassan, Shehrbano and Haider, Urooj and Durrani, Zainab and Krombholz, Katharina
(2023) Pakistani Teens and Privacy - How Gender Disparities, Religion and Family Values Impact the Privacy Design Space.
In: Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS ’23), 26--30. November 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Conference: CCS ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security

Nasrabadi, Faezeh and Künnemann, Robert and Nemati, Hamed
(2023) CryptoBap: A Binary Analysis Platform for Cryptographic Protocols.
In: ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS).
Conference: CCS ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security

Nicolae, Maria-Irina and Eisele, Max and Zeller, Andreas
(2023) Revisiting Neural Program Smoothing for Fuzzing.
In: ESEC/FSE 2023, Sun 3 - Sat 9 December 2023, San Francisco, California, United States.
Conference: ESEC/FSE European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (formerly listed as ESEC)
(In Press)

Ortloff, Anna-Marie and Fassl, Matthias and Ponticello, Alexander and Martius, Florin and Mertens, Anna and Krombholz, Katharina and Smith, Matthew
(2023) Different Researchers, Different Results? Analyzing the Influence of Researcher Experience and Data Type During Qualitative Analysis of an Interview and Survey Study on Security Advice.
In: CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '23), Hamburg, Germany.
Conference: CHI International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Pan, Jiaxin and Wagner, Benedikt
(2023) Chopsticks: Fork-Free Two-Round Multi-Signatures from Non-Interactive Assumptions.
In: Eurocrypt 2023.
Conference: EuroCrypt International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptographic Techniques

Pan, Jiaxin and Wagner, Benedikt and Zeng, Runzhi
(2023) Lattice-based Authenticated Key Exchange with Tight Security.
In: CRYPTO 2023.
Conference: CRYPTO Advances in Cryptology

Qu, Yiting and He, Xinlei and Pierson, Shannon and Backes, Michael and Zhang, Yang and Zannettou, Savvas
(2023) On the Evolution of (Hateful) Memes by Means of Multimodal Contrastive Learning.
In: 44th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P '23), 22-25 May 2023, HYATT REGENCY, SAN FRANCISCO, CA.
Conference: SP IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy

Qu, Yiting and Shen, Xinyue and He, Xinlei and Backes, Michael and Zannettou, Savvas and Zhang, Yang
(2023) Unsafe Diffusion: On the Generation of Unsafe Images and Hateful Memes From Text-To-Image Models.
In: CCS 2023, 26-30 Nov 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Conference: CCS ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security

Rack, Jeremy and Staicu, Cristian-Alexandru
(2023) Jack-in-the-box: An Empirical Study of JavaScript Bundling on the Web and its Security Implications.
In: CCS 2023, 26-30 Nov 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Conference: CCS ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security

Rasifard, Hamed and Gopinath, Rahul and Backes, Michael and Nemati, Hamed
(2023) SEAL: Capability-Based Access Control for Data-Analytic Scenarios.
In: ACM SACMAT 2023.
Conference: SACMAT ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (previously ACM Workshop on Role-Based Access Control, RBAC, changed in 2000)
(In Press)

Rautenstrauch, Jannis and Pellegrino, Giancarlo and Stock, Ben
(2023) The Leaky Web: Automated Discovery of Cross-Site Information Leaks in Browsers and the Web.
In: 44th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy.
Conference: SP IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy

Roeschlin, Marc and Camurati, Giovanni and Brunner, Pascal and Mridula, Singh and Srdjan, Capkun
(2023) EdgeTDC: On the Security of Time Difference of Arrival Measurements in CAN Bus Systems.
In: NDSS 2023.
Conference: NDSS Network and Distributed System Security Symposium

Schiller, Nico and Chlosta, Merlin and Schloegel, Moritz and Bars, Nils and Eisenhofer, Thorsten and Scharnowski, Tobias and Domke, Felix and Schönherr, Lea and Holz, Thorsten
(2023) Drone Security and the Mysterious Case of DJI's DroneID.
Conference: NDSS Network and Distributed System Security Symposium

Schlüter, Till and Choudhari, Amit and Hetterich, Lorenz and Trampert, Leon and Nemati, Hamed and Ibrahim, Ahmad and Schwarz, Michael and Rossow, Christian and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole
(2023) FetchBench: Systematic Identification and Characterization of Proprietary Prefetchers.
In: CCS 2023, 26-30 Nov 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Conference: CCS ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security

Schwarz, Fabian and Do, Khue and Heide, Gunnar and Hanzlik, Lucjan and Rossow, Christian
(2023) FeIDo: Recoverable FIDO2 Tokens Using Electronic IDs (Extended Version).
Technical Report. UNSPECIFIED.

Schwarzl, Martin and Borrello, Pietro and Saileshwar, Gururaj and Müller, Hanna and Schwarz, Michael and Gruss, Daniel
(2023) Practical Timing Side-Channel Attacks on Memory Compression.
In: IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy.
Conference: SP IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy

Shcherbakov, Mikhail and Balliu, Musard and Staicu, Cristian-Alexandru
(2023) Silent Spring: Prototype Pollution Leads to Remote Code Execution in Node.js.
In: USENIX Security Symposium 2023.
Conference: USENIX-Security Usenix Security Symposium

Siegel, Rudolf and Mrowczynski, Rafael and Hellenthal, Maria and Schilling, Michael
(2023) Poster: From Hashes to Ashes – A Comparison of Transcription Services.
In: ACM CCS 2023.
Conference: CCS ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security

Smytzek, Marius
(2023) From Input to Failure: Explaining Program Behavior via Cause-Effect Chains.
In: ICSE 2023, 14-20 May 2023, Melbourne, Australia.
Conference: ICSE International Conference on Software Engineering
(In Press)

Staicu, Cristian-Alexandru and Rahaman, Sazzadur and Kiss, Ágnes and Backes, Michael
(2023) Bilingual Problems: Studying the Security Risks Incurred by Native Extensions in Scripting Languages.
In: USENIX Security Symposium 2023.
Conference: USENIX-Security Usenix Security Symposium

Stivala, Giada and Abdelnabi, Sahar and Mengascini, Andrea and Graziano, Mariano and Fritz, Mario and Pellegrino, Giancarlo
(2023) From Attachments to SEO: Click Here to Learn More about Clickbait PDFs!
In: ACSAC '23: Proceedings of the 38th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, 4-8 December 2023, Austin, TX.
Conference: ACSAC Annual Computer Security Applications Conference
(In Press)

Thomas, Fabian and Gerlach, Lukas and Schwarz, Michael
(2023) Hammulator: Simulate Now - Exploit Later.
In: 3rd Workshop on DRAM Security.

Utz, Christine and Amft, Sabrina and Degeling, Martin and Holz, Thorsten and Fahl, Sascha and Schaub, Florian
(2023) Privacy Rarely Considered: Exploring Considerations in the Adoption of Third-Party Services by Websites.
In: PETS 2023.
Conference: PETS Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (was International Workshop of Privacy Enhancing Technologies)

Utz, Christine and Michels, Matthias and Degeling, Martin and Marnau, Ninja and Stock, Ben
(2023) Comparing Large-Scale Privacy and Security Notifications.
In: PETS 2023, July 10–15, 2023, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Conference: PETS Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (was International Workshop of Privacy Enhancing Technologies)
(In Press)

Walita, Tim and Erba, Alessandro and Castellanos, John H. and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole
(2023) Blind Concealment from Reconstruction-based Attack Detectors for Industrial Control Systems via Backdoor Attacks.
In: Proceedings of the Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop (CPSS).

Wang, Boya and Lueks, Wouter and Sukaitis, Justinas and Graf Narbel, Vincent and Troncoso, Carmela
(2023) Not Yet Another Digital ID: Privacy-Preserving Humanitarian Aid Distribution.
In: 44rd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, May 22-25, 2023, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Conference: SP IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
(In Press)

Wang, Haiming and Zhang, Zhikun and Wang, Tianhao and He, Shibo and Backes, Michael and Chen, Jiming and Zhang, Yang
(2023) PrivTrace: Differentially Private Trajectory Synthesis by Adaptive Markov Model.
In: USENIX Security Symposium 2023.
Conference: USENIX-Security Usenix Security Symposium

Weber, Daniel and Thomas, Fabian and Gerlach, Lukas and Zhang, Ruiyi and Schwarz, Michael
(2023) Indirect Meltdown: Building Novel Side-Channel Attacks from Transient Execution Attacks.
Conference: ESORICS European Symposium On Research In Computer Security

Weber, Daniel and Thomas, Fabian and Gerlach, Lukas and Zhang, Ruiyi and Schwarz, Michael
(2023) Reviving Meltdown 3a.
Conference: ESORICS European Symposium On Research In Computer Security

Wermke, Dominik and Klemmer, Jan H. and Wöhler, Noah and Schmüser, Juliane and Harshini Sri Ramulu, Yasemin Acar and Fahl, Sascha
(2023) "Always Contribute Back": A Qualitative Study on Security Challenges of the Open Source Supply Chain.
In: 44th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P '23), 22-25 May 2023, HYATT REGENCY, SAN FRANCISCO, CA.
Conference: SP IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy

Wi, Seongil and Nguyen, Trung Tin and Kim, Jiwhan and Stock, Ben and Son, Sooel
(2023) DiffCSP: Finding Browser Bugs in Content Security Policy Enforcement through Differential Testing.
Conference: NDSS Network and Distributed System Security Symposium

Willbold, Johannes and Schloegel, Moritz and Vögele, Manuel and Gerhardt, Maximilian and Holz, Thorsten and Abbasi, Ali
(2023) Space Odyssey: An Experimental Software Security Analysis of Satellites.
In: IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, San Francisco, USA.

Yuan, Xiaojian and Chen, Kejiang and Zhang, Jie and Zhang, Weiming and Yu, Nenghai and Zhang, Yang
(2023) Pseudo Label-Guided Model Inversion Attack via Conditional Generative Adversarial Network.
In: AAAI 2023.
Conference: AAAI National Conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence

Zhang, Ruiyi and Kim, Taehyun and Weber, Daniel and Schwarz, Michael
(2023) (M)WAIT for It: Bridging the Gap between Microarchitectural and Architectural Side Channels.
In: USENIX Security.
Conference: USENIX-Security Usenix Security Symposium

This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 17:41:02 2025 CET.