Number of items: 12.
Alecci, Marco and Samhi, Jordan and Bissyandé, Tegawendé F. and Jacques, Klein
Revisiting Android App Categorization.
(In Press)
Cremers, Cas and Ronen, Eyal and Zhao, Mang
Multi-Stage Group Key Distribution and PAKEs: Securing Zoom Groups against Malicious Servers without New Security Elements.
Cremers, Cas and Zhao, Mang
Secure Messaging with Strong Compromise Resilience, Temporal Privacy, and Immediate Decryption.
Gerlach, Lukas and Schwarz, Simon and Faroß, Nicolas and Schwarz, Michael
Efficient and Generic Microarchitectural Hash-Function Recovery.
Hanzlik, Lucjan and Loss, Julian and Thyagarajan, Sri AravindaKrishnan and Wagner, Benedikt
Sweep-UC: Swapping Coins Privately.
Heim, Philippe and Dimitrova, Rayna
Solving Infinite-State Games via Acceleration.
(In Press)
Hsu, Sheryl and Tran, Manda and Fass, Aurore
What is in the Chrome Web Store?
Jallow, Alfusainey and Schilling, Michael and Backes, Michael and Bugiel, Sven
Measuring the Effects of Stack Overflow Code Snippet Evolution on Open-Source Software Security.
Khodayari, Soheil and Barber, Thomas and Pellegrino, Giancarlo
The Great Request Robbery: An Empirical Study of Client-side Request Hijacking Vulnerabilities on the Web.
Samhi, Jordan and Bissyandé, Tegawendé F. and Klein, Jacques
AndroLibZoo: A Reliable Dataset of Libraries Based on Software Dependency Analysis.
(In Press)
Zhang, Boyang and Zheng, Li and Yang, Ziqing and He, Xinlei and Backes, Michael and Fritz, Mario and Zhang, Yang
SecurityNet: Assessing Machine Learning Vulnerabilities on Public Models.
(In Press)
Zhang, Ruiyi and Gerlach, Lukas and Weber, Daniel and Hetterich, Lorenz and Lü, Youheng and Kogler, Andreas and Schwarz, Michael
CacheWarp: Software-based Fault Injection using Selective State Reset.
This list was generated on Wed Jan 15 19:01:38 2025 CET.