Number of items: 133.
Abate, Carmine and Blanco, Roberto and Garg, Deepak and Hritcu, Catalin and Patrignani, Marco and Thibault, Jeremy
Journey Beyond Full Abstraction: Exploring Robust Property Preservation for Secure Compilation.
Aggarwal, Divesh and Döttling, Nico and Nielsen, Jesper Buus and Obremski, Maciej and Purwanto, Erick
Continuous Non-Malleable Codes in the 8-Split-State Model.
Alam, Aftab and Krombholz, Katharina and Bugiel, Sven
Poster: Let History not Repeat Itself (this Time) - Tackling WebAuthn Developer Issues Early On.
Antonioli, Daniele and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole and Rasmussen, Kasper
Nearby Threats: Reversing, Analyzing, and Attacking Google’s 'Nearby Connections' on Android.
Antonioli, Daniele and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole and Rasmussen, Kasper Bonne
The KNOB is Broken: Exploiting Low Entropy in the Encryption Key Negotiation Of Bluetooth BR/EDR.
Backes, Michael and Döttling, Nico and Hanzlik, Lucjan and Kluczniak, Kamil and Schneider, Jonas
Ring Signatures: Logarithmic Size, No Setup -- from Standard Assumptions.
Backes, Michael and Hanzlik, Lucjan and Herzberg, Amir and Kate, Aniket and Pryvalov, Ivan
Efficient Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs in Cross-Domains without Trusted Setup.
(In Press)
Backes, Michael and Hanzlik, Lucjan and Schneider-Bensch, Jonas
Membership Privacy for Fully Dynamic Group Signatures.
Baumeister, Jan and Finkbeiner, Bernd and Schwenger, Maximilian and Torfah, Hazem
FPGA Stream-Monitoring of Real-time Properties.
ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst., 18 (5s).
Beutner, Raven and Finkbeiner, Bernd and Hecking-Harbusch, Jesko
Translating Asynchronous Games for Distributed
Bhattacharyya, Apratim and Fritz, Mario and Schiele, Bernt
Bayesian Prediction of Future Street Scenes using Synthetic Likelihoods.
Blaskiewicz, Przemyslaw and Hanzlik, Lucjan and Kluczniak, Kamil and Krzywiecki, Lukasz and Kutylowski, Miroslaw and Slowik, Marcin and Wszola, Marta
Pseudonymous Signature Schemes.
Advances in Cyber Security.
Springer, Singapore, pp. 185-255.
ISBN 78-981-13-1483-4
Bloem, Roderick and Jacobs, Swen and Vizel, Yakir
Efficient Information-Flow Verification under Speculative Execution.
(In Press)
Bonakdarpour, Borzoo and Finkbeiner, Bernd
Program Repair for Hyperproperties.
Brahmakshatriya, Ajay and Kedia, Piyus and Nemati, Hamed and McKee, Derrick and Bhatu, Pratik and Garg, Deepak and Lal, Akash and Rastogi, Aseem
ConfLLVM: A Compiler for Enforcing Data Confidentiality in Low-Level Code.
Brakerski, Zvika and Döttling, Nico and Garg, Sanjam and Malavolta, Giulio
Leveraging Linear Decryption: Rate-1 Fully-Homomorphic Encryption and Time-Lock Puzzles.
(In Press)
Breitenbacher, Dominik and Homoliak, Ivan and Aung, Yan Lin and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole and Elovici, Yuval
HADES-IoT: A Practical Host-Based Anomaly Detection System for IoT Devices.
Brox, Thomas and Bruhn, Andrés and Fritz, Mario
Pattern Recognition - 40th German Conference, GCPR 2018, Stuttgart, Germany, October 9-12, 2018, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11269
ISBN 978-3-030-12938-5
Cascudo, Ignacio and Damgård, Ivan and David, Bernardo and Döttling, Nico and Dowsley, Rafael and Giacomelli, Irene
Efficient UC Commitment Extension with Homomorphism for Free (and Applications).
(In Press)
Chakraborty, Dhiman and Bugiel, Sven
Poster: simFIDO – FIDO2 User Authentication with simTPM.
Chakraborty, Dhiman and Bugiel, Sven and Jha, Atul Ananad
Poster: TGX: Secure SGX enclave management
using TPM.
Chakraborty, Dhiman and Hammer, Christian and Bugiel, Sven
Secure Multi-Execution in Android.
Chakraborty, Dhiman and Hanzlik, Lucjan and Bugiel, Sven
simTPM: User-centric TPM for Mobile Devices.
Chakraborty, Dhiman and Hanzlik, Lucjan and Bugiel, Sven
simTPM: User-centric TPM for Mobile Devices (Technical Report).
Chattopadhyay, Sudipta and Beck, Moritz and Rezine, Ahmed and Zeller, Andreas
Quantifying the Information Leakage in Cache Attacks via Symbolic Execution.
ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst., 18 (1).
Christi, Arpit and Groce, Alex and Gopinath, Rahul
Evaluating Fault Localization for Resource Adaptation via Test-Based Software Modification.
Coenen, Norine and Finkbeiner, Bernd and Hahn, Christopher and Hofmann, Jana
The Hierarchy of Hyperlogics.
Coenen, Norine and Finkbeiner, Bernd and Sanchez, Cesar and Tentrup, Leander
Verifying Hyperliveness.
Cohn-Gordon, Katriel and Cremers, Cas and Gjøsteen, Kristian and Jacobsen, Hakon and Jager, Tibor
Highly Efficient Key Exchange Protocols with Optimal Tightness: Enabling real-world deployments with theoretically sound parameters.
(In Press)
Cremers, Cas and Dehnel-Wild, Martin
Component-Based Formal Analysis of 5G-AKA: Channel Assumptions and Session Confusion.
(In Press)
Cremers, Cas and Dehnel-Wild, Martin and Milner, Kevin
Secure Authentication in the Grid: A Formal Analysis of DNP3 SAv5.
Journal of Computer Security, 27 (2).
pp. 203-232.
Cremers, Cas and Hirschi, Lucca
Improving Automated Symbolic Analysis of Ballot Secrecy for E-voting Protocols: A Method Based on Sufficient Conditions.
Cremers, Cas and Jackson, Dennis
Prime, Order Please! Revisiting Small Subgroup and Invalid Curve Attacks on Protocols using Diffie-Hellman.
Dawoud, Abdallah and Bugiel, Sven
DroidCap: OS Support for Capability-based Permissions in Android.
Dax, Alexander and Tangermann, Sven and Künnemann, Robert and Backes, Michael
How to wrap it up - A formally verified proposal for the use of authenticated wrapping in PKCS#11.
(In Press)
Degott, Christian and Pereira Borges Jr., Nataniel and Zeller, Andreas
Learning User Interface Element Interactions.
Dimitrova, Rayna and Finkbeiner, Bernd and Torfah, Hazem
Approximate Automata for Omega-Regular Languages.
Dimitrova, Rayna and Finkbeiner, Bernd and Torfah, Hazem
Synthesizing Approximate Implementations for Unrealizable Specifications.
Döttling, Nico and Garg, Sanjam and Goyal, Vipul and Malavolta, Giulio
Laconic Conditional Disclosure of Secrets and Applications.
(In Press)
Döttling, Nico and Garg, Sanjam and Hajiabadi, Mohammad and Liu, Kevin and Malavolta, Giulio
Rate-1 Trapdoor Functions from the Diffie-Hellman Problem.
(In Press)
Döttling, Nico and Garg, Sanjam and Ishai, Yuval and Malavolta, Giulio and Mour, Tamer and Ostrovsky, Rafail
Trapdoor Hash Functions and Their Applications.
Döttling, Nico and Lai, Russell and Malavolta, Giulio
Incremental Proofs of Sequential Work.
Eskandarian, Saba and Cogan, Jonathan and Birnbaum, Sawyer and Brandon, Peh Chang Wei and Franke, Dillon and Fraser, Forest and Garcia, Gaspar and Gong, Eric and Nguyen, Hung T. and Sethi, Taresh K. and Subbiah, Vishal and Backes, Michael and Pellegrino, Giancarlo and Boneh, Dan
Fidelius: Protecting User Secrets from Compromised Browsers.
Fass, Aurore and Backes, Michael and Stock, Ben
HideNoSeek: Camouflaging Malicious JavaScript in Benign ASTs.
Fass, Aurore and Backes, Michael and Stock, Ben
JStap: A Static Pre-Filter for Malicious JavaScript Detection.
Faymonville, Peter and Finkbeiner, Bernd and Schledjewski, Malte and Schwenger, Maximilian and Stenger, Marvin and Tentrup, Leander and Torfah, Hazem
StreamLAB: Stream-based Monitoring of Cyber-Physical Systems.
Faymonville, Peter and Finkbeiner, Bernd and Schledjewski, Malte and Schwenger, Maximilian and Tentrup, Leander and Torfah, Hazem
Real-time Stream Monitoring with StreamLAB.
Finkbeiner, Bernd and Gieseking, Manuel and Olderog, Ernst-Rüdiger and Hecking-Harbusch, Jesko
Model Checking Data Flows in Concurrent Network Updates.
Finkbeiner, Bernd and Haas, Lennart and Torfah, Hazem
Canonical Representations of k-Safety Hyperproperties.
Finkbeiner, Bernd and Hahn, Christopher and Stenger, Marvin and Tentrup, Leander
Monitoring hyperproperties.
Formal Methods Syst. Des., 54 (3).
pp. 336-363.
Finkbeiner, Bernd and Klein, Felix and Piskac, Ruzica and Santolucito, Mark
Synthesizing functional reactive programs.
Finkbeiner, Bernd and Klein, Felix and Piskac, Ruzica and Santolucito, Mark
Temporal Stream Logic: Synthesis beyond the Bools.
Fischer, Jonas and Vreeken, Jilles
Sets of Robust Rules, and How to Find Them.
Geier, Gideon and Heim, Philippe and Klein, Felix and Finkbeiner, Bernd
Syntroids: Synthesizing a Game for FPGAs using Temporal Logic Specifications.
Ghaeini, Hamid Reza and Chan, Matthew and Bahmani, Raad and Brasser, Ferdinand and Garcia, Luis and Zhou, Jianying and Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole and Zonouz, Saman
PAtt: Physics-based Attestation of Control Systems.
Ghaeini, Hamid Reza and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole and Zhou, Jianying
Zero Residual Attacks on Industrial Control Systems and Stateful Countermeasures.
Giraldo, Jairo and Urbina, David and Cárdenas, Alvaro A. and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole
Hide and Seek: An Architecture for Improving Attack-Visibility in Industrial Control Systems.
Grosse, Kathrin and Trost, Thomas A. and Mosbach, Marius and Backes, Michael
Adversarial Initialization - when your network performs the way I want -.
ArXiv e-prints.
Hagestedt, Inken and Zhang, Yang and Humbert, Mathias and Berrang, Pascal and Haixu, Tang and XiaoFeng, Wang and Backes, Michael
MBeacon: Privacy-Preserving Beacons for DNA Methylation Data.
Hanzlik, Lucjan and Kluczniak, Kamil and Kutylowski, Miroslaw
CTRL-PACE: Controlled Randomness for e-Passport Password Authentication.
Fundamenta Informaticae.
Havrikov, Nikolas and Zeller, Andreas
Systematically Covering Input Structure.
Hecking-Harbusch, Jesko and Metzger, Niklas
Efficient Trace Encodings of Bounded Synthesis for Asynchronous Distributed Systems.
Hessel, Stefan and Möllers, Frederik
Gute Vorsätze für 2019: Die DSGVO verstehen und umsetzen.
Forum der Psychotherapeutenkammer des Saarlandes (72).
pp. 8-11.
Hessel, Stefan and Sorge, Christoph
Saarbrücker Tabelle für Geldentschädigung bei Persönlichkeitsrechtsverletzungen.
juris Praxiskommentar BGB.
Maximilian Herberger, Michael Martinek, Helmut Rüßmann, Stephan Weth, Markus Würdinger.
Heule, Marijn J.H. and Kiesl, Benjamin and Biere, Armin
Encoding Redundancy for Satisfaction-Driven Clause Learning.
Heule, Marijn J.H. and Kiesl, Benjamin and Biere, Armin
Strong Extension-Free Proof Systems.
Journal of Automated Reasoning.
ISSN 0168-7433
Hof, Hans-Joachim and Fritz, Mario and Krauss, Christoph and Wasenmüller, Oliver
ACM Computer Science in Cars Symposium.
Association for Computing Machinery, Kaiserslautern, Germany.
ISBN 978-1-4503-7004-2
Huang, Jie and Pereira Borges Jr., Nataniel and Bugiel, Sven and Backes, Michael
Up-To-Crash: Evaluating Third-Party Library Updatability on Android.
Iacovazzi, Alfonso and Frassinelli, Daniel and Elovici, Yuval
The DUSTER Attack: Tor Onion Service Attribution Based on Flow Watermarking with Track Hiding.
Jackson, Dennis and Cremers, Cas and Cohn-Gordon, Katriel and Sasse, Ralf
Seems Legit: Automated Analysis of Subtle Attacks on Protocols that use Signatures.
(In Press)
Jacobs, Swen and Sakr, Mouhammad
A symbolic algorithm for lazy synthesis of eager strategies.
Acta Informatica.
ISSN 1432-0525
Jia, Jinyuan and Salem, Ahmed and Backes, Michael and Gong, Neil Zhenqiang and Zhang, Yang
MemGuard: Defending against Black-Box Membership Inference Attacks via Adversarial Examples.
Kalofolias, Janis and Boley, Mario and Vreeken, Jilles
Discovering Robustly Connected Subgraphs with Simple Descriptions.
Kalofolias, Janis and Boley, Mario and Vreeken, Jilles
Discovering Robustly Connected Subgraphs with Simple Descriptions.
Kalofolias, Janis and Boley, Mario and Vreeken, Jilles
Discovering Robustly Connected Subgraphs with Simple Descriptions.
Kaltenpoth, David and Vreeken, Jilles
We Are Not Your Real Parents: Telling Causal from Confounded using MDL.
Kampmann, Alexander and Zeller, Andreas
Carving Parameterized Unit Tests.
Ke, Qiuhong and Fritz, Mario and Schiele, Bernt
Time-Conditioned Action Anticipation in One Shot.
Kiesl, Benjamin and Heule, Marijn J.H. and Biere, Armin
Truth Assignments as Conditional Autarkies.
Kiesl, Benjamin and Seidl, Martina
QRAT Polynomially Simulates \forall-Exp+Res.
(In Press)
Kluczniak, Kamil and Wang, Jianfeng and Chen, Xiaofeng and Kutylowski, Miroslaw
Multi-device anonymous authentication.
International Journal of Information Security.
Krombholz, Katharina and Busse, Karoline and Pfeffer, Katharina and Smith, Matthew and von Zezschwitz, Emanuel
"If HTTPS Were Secure, I Wouldn't Need 2FA" - End User and Administrator Mental Models of HTTPS.
Kutylowski, Miroslaw and Lemiesz, Jakub and Slowik, Marta and Slowik, Marcin and Kluczniak, Kamil and Gebala, Maciej
GDPR-Compliant Reputation System Based on Self-certifying Domain Signatures.
Künnemann, Robert and Esiyok, Ilkan and Backes, Michael
Automated Verification of Accountability in Security Protocols.
(In Press)
Künnemann, Robert and Garg, Deepak and Backes, Michael
Causality & Control flow.
(In Press)
Li, Zheng and Hu, Chengyu and Guo, Shanqing and Zhang, Yang
How to Prove Your Model Belongs to You: A Blind-Watermark based Framework to Protect Intellectual Property of DNN.
Mandros, Panagiotis and Boley, Mario and Vreeken, Jilles
Discovering Reliable Correlations in Categorical Data.
Mandros, Panagiotis and Boley, Mario and Vreeken, Jilles
Discovering Reliable Dependencies from Data: Hardness and Improved Algorithms (Extended Abstract).
Marnau, Ninja
Comments on the “Draft Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI” by the High-Level
Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence.
Marnau, Ninja
Datenschutzrecht und Brexit.
Brexit - Privat- und wirtschaftsrechtliche Folgen, 2. Aufl. (Hrsg. Kramme / Baldus / Schmidt-Kessel).
ISBN 978-3-8487-5438-0
(In Press)
Marnau, Ninja
Kommentierung der §§64, 70, 71, 74 BDSG.
Gola/Heckman (Hrsg.) Bundesdatenschutzgesetz, Kommentar, 13. Aufl.
ISBN 978-3-406-72878-5
(In Press)
Marnau, Ninja
Stellungnahme gegenüber dem Landtag des Freistaats Sachen in der Anhörung zur Drucksache 6/16724 „Gesetz zur Neuordnung der Informationssicherheit im Freistaat Sachsen“.
Marnau, Ninja
Stellungnahme gegenüber dem Landtag des Saarlandes in der Anhörung zur Drucksache 16/761 „Informationssicherheitsgesetz Saarland – IT-SiG SL“ sowie Änderung weiterer Vorschriften.
Marnau, Ninja
Überwachung by Design.
Privacy in Germany (PinG) Journal, 2019/2.
ISSN 2197-1862
(In Press)
Marnau, Ninja and Sorge, Christoph
From Law to Engineering: A Computer Science Perspective on Privacy & Data Protection.
González-Fuster, G., van Brakel, R. and P. De Hert (forthcoming) Research Handbook on Privacy and Data Protection Law. Values, Norms and Global Politics.
Edward Elgar Publishing.
(In Press)
Marx, Alexander and Vreeken, Jilles
Approximating Algorithmic Conditional Independence for Discrete Data.
Marx, Alexander and Vreeken, Jilles
Identifiability of Cause and Effect using Regularized Regression.
Marx, Alexander and Vreeken, Jilles
Telling Cause from Effect by Local and Global Regression.
Knowledge and Information Systems.
(In Press)
Marx, Alexander and Vreeken, Jilles
Testing Conditional Independence on Discrete Data using Stochastic Complexity.
Mathis, Björn and Gopinath, Rahul and Mera, Michaël and Kampmann, Alexander and Höschele, Matthias and Zeller, Andreas
Parser-Directed Fuzzing.
(In Press)
Maximov, Maxim and Leal-Taixe, Laura and Fritz, Mario and Ritschel, Tobias
Deep Appearance Maps.
Mirzaie, Nahal and Faghih, Fathiyeh and Jacobs, Swen and Bonakdarpour, Borzoo
Parameterized synthesis of self-stabilizing protocols in symmetric networks.
Acta Informatica.
ISSN 1432-0525
Musch, Marius and Steffens, Marius and Roth, Sebastian and Stock, Ben and Johns, Martin
ScriptProtect: Mitigating Unsafe Third-Party JavaScript Practices.
Naseri, Mohammad and Pereira Borges Jr., Nataniel and Zeller, Andreas and Rouvoy, Romain
AccessiLeaks: Investigating Privacy Leaks Exposed by the Android Accessibility Service.
Nguyen, Duc Cuong and Derr, Erik and Backes, Michael and Bugiel, Sven
Short Text, Large Effect: Measuring the Impact of User Reviews on Android App Security & Privacy.
Oh, Seong Joon and Schiele, Bernt and Fritz, Mario
Towards Reverse-Engineering Black-Box Neural Networks.
Explainable AI: Interpreting, Explaining and Visualizing Deep Learning.
Springer, pp. 121-144.
ISBN 978-3-030-28953-9
Orekondy, Tribhuvanesh and Schiele, Bernt and Fritz, Mario
Knockoff Nets: Stealing Functionality of Black-Box Models.
Patrignani, Marco and Garg, Deepak
Robustly Safe Compilation.
Pereira Borges Jr., Nataniel and Zeller, Andreas
Why does this App need this Data? Automatic Tightening of Resource Access.
Rahman, Tahleen and Surma, Bartlomiej and Backes, Michael and Zhang, Yang
Fairwalk: Towards Fair Graph Embedding.
Salem, Ahmed and Zhang, Yang and Humbert, Mathias and Berrang, Pascal and Fritz, Mario and Backes, Michael
ML-Leaks: Model and Data Independent Membership Inference Attacks and Defenses on Machine Learning Models.
Saran, Divyam and Vreeken, Jilles
Summarizing Dynamic Graphs using MDL.
Sattar, Hosnieh and Pons-Moll, Gerard and Fritz, Mario
Fashion is Taking Shape: Understanding Clothing Preference Based on Body Shape From Online Sources.
Shetty, Rakshith and Schiele, Bernt and Fritz, Mario
Not Using the Car to See the Sidewalk: Quantifying and Controlling the Effects of Context in Classification and Segmentation.
Speicher, Patrick and Steinmetz, Marcel and Hoffmann, Jörg and Backes, Michael and Künnemann, Robert
Towards Automated Network Mitigation Analysis.
Speicher, Patrick and Steinmetz, Marcel and Hoffmann, Jörg and Backes, Michael and Künnemann, Robert
Towards Automated Network Mitigation Analysis (extended version).
Steffens, Marius and Rossow, Christian and Johns, Martin and Stock, Ben
Don’t Trust The Locals: Investigating the Prevalence of Persistent Client-Side Cross-Site Scripting in the Wild.
Steil, Julian and Hagestedt, Inken and Huang, Michael Xuelin and Bulling, Andreas
Privacy-aware eye tracking using differential privacy.
Steinmetz, Marcel and Torralba, Àlvaro
Bridging the Gap Between Abstractions and Critical-Path Heuristics via Hypergraphs.
Suchan, Alexander and von Zezschwitz, Emanuel and Krombholz, Katharina
Stop to Unlock - Improving the Security of Android Unlock Patterns.
Tambe, Amit and Aung, Yan Lin and Sridharan, Ragav and Ochoa, Martin and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole and Shabtai, Asaf and Elovici, Yuval
Detection of Threats to IoT Devices using Scalable VPN-forwarded Honeypots.
(In Press)
Tiefenau, Christian and von Zezschwitz, Emanuel and Häring, Maximilian and Krombholz, Katharina and Smith, Matthew
A Usability Evaluation of Let's Encrypt and Certbot: Usable Security Done Right.
Tippenhauer, Nils Ole
Design and Realization of Testbeds for Security Research in the Industrial Internet of Things.
Security and Privacy Trends in the Industrial Internet of Things.
Springer, Cham, pp. 287-310.
ISBN 978-3-030-12330-7
Tramèr, Florian and Dupré, Pascal and Gili, Rusak and Pellegrino, Giancarlo and Boneh, Dan
AdVersarial: Perceptual Ad Blocking meets Adversarial Machine Learning.
Vassena, Marco and Patrignani, Marco
Memory Safety Preservation for WebAssembly.
Vreeken, Jilles and Yamanishi, Kenji
Modern MDL meets Data Mining Insights, Theory, and Practice.
Walla, Sebastian and Rossow, Christian
MALPITY: Automatic Identification and Exploitation of Tarpit Vulnerabilities in Malware.
(In Press)
Yu, Ning and Davis, Larry and Fritz, Mario
Attributing Fake Images to GANs: Learning and Analyzing GAN Fingerprints.
Zeller, Andreas and Gopinath, Rahul and Böhme, Marcel and Fraser, Gordon and Holler, Christian
The Fuzzing Book.
CISPA + Saarland University, Saarbrücken.
ISBN n/a
Zhang, Xucong and Sugano, Yusuke and Fritz, Mario and Bulling, Andreas
MPIIGaze: Real-World Dataset and Deep Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation.
Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI).
Zhang, Yang
Language in Our Time: An Empirical Analysis of Hashtags.
Zhao, Qingchuan and Zuo, Chaoshun and Pellegrino, Giancarlo and Zhiqiang, Li
Geo-locating Drivers: A Study of Sensitive Data Leakage in Ride-Hailing Services.
van Schaik, Stephan and Milburn, Alyssa and Österlund, Sebastian and Frigo, Pietro and Maisuradze, Giorgi and Razavi, Kaveh and Bos, Herbert and Giuffrida, Cristiano
RIDL: Rogue In-flight Data Load.
This list was generated on Wed Feb 5 06:43:59 2025 CET.