Number of items: 138.
Conference or Workshop Item (A Paper)
Abate, Carmine and Blanco, Roberto and Ciobaca, Stefan and Durier, Adrien and Garg, Deepak and Hritcu, Catalin and Patrignani, Marco and Tanter, Éric and Thibault, Jérémy
Trace-Relating Compiler Correctness and Secure Compilation.
Abdelnabi, Sahar and Krombholz, Katharina and Fritz, Mario
VisualPhishNet: Zero-Day Phishing Website Detection by Visual Similarity.
Agarwal, Vedika and Shetty, Rakshith and Fritz, Mario
Towards Causal VQA: Revealing and Reducing Spurious Correlations by Invariant and Covariant Semantic Editing.
Akhmetzyanova, Liliya and Cremers, Cas and Garratt, Luke and Smyshlyaev, Stanislav and Sullivan, Nick
Limiting the impact of unreliable randomness in deployed security protocols.
Anell, Simon and Gröber, Lea and Krombholz, Katharina
End User and Expert Perceptions of Threats and Potential Countermeasures.
Antonioli, Daniele and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole and Rasmussen, Kasper
BIAS: Bluetooth Impersonation AttackS.
Baumeister, Jan and Finkbeiner, Bernd and Kruse, Matthis and Schwenger, Maximilian
Automatic Optimizations for Stream-based Monitoring Languages.
(In Press)
Baumeister, Jan and Finkbeiner, Bernd and Schirmer, Sebastian and Schwenger, Maximilian and Torens, Christoph
RTLola Cleared for Take-Off: Monitoring Autonomous Aircraft.
Baumeister, Tom and Finkbeiner, Bernd and Torfah, Hazem
Explainable Reactive Synthesis.
Belth, Caleb and Zheng, X and Vreeken, Jilles and Koutra, Danai
What is Normal, What is Strange, and What is Missing in an Knowledge Graph.
Benz, Manuel and Kristensen, Erik Krogh and Luo, Linghui and Pereira Borges Jr., Nataniel and Bodden, Eric and Zeller, Andreas
Heaps’n’Leaks: How Heap Snapshots Improve Android Taint Analysis.
Bhattacharyya, Apratim and Mahajan, Shweta and Fritz, Mario and Schiele, Bernt and Roth, Stefan
Normalizing Flows with Multi-scale Autoregressive Priors.
Bhattacharyya, Apratim and Straehle, Christoph-Nikolas and Fritz, Mario and Schiele, Bernt
Haar Wavelet based Block Autoregressive Flows for Trajectories.
Birtel, Benedikt and Rossow, Christian
Slitheen++: Stealth TLS-based Decoy Routing.
Bonakdarpour, B. and Finkbeiner, B.
Controller Synthesis for Hyperproperties.
Brakerski, Zvika and Branco, Pedro and Döttling, Nico and Garg, Sanjam and Malavolta, Giulio
Constant Ciphertext-Rate Non-committing Encryption from Standard Assumptions.
Brakerski, Zvika and Döttling, Nico
Hardness of LWE on General Entropic Distribution.
Brakerski, Zvika and Döttling, Nico
Lossiness and Entropic Hardness for Ring-LWE.
Brakerski, Zvika and Döttling, Nico and Garg, Sanjam and Malavolta, Giulio
Candidate iO from Homomorphic Encryption Schemes.
(In Press)
Brendel, Jacqueline and Fischlin, Marc and Günther, Felix and Janson, Christian and Stebila, Douglas
Towards Post-Quantum Security for Signal's X3DH Handshake.
(In Press)
Brengel, Michael and Rossow, Christian
xOSSig: Leveraging OS Diversity to Automatically Extract Malware Code Signatures.
Bushart, Jonas and Rossow, Christian
Padding Ain’t Enough: Assessing the Privacy Guarantees of Encrypted DNS.
Busse, Karoline and Tahaei, Mohammad and Krombholz, Katharina and von Zezschwitz, Emanuel and Smith, Matthew and Tian, Jing and Xu, Wenyuan
Cash, Cards or Cryptocurrencies? A Study of Payment Culture in Four Countries.
Calciati, Paolo and Kuznetsov, Konstantin and Gorla, Alessandra and Zeller, Andreas
Automatically Granted Permissions in Android apps: An Empirical Study on their Prevalence and on the Potential Threats for Privacy.
Calzavara, Stefano and Roth, Sebastian and Rabitti, Alvise and Backes, Michael and Stock, Ben
A Tale of Two Headers: A Formal Analysis of Inconsistent Click-Jacking Protection on the Web.
Chen, Dingfan and Orekondy, Tribhuvanesh and Fritz, Mario
GS-WGAN: A Gradient-Sanitized Approach for Learning Differentially Private Generators.
Chen, Dingfan and Yu, Ning and Zhang, Yang and Fritz, Mario
GAN-Leaks: A Taxonomy of Membership Inference Attacks against Generative Models.
Chen, Yiqun T and Gopinath, Rahul and Tadakamalla, Anita and Ernst, Michael D and Holmes, Reid and Fraser, Gordon and Ammann, Paul and Just, Rene
Revisiting the Relationship Between Fault Detection,Test Adequacy Criteria, and Test Set Size.
Chou, Edward and Tramer, Florian and Pellegrino, Giancarlo
SentiNet: Detecting Localized Universal Attack Against Deep Learning Systems.
Cogliati, Benoît-Michel and Jha, Ashwin and Nandi, Mridul
How to Build Optimally Secure PRFs Using Block Ciphers.
(In Press)
Cortiñas, Carlos Tomé and Vassena, Marco and Russo, Alejandro
Securing Asynchronous Exceptions.
Cremers, Cas and Fairoze, Jaiden and Kiesl, Benjamin and Naska, Aurora
Clone Detection in Secure Messaging: Improving Post-Compromise Security in Practice.
(In Press)
Cremers, Cas and Kiesl, Benjamin and Medinger, Niklas
A Formal Analysis of IEEE 802.11’s WPA2: Countering the Kracks Caused by Cracking the Counters.
Cueppers, Joscha and Vreeken, Jilles
Just Wait For It... Mining Sequential Patterns with Reliable Prediction Delays.
(In Press)
Dalleiger, Sebastian and Vreeken, Jilles
Explainable Data Decompositions.
(In Press)
Dalleiger, Sebastian and Vreeken, Jilles
The Relaxed Maximum Entropy Distribution and its Application to Pattern Discovery.
(In Press)
Deuber, Dominic and Döttling, Nico and Magri, Bernardo and Malavolta, Giulio and Thyagarajan, Sri Aravinda Krishnan
Minting Mechanisms for (PoS) Blockchains.
Dimitrova, Rayna and Finkbeiner, Bernd and Torfah, Hazem
Probabilistic Hyperproperties of Markov Decision Processes.
Durst, David and Feldman, Matthew and Huff, Dillon and Akeley, David and Daly, Ross and Bernstein, Gilbert Louis and Patrignani, Marco and Fatahalian, Kayvon and Hanrahan, Pat
Type-Directed Scheduling of Streaming Accelerators.
Döttling, Nico and Garg, Sanjam and Hajiabadi, Mohammad and Masny, Daniel and Wichs, Daniel
Two-Round Oblivious Transfer from CDH or LPN.
(In Press)
Döttling, Nico and Garg, Sanjam and Malavolta, Giulio and Vasudevan, Prashant Nalini
Tight Verifiable Delay Functions.
Döttling, Nico and Malavolta, Giulio and Pu, Sihang
A Combinatorial Approach to Quantum Random Functions.
Erba, Alessandro and Taormina, Riccardo and Galelli, Stefano and Pogliani, Marcello and Carminati, Michele and Zanero, Stefano and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole
Constrained Concealment Attacks against Reconstruction-based Anomaly Detectors in Industrial Control Systems.
Esiyok, Ilkan and Hanzlik, Lucjan and Künnemann, Robert and Budde, Lena Marie and Backes, Michael
TrollThrottle — Raising the Cost of Astroturfing.
Espitau, Thomas and Joux, Antoine and Kharchenko, Natalia
On a dual/hybrid approach to small secret LWE.
Finkbeiner, Bernd and Gieseking, Manuel and Hecking-Harbusch, Jesko and Olderog, Ernst-Rüdiger
AdamMC: A Model Checker for Petri Nets with Transits against Flow-LTL.
Finkbeiner, Bernd and Gieseking, Manuel and Hecking-Harbusch, Jesko and Olderog, Ernst-Rüdiger
Model Checking Branching Properties on Petri Nets with Transits.
Finkbeiner, Bernd and Hahn, Christopher and Hofmann, Jana and Tentrup, Leander
Realizing Omega-regular Hyperproperties.
Finkbeiner, Bernd and Oswald, Stefan and Passing, Noemi and Schwenger, Maximilian
Verified Rust Monitors for Lola Specifications.
Finkbeiner, Bernd and Passing, Noemi
Dependency-based Compositional Synthesis.
Finkbeiner, Bernd and Schmidt, Jessica and Schwenger, Maximilian
Simplex Architecture Meets RTLola.
Fischer, Jonas and Vreeken, Jilles
Discovering Succinct Pattern Sets Expressing Co-Occurrence and Mutual Exclusivity.
Frassinelli, Daniel and Park, Sohyeon and Nürnberger, Stefan
≪ I Know Where You Parked Last Summer ≫ Automated Reverse
Engineering and Privacy Analysis of Modern Cars.
Frenkel, Hadar and Grumberg, Orna and Pasareanu, Corina and Sheinvald, Sarai
Assume, Guarantee or Repair.
Ghorbani Lyastani, Sanam and Schilling, Michael and Neumayr, Michaela and Backes, Michael and Bugiel, Sven
Is FIDO2 the Kingslayer of User Authentication? A Comparative Usability Study of FIDO2 Passwordless Authentication.
Girol, Guillaume and Hirschi, Lucca and Sasse, Ralf and Jackson, Dennis and Cremers, Cas and Basin, David
A Spectral Analysis of Noise:A Comprehensive, Automated, Formal Analysis of Diffie-Hellman Protocols.
Gopinath, Rahul and Kampmann, Alexander and Havrikov, Nikolas and Soremekun, Ezekiel and Zeller, Andreas
Abstracting Failure-Inducing Inputs.
Gopinath, Rahul and Mathis, Björn and Zeller, Andreas
Mining Input Grammars from Dynamic Control Flow.
Grohe, Martin and Neuen, Daniel and Wiebking, Daniel
Isomorphism Testing for Graphs Excluding Small Minors.
Groß, Joschka and Torralba, Àlvaro and Fickert, Maximilian
Novel Is Not Always Better:On the Relation between Novelty and Dominance Pruning.
Gunda, Spoorthy and Jain, Pallavi and Lokshtanov, Daniel and Saurabh, Saket and Tale, Prafullkumar
On the Parameterized Approximability of Contraction to Classes of Chordal Graphs.
Hagestedt, Inken and Humbert, Mathias and Berrang, Pascal and Lehmann, Irina and Eils, Roland and Backes, Michael and Zhang, Yang
Membership Inference Against DNA Methylation Databases.
Hajipour, Hossein and Bhattacharyya, Apratim and Fritz, Mario
SampleFix: Learning to Correct Programs by Sampling Diverse Fixes.
Hajipour, Hossein and Malinowski, Mateusz and Fritz, Mario
IReEn: Iterative Reverse-Engineering of Black-Box Functions via Neural Program Synthesis.
Hasan, Rakibul and Crandall, David and Fritz, Mario and Kapadia, Apu
Automatically Detecting Bystanders in Photos to Reduce Privacy Risks.
He, Yang and Rahimian, Shadi and Schiele, Bernt and Fritz, Mario
Segmentations-Leak: Membership Inference Attacks and Defenses in Semantic Image Segmentation.
He, Yang and Schiele, Bernt and Fritz, Mario
Synthetic Convolutional Features for Improved Semantic Segmentation.
Jaber, Nouraldin and Jacobs, Swen and Wagner, Christopher and Kulkarni, Milind and Samanta, Roopsha
Parameterized Verification of Systems with Global Synchronization and Guards.
(In Press)
Jacobs, Swen and Sakr, Mouhammad and Zimmermann, Martin
Promptness and Bounded Fairness in
Concurrent and Parameterized Systems.
(In Press)
Kampmann, Alexander and Havrikov, Nikolas and Soremekun, Ezekiel and Zeller, Andreas
When does my Program do this? Learning Circumstances of Software Behavior.
(In Press)
Khosrowjerdi, Hojat and Nemati, Hamed and Meinke, Karl
Spatio-Temporal Model-Checking of Cyber-Physical Systems Using Graph Queries.
Kirschner, Lukas and Soremekun, Ezekiel and Zeller, Andreas
Debugging Inputs.
Kirschner, Lukas and Soremekun, Ezekiel and Zeller, Andreas
Poster: Debugging Inputs.
(In Press)
Koch, Simon and Sauer, Tim and Johns, Martin and Pellegrino, Giancarlo
Raccoon: Automated Verification of Guarded Race Conditions in Web Applications.
Künnemann, Robert and Nemati, Hamed
MAC-in-the-Box: Verifying a Minimalistic Hardware Design for MAC Computation.
Losch, Max and Fritz, Mario and Schiele, Bernt
Semantic Bottlenecks: Quantifying and Improving Inspectability of Deep Representations.
Mai, Alexandra and Pfeffer, Katharina and Gusenbauer, Matthias and Weippl, Edgar and Krombholz, Katharina
User Mental Models of Cryptocurrency Systems - A Grounded Theory Approach.
Mandros, Panagiotis and Kaltenpoth, David and Boley, Mario and Vreeken, Jilles
Discovering Functional Dependencies from Mixed-Type Data.
Marx, Dániel
Chordless Cycle Packing Is Fixed-Parameter Tractable.
Marx, Dániel and Sandeep, R.B.
Incompressibility of H-Free Edge Modification Problems: Towards a Dichotomy.
Mascle, Corto and Neider, Daniel and Schwenger, Maximilian and Tabuada, Paulo and Weinert, Alexander and Zimmermann, Martin
From LTL to rLTL Monitoring: Improved Monitorability Through Robust Semantics.
Mathis, Björn and Gopinath, Rahul and Zeller, Andreas
Learning Input Tokens for Effective Fuzzing.
(In Press)
Morio, Kevin and Jackson, Dennis and Vassena, Marco and Künnemann, Robert
Modular Black-box Runtime Verification of Security Protocols.
Nemati, Hamed and Buiras, Pablo and Lindner, Andreas and Guanciale, Roberto and Jacobs, Swen
Validation of Abstract Side-Channel Models for Computer Architectures.
Nguyen, Duc Cuong and Derr, Erik and Backes, Michael and Bugiel, Sven
Up2Dep: Android Tool Support to Fix Insecure Code Dependencies.
Orekondy, Tribhuvanesh and Schiele, Bernt and Fritz, Mario
Prediction Poisoning: Towards Defenses Against DNN Model Stealing Attacks.
Orekondy, Tribhuvanesh and Schiele, Bernt and Fritz, Mario
Prediction Poisoning: Utility-Constrained Defenses Against Model Stealing Attacks.
Patrignani, Marco and Wahby, Riad S. and Künnemann, Robert
Universal Composability is Secure Compilation.
Penerath, Frederic and Mandros, Panagiotis and Vreeken, Jilles
Discovering Approximate Functional Dependencies using Smoothed Mutual Information.
Reen, Gaganjeet Singh and Rossow, Christian
DPIFuzz: A Differential Fuzzing Frameworkto Detect DPI Elusion Strategies for QUIC.
Roth, Sebastian and Backes, Michael and Stock, Ben
Assessing the Impact of Script Gadgets on CSP at Scale.
Roth, Sebastian and Barron, Timothy and Calzavara, Stefano and Nikiforakis, Nick and Stock, Ben
Complex Security Policy? A Longitudinal Analysis of Deployed Content Security Policies.
Salem, Ahmed and Bhattacharya, Apratim and Backes, Michael and Fritz, Mario and Zhang, Yang
Updates-Leak: Data Set Inference and Reconstruction Attacks in Online Learning.
Sattar, Hosnieh and Krombholz, Katharina and Pons-Moll, Gerard and Fritz, Mario
Body Shape Privacy in Images: Understanding Privacy and Preventing Automatic Shape Extraction.
Saurabh, Saket and Tale, Prafullkumar
On the Parameterized Complexity of Maximum Degree Contraction Problem.
Schepper, Philipp
Fine-Grained Complexity of Regular Expression Pattern Matching and Membership.
Schlüter, Till and Lemke-Rust, Kerstin
Differential Analysis and Fingerprinting of ZombieLoads on Block Ciphers.
Schwarz, Fabian and Rossow, Christian
SENG, the SGX-Enforcing Network Gateway: Authorizing Communication from Shielded Clients.
Schwenger, Maximilian
Monitoring Cyber-Physical Systems: From Design to Integration.
Seidl, Helmut and Müller, Christian and Finkbeiner, Bernd
How to Win First-Order Safety Games.
Sharma, Saurabh and Yu, Ning and Fritz, Mario and Schiele, Bernt
Long-Tailed Recognition Using Class-Balanced Experts.
Shetty, Rakshith and Fritz, Mario and Schiele, Bernt
Towards Automated Testing and Robustification by Semantic Adversarial Data Generation.
Steffens, Marius and Stock, Ben
PMForce: Systematically Analyzing PostMessage Handlers at Scale.
Stivala, Giada and Pellegrino, Giancarlo
Deceptive Previews: A Study of the Link Preview Trustworthiness in Social Platforms.
Sudhodanan, Avinash and Khodayari, Soheil and Caballero, Juan
Cross-Origin State Inference (COSI) Attacks: Leaking Web Site States through XS-Leaks.
Thyagarajan, Sri Aravinda Krishnan and Bhat, Adithya and Malavolta, Giulio and Nico, Döttling and Kate, Aniket and Schröder, Dominique
Verifiable Timed Signatures Made Practical.
Tiefenau, Christian and Häring, Maximilian and Krombholz, Katharina and von Zezschwitz, Emanuel
Security, Availability, and Multiple Information Sources:
Exploring Update Behavior of System Administrators.
Tran, Nicolas and Speicher, Patrick and Künnemann, Robert and Backes, Michael and Torralba, Àlvaro and Hoffmann, Jörg
Planning in the Browser.
Turrin, Federico and Erba, Alessandro and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole and Conti, Mauro
A Statistical Analysis Framework for ICS Process Datasets.
Wan, Gerry and Izhikevich, Liz and Adrian, David and Yoshioka, Katsunari and Holz, Ralph and Rossow, Christian and Durumeric, Zakir
On the Origin of Scanning: The Impact of Location on Internet-Wide Scans.
Wang, Jiawei and Li, Li and Zeller, Andreas
Better Code, Better Sharing: On the Need of Analyzing Jupyter Notebooks.
Wanwarang, Tanapuch and Pereira Borges Jr., Nataniel and Bettscheider, Leon and Zeller, Andreas
Testing Apps With Real-World Inputs.
(In Press)
Wen, Rui and Yu, Yu and Xie, Xiang and Zhang, Yang
LEAF: A Faster Secure Search Algorithm via Localization, Extraction, and Reconstruction.
Yu, Ning and Li, Ke and Zhou, Peng and Malik, Jitendra and Davis, Larry S. and Fritz, Mario
Inclusive GAN: Improving Data and Minority Coverage in Generative Models.
Zhang, Yang and Humbert, Mathias and Surma, Bartlomiej and Manoharan, Praveen and Vreeken, Jilles and Backes, Michael
Towards Plausible Graph Anonymization.
Zhao, Qingchuan and Zuo, Chaoshun and Brendan, Dolan-Gavitt and Pellegrino, Giancarlo and Lin, Zhiqiang
Automatic Uncovering of Hidden Behaviors from Input Validation in Mobile Apps.
Antonioli, Daniele and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole and Rasmussen, Kasper
Key Negotiation Downgrade Attacks on Bluetooth and Bluetooth Low Energy.
ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security.
ISSN 2471-2566
Cohn-Gordon, Katriel and Cremers, Cas and Dowling, Benjamin and Garratt, Luke and Stebila, Douglas
A Formal Security Analysis of Key Establishment in the Signal Messaging Protocol.
Journal of Cryptology.
(In Press)
Finkbeiner, Bernd and Hahn, Christopher and Stenger, Marvin and Tentrup, Leander
Efficient monitoring of hyperproperties using prefix trees.
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer.
ISSN 1433-2779
Grochowksi, Marco and Simon, Hendrik and Bohlender, Dimitri and Kowalewski, Stefan and Löcklin, Andreas and Müller, Timo and Jazdi, Nasser and Zeller, Andreas and Weyrich, Michael
Formale Methoden für rekonfigurierbare cyber-physische Systeme in der Produktion.
Automatisierungstechnik, 68 (1).
ISSN 0178-2312
Holmes, Josie and Brindescu, Iftekhar and Gopinath, Rahul and Zhang, He and Groce, Alex and Brindescu, Caius
Using Relative Lines of Code to Guide Automated Test Generation for Python.
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, 29 (4).
ISSN 1049-331X
Joux, Antoine and Espitau, Thomas
Certified Lattice Reduction.
Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 14 (1).
pp. 137-159.
ISSN 1930-5346
Kiesl, Benjamin and Rebola-Pardo, Adrián and Heule, Marijn J.H. and Biere, Armin
Simulating Strong Practical Proof Systems with Extended Resolution.
Journal of Automated Reasoning, 64.
pp. 1247-1267.
ISSN 0168-7433
Mandros, Panagiotis and Boley, Mario and Vreeken, Jilles
Discovering Dependencies with Reliable Mutual Information.
Knowledge and Information Systems.
ISSN 0219-1377
Oh, Seong Joon and Benenson, Rodrigo and Fritz, Mario and Schiele, Bernt
Person Recognition in Personal Photo Collections.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 42 (1).
pp. 203-220.
Sala, Massimiliano and Sogiorno, Domenica and Taufer, Daniele
A Small Subgroup Attack on Bitcoin Address Generation.
Mathematics, 8 (10).
ISSN 2227-7390
Sattara, Hosnieh and Fritz, Mario and Bulling, Andreas
Deep gaze pooling: Inferring and visually decoding search intents from human gaze fixations.
Neurocomputing, 387.
pp. 369-382.
ISSN 0925-2312
Sutton, Christopher and Boley, Mario and Ghiringhelli, Luca M. and Rupp, Matthias and Vreeken, Jilles and Scheffler, Matthias
Identifying Domains of Applicability of Machine Learning Models for Materials Science.
Nature Communications.
ISSN 2041-1723
Troncoso, Carmela and Payer, Matthias and Hubaux, Jean-Pierre and Salathé, Marcel and Larus, James and Lueks, Wouter and Stadler, Theresa and Pyrgelis, Apostolos and Antonioli, Daniele and Barman, Ludovic and Chatel, Sylvain and Paterson, Kenneth G. and Capkun, Srdjan and Basin, David and Beutel, Jan and Jackson, Dennis and Roeschlin, Marc and Leu, Patrick and Preneel, Bart and Smart, Nigel and Abidin, Aysajan and Gürses, Seda and Veale, Michael and Cremers, Cas and Backes, Michael and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole and Binns, Reuben and Cattuto, Ciro and Barrat, Alain and Fiore, Dario and Barbosa, Manuel and Oliveira, Rui and Pereira, José
Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing.
IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin Volume 43, Number 2, June 2020.
pp. 36-66.
de Berg, Mark and Bodlaender, Hans L. and Kisfaludi-Bak, Sándor and Marx, Dániel and van der Zanden, Tom C.
A Framework for Exponential-Time-Hypothesis--Tight Algorithms and Lower Bounds in Geometric Intersection Graphs.
SIAM Journal on Computing, 49 (6).
pp. 1291-1331.
ISSN 0097-5397
Budhathoki, Kailash
Causal Inference on Discrete Data.
Doctoral thesis, Saarland University.
Fass, Aurore
Studying JavaScript Security Through Static Analysis.
Doctoral thesis, Saarland University.
Schwenger, Maximilian
Let’s not Trust Experience Blindly: Formal Monitoring of Humans and other CPS.
Masters thesis, Saarland University.
Bieringer, Lukas
Stellungnahme zur Anhörung der Enquêtekommission „Digitalisierung im Saarland“ zur wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung im Zuge der Digitalisierung.
Coenen, Norine and Finkbeiner, Bernd and Hahn, Christopher and Hofmann, Jana
The Hierarchy of Hyperlogics: A Knowledge Reasoning Perspective.
Patrignani, Marco and Guarnieri, Marco
Exorcising Spectres with Secure Compilers.
Vassena, Marco and Patrignani, Marco
Memory Safety Preservation for WebAssembly.
Yu, Ning and Skripniuk, Vladislav and Abdelnabi, Sahar and Fritz, Mario
Artificial Fingerprinting for Generative Models: Rooting Deepfake Attribution in Training Data.
This list was generated on Wed Feb 19 08:02:19 2025 CET.