CryptoBap: A Binary Analysis Platform for Cryptographic Protocols

Nasrabadi, Faezeh and Künnemann, Robert and Nemati, Hamed
(2023) CryptoBap: A Binary Analysis Platform for Cryptographic Protocols.
In: ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS).
Conference: CCS ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security

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We introduce CryptoBap, a platform to verify weak secrecy and authentication for the (ARMv8 and RISC-V) machine code of cryptographic protocols. We achieve this by first transpiling the binary of protocols into an intermediate representation and then performing a crypto-aware symbolic execution to automatically extract a model of the protocol that represents all its execution paths. Our symbolic execution resolves indirect jumps and supports bounded loops using the loop-summarization technique, which we fully automate. The extracted model is then translated into models amenable to automated verification via ProVerif and CryptoVerif using a third-party toolchain. We prove the soundness of the proposed approach and used CryptoBap to verify multiple case studies ranging from toy examples to real-world protocols, TinySSH, an implementation of SSH, and WireGaurd, a modern VPN protocol.


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