Number of items: 216.
Acs, Gergely and Castelluccia, Claude
I have a DREAM! (DIffeRentially PrivatE smartMetering).
Agarwal, Pankaj K. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Teillaud, Monique
Computational Geometry (Dagstuhl Seminar 11111).
Dagstuhl Reports, 1 (3).
Alkassar, Eyad and Böhme, Sascha and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Rizkallah, Christine
Verification of Certifying Computations.
Alkassar, Eyad and Böhme, Sascha and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Rizkallah, Christine and Schweitzer, Pascal
An Introduction to Certifying Algorithms.
it - Information Technology, 53 (6).
An, Jisun and Cha, Meeyoung and Gummadi, Krishna P. and Crowcroft, Jon
Media Landscape in Twitter: A World of New Conventions and Political Diversity.
Arapinis, Myrto and Ritter, Eike and Ryan, Mark D.
StatVerif: Verification of Stateful Processes.
Asghar, Muhammad Rizwan and Ion, Mihaela and Russello, Giovanni and Crispo, Bruno
ESPOON: Enforcing Encrypted Security Policies in Outsourced Environments.
Asghar, Muhammad Rizwan and Russello, Giovanni and Crispo, Bruno
Poster: ESPOON$_ERBAC$: Enforcing Security Policies in Outsourced Environments with Encrypted RBAC.
and Daniel Kraschewski and J\"rn M\"ller-Quade, Nico D\"ttling
Efficient Reductions for Non-signaling Cryptographic Primitives.
and Daniel Kraschewski and J\"rn M\"ller-Quade, Nico D\"ttling
Unconditional and Composable Security Using a Single Stateful Tamper-Proof Hardware Token.
Backes, Julian and Backes, Michael and Dürmuth, Markus and Lorenz, Stefan and Gerling, Sebastian
X-pire! - A digital expiration date for images in social networks.
Technical Report.
Backes, Michael and Berg, Matthias and Köpf, Boris
Non-Uniform Distributions in Quantitative Information-Flow.
Backes, Michael and Cervesato, Iliano and Jaggard, Aaron D and Scedrov, Andre and Tsay, Joe-Kai
Cryptographically sound security proofs for basic and public-key Kerberos.
International Journal of Information Security, 10 (2).
pp. 107-134.
Backes, Michael and Gerling, Sebastian and Styp-Rekowsky, Philipp von
A Local Cross-Site Scripting Attack against Android Phones.
Backes, Michael and Hriţcu, Cătălin and Maffei, Matteo
Union and Intersection Types for Secure Protocol Implementations.
Backes, Michael and Hriţcu, Cătălin and Tarrach, Thorsten
Automatically Verifying Typing Constraints for a Data Processing Language.
Backes, Michael and Kate, Aniket and Patra, Arpita
Computational Verifiable Secret Sharing Revisited.
Backes, Michael and Maffei, Matteo and Pecina, Kim
Securing social networks.
Backes, Michael and Maffei, Matteo and Pecina, Kim
A Security API for Distributed Social Networks.
Backes, Michael and Maffei, Matteo and Pecina, Kim and Reischuk, Raphael M.
G2C: Cryptographic Protocols from Goal-Driven Specifications.
Baecher, Paul and Fischlin, Marc and Schröder, Dominique
Expedient Non-malleability Notions for Hash Functions.
Balzer, Jan
Towards a Formal Sematics for G2C Summary.
Bachelors thesis, Saarland University.
Barthe, Gilles and Köpf, Boris
Information-theoretic Bounds for Differentially Private Mechanisms.
Basin, David and Burri, Samuel J and Karjoth, Günter
Obstruction-free Authorization Enforcement: Aligning Security With Business Objectives.
Bastoni, Andrea and Brandenburg, Björn B. and Anderson, James H.
Is Semi-Partitioned Scheduling Practical?
Blocki, Jeremiah and Christin, Nicolas and Datta, Anupam and Sinha, Arunesh
Regret Minimizing Audits: A Learning-theoretic Basis for Privacy Protection.
Bornträger, Holger
Automatic Verification of Equivalences of Cryptographic Games.
Masters thesis, Saarland University.
Brandenburg, Björn B. and Anderson, James H.
Real-time resource-sharing under clustered scheduling: mutex, reader-writer, and k-exclusion locks.
Brandenburg, Björn B. and Leontyev, Hennadiy and Anderson, James H.
An overview of interrupt accounting techniques for multiprocessor real-time systems.
Journal of Systems Architecture - Embedded Systems Design, 57 (6).
Bugiel, Sven and Davi, Lucas and Dmitrienko, Alexandra and Heuser, Stephan and Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza and Shastry, Bhargava
Practical and Lightweight Domain Isolation on Android.
Bugiel, Sven and Davi, Lucas and Schulz, Steffen
Scalable Trust Establishment with Software Reputation.
Bugiel, Sven and Nürnberger, Stefan and Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza and Schneider, Thomas
Twin Clouds: An Architecture for Secure Cloud Computing.
Bugiel, Sven and Nürnberger, Stefan and Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza and Schneider, Thomas
Twin Clouds: Secure Cloud Computing with Low Latency.
Bugiel, Sven and Pöppelmann, Thomas and Nürnberger, Stefan and Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza and Schneider, Thomas
AmazonIA: When Elasticity Snaps Back.
Bugliesi, Michele and Calzavara, Stefano and Eigner, Fabienne and Maffei, Matteo
Resource-aware Authorization Policies for Statically Typed Cryptographic Protocols.
Bui, Dai N and Lee, Edward A. and Liu, Isaac and Patel, Hiren D. and Reineke, Jan
Temporal isolation on multiprocessing architectures.
Burger, Martin and Zeller, Andreas
Minimizing reproduction of software failures.
Bursztein, Elie and Martin, Matthieu and Mitchell, John C.
Text-based CAPTCHA Strengths and Weaknesses.
Busenius, Alex
Mechanized Formalization of a Transformation from an Extensible Spi Calculus to Java.
Masters thesis, Saarland University.
Böhmer, Matthias and Bauer, Gernot and Krüger, Antonio
Context tags: exploiting user-given contextual cues for disambiguation.
Böhmer, Matthias and Hecht, Brent J. and Schöning, Johannes and Krüger, Antonio and Bauer, Gernot
Falling asleep with Angry Birds, Facebook and Kindle: a large scale study on mobile application usage.
Cauchard, Jessica R. and Löchtefeld, Markus and Irani, Pourang and Schöning, Johannes and Krüger, Antonio and Fraser, Mike and Subramanian, Sriram
Visual separation in mobile multi-display environments.
Cerny, Pavol and Chatterjee, Krishnendu and Henzinger, Thomas A
The Complexity of Quantitative Information Flow Problems.
Chatterjee, Krishnendu and Majumdar, Rupak
Minimum Attention Controller Synthesis for Omega-regular Objectives.
Chen, Ruichuan and Shaikh, Aman and Wang, Jia and Francis, Paul
Address-based route reflection.
Cheney, James
A Formal Framework for Provenance Security.
Chothia, Tom and Guha, Apratim
A Statistical Test for Information Leaks Using Continuous Mutual Information.
Christodoulou, Giorgos and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Pyrga, Evangelia
Improving the Price of Anarchy for Selfish Routing via Coordination Mechanisms.
Ciolacu, Ines Lucia
Universally Composable Relativistic Commitments.
Masters thesis, Saarland University.
Cortier, Véronique and Smyth, Ben
Attacking and fixing Helios: An analysis of ballot secrecy.
Daiber, Florian and Schöning, Johannes and Krüger, Antonio
Towards a Framework for Whole Body Interaction with Geospatial Data.
Whole Body Interaction.
Human-Computer Interaction Series
Springer, 197–207.
Damm, Werner and Finkbeiner, Bernd
Does It Pay to Extend the Perimeter of a World Model?
Danezis, George and Kohlweiss, Markulf and Rial, Alfredo
Differentially Private Billing with Rebates.
Technical Report.
Datta, Anupam and Blocki, Jeremiah and Christin, Nicolas and DeYoung, Henry and Garg, Deepak and Jia, Limin and Kaynar, Dilsun Kirli and Sinha, Arunesh
Understanding and Protecting Privacy: Formal Semantics and Principled Audit Mechanisms.
Datta, Anupam and Garg, Deepak and Jia, Limin
Policy auditing over incomplete logs: theory, implementation and applications.
Datta, Anupam and Garg, Deepak and Kaynar, Dilsun Kirli and Jia, Limin and Franklin, Jason
On Adversary Models and Compositional Security.
IEEE Security & Privacy, 9 (3).
pp. 26-32.
Davi, Lucas and Dmitrienko, Alexandra and Egele, Manuel and Fischer, Thomas and Holz, Thorsten and Hund, Ralf and Nürnberger, Stefan and Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza
CFI Goes Mobile: Control-Flow Integrity for Smartphones.
International Workshop on Trustworthy Embedded Devices (TrustED).
Davi, Lucas and Dmitrienko, Alexandra and Egele, Manuel and Fischer, Thomas and Holz, Thorsten and Hund, Ralf and Nürnberger, Stefan and Sadeghi, Ahmad-Reza
Poster: Control-flow Integrity for Smartphones.
Delaune, Stephanie and Kremer, Steve and Ryan, Mark D. and Steel, Graham
Formal analysis of protocols based on TPM state registers.
Dietrich, Christian J. and Rossow, Christian and Freiling, Felix C. and Bos, Herbert and van Steen, Maarten and Pohlmann, Norbert
On Botnets That Use DNS for Command and Control.
Dittrich, Jens and Blunschi, Lukas and Salles, Marcos Antonio Vaz
MOVIES: indexing moving objects by shooting index images.
GeoInformatica, 15 (4).
pp. 727-767.
Dittrich, Jens and Färber, Franz and Graefe, Goetz and Loeser, Henrik and Reimann, Wilfried and Schöning, Harald
"One Size Fits All": An Idea Whose Time Has Come and Gone?
Dittrich, Jens and Jindal, Alekh
Towards a One Size Fits All Database Architecture.
Dolby, Julian and Hammer, Christian and Marino, Daniel and Tip, Frank and Vaziri, Mandana and Vitek, Jan
A data-centric approach to synchronization.
Technical Report.
Dupressoir, Francois and Gordon, Andrew D. and Jurjens, Jan and Naumann, David A.
Guiding a General-Purpose C Verifier to Prove Cryptographic Protocols.
Döttling, Nico and Kraschewski, Daniel and Müller-Quade, Jörn
Efficient Reductions for Non-signaling Cryptographic Primitives.
Döttling, Nico and Kraschewski, Daniel and Müller-Quade, Jörn
Unconditional and Composable Security Using a Single Stateful Tamper-Proof Hardware Token.
Ebert, Sandra and Fritz, Mario and Schiele, Bernt
Pick Your Neighborhood - Improving Labels and Neighborhood Structure for Label Propagation.
Ehlers, Rüdiger and Finkbeiner, Bernd
Reactive Safety.
Eigenwillig, Arno and Mehlhorn, Kurt
Multiplication of Long Integers - Faster than Long Multiplication.
Algorithms Unplugged.
Springer, 101–109.
Finkbeiner, Bernd and Kuhtz, Lars
Weak Kripke Structures and LTL.
Fitzner, Daniel and Hoffmann, Jörg and Klien, Eva
Functional description of geoprocessing services as conjunctive datalog queries.
GeoInformatica, 15 (1).
Fraser, Gordon and Zeller, Andreas
Exploiting Common Object Usage in Test Case Generation.
Fraser, Gordon and Zeller, Andreas
Generating parameterized unit tests.
Frau, Simone and Dashti, Mohammad Torabi
Integrated Specification and Verification of Security Protocols and Policies.
Garg, Deepak and Jia, Limin and Datta, Anupam
A Logical Method for Policy Enforcement over Evolving Audit Logs.
CoRR, abs/11.
Genovese, Valerio and Garg, Deepak
New Modalities for Access Control Logics: Permission, Control and Ratification.
Goethals, Bart and Moens, Sandy and Vreeken, Jilles
MIME: A Framework for Interactive Visual Pattern Mining.
Goethals, Bart and Moens, Sandy and Vreeken, Jilles
MIME: A Framework for Interactive Visual Pattern Mining.
Gomez-Rodriguez, Manuel and Balduzzi, David and Schölkopf, Bernhard
Uncovering the Temporal Dynamics of Diffusion Networks.
Groß, Thomas and Mödersheim, Sebastian
Vertical Protocol Composition.
Grund, Daniel and Reineke, Jan and Gebhard, Gernot
Branch target buffers: WCET analysis framework and timing predictability.
Journal of Systems Architecture - Embedded Systems Design, 57 (6).
pp. 625-637.
Grund, Daniel and Reineke, Jan and Wilhelm, Reinhard
A Template for Predictability Definitions with Supporting Evidence.
Guha, Saikat and Cheng, Bin and Francis, Paul
Privad: Practical Privacy in Online Advertising.
Halperin, Dan and Mehlhorn, Kurt
Guest Editorial: Selected Papers from European Symposium on Algorithms.
Algorithmica, 60 (1).
Hansen, Marit and Marnau, Ninja and Schlehahn, Eva and Husmann, Elmar
Auf dem Weg zur sicheren und datenschutzkonformen Cloud.
kes Magazine, 2011 (Specia).
pp. 14-16.
Hein, Matthias and Lugosi, Gábor and Rosasco, Lorenzo and Smale, Steve
Mathematical and Computational Foundations of Learning Theory (Dagstuhl Seminar 11291).
Dagstuhl Reports, 1 (7).
Hein, Matthias and Setzer, Simon
Beyond Spectral Clustering - Tight Relaxations of Balanced Graph Cuts.
Henzinger, Thomas A and Jobstmann, Barbara and Wolf, Verena
Formalisms for Specifying Markovian Population Models.
International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 22 (4).
pp. 823-841.
Herter, Jörg and Backes, Peter and Haupenthal, Florian and Reineke, Jan
CAMA: A Predictable Cache-Aware Memory Allocator.
Herzig, Kim and Zeller, Andreas
Mining Cause-Effect-Chains from Version Histories.
Hoffmann, Jörg
Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Planning - (But Were Afraid to Ask).
Hoffmann, Jörg
Where Ignoring Delete Lists Works, Part II: Causal Graphs.
Hriţcu, Cătălin
Union Intersection, and Refinement Types and Reasoning About Type Disjointness for Security Protocol Analysis.
Doctoral thesis, Saarland University.
Hur, Chung-Kil and Dreyer, Derek
A kripke logical relation between ML and assembly.
Hur, Chung-Kil and Dreyer, Derek and Vafeiadis, Viktor
Separation Logic in the Presence of Garbage Collection.
Jacobs, Swen and Kuncak, Viktor
Towards Complete Reasoning about Axiomatic Specifications.
Jagadeesan, Radha and Pitcher, Corin and Rathke, Julian and Riely, James
Local Memory via Layout Randomization.
Janoch, Allison and Karayev, Sergey and Jia, Yangqing and Barron, Jonathan T. and Fritz, Mario and Saenko, Kate and Darrell, Trevor
A category-level 3-D object dataset: Putting the Kinect to work.
Jhala, Ranjit and Majumdar, Rupak and Rybalchenko, Andrey
HMC: Verifying Functional Programs Using Abstract Interpreters.
Jiang, Xiaoyi and Broelemann, Klaus and Wachenfeld, Steffen and Krüger, Antonio
Graph-based markerless registration of city maps using geometric hashing.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 115 (7).
Jindal, Alekh and Dittrich, Jens
Relax and Let the Database Do the Partitioning Online.
Jindal, Alekh and Quiané-Ruiz, Jorge-Arnulfo and Dittrich, Jens
Trojan data layouts: right shoes for a running elephant.
Jose, Manu and Majumdar, Rupak
Bug-Assist: Assisting Fault Localization in ANSI-C Programs.
Jose, Manu and Majumdar, Rupak
Cause Clue Clauses: Error Localization Using Maximum Satisfiability.
Just, Seth and Cleary, Alan and Shirley, Brandon and Hammer, Christian
Information flow analysis for JavaScript.
Kahl, Gerrit and Spassova, Lübomira and Schöning, Johannes and Gehring, Sven and Krüger, Antonio
IRL SmartCart - a user-adaptive context-aware interface for shopping assistance.
Kalnikaité, Vaiva and Rogers, Yvonne and Bird, Jon and Villar, Nicolas and Bachour, Khaled and Payne, Stephen J. and Todd, Peter M. and Schöning, Johannes and Krüger, Antonio and Kreitmayer, Stefan
How to nudge in Situ: designing lambent devices to deliver salient information in supermarkets.
Karayev, Sergey and Fritz, Mario and Fidler, Sanja and Darrell, Trevor
A probabilistic model for recursive factorized image features.
Katz, Jonathan and Schröder, Dominique and Yerukhimovich, Arkady
Impossibility of Blind Signatures from One-Way Permutations.
Kavitha, Telikepalli and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Michail, Dimitrios
New Approximation Algorithms for Minimum Cycle Bases of Graphs.
Algorithmica, 59 (4).
Kehuan, Zhang and Xiaoyong, Zhou and Yangyi, Chen and XiaoFeng, Wang and Yaoping, Ruan
Sedic: Privacy-Aware Data Intensive Computing on Hybrid Clouds.
Kenna, Christopher J. and Herman, Jonathan L. and Brandenburg, Björn B. and Mills, Alex F. and Anderson, James H.
Soft Real-Time on Multiprocessors: Are Analysis-Based Schedulers Really Worth It?
Kontonasios, Kleanthis-Nikolaos and Vreeken, Jilles and De, Tijl
Maximum Entropy Modelling for Assessing Results on Real-Valued Data.
Kremer, Steve and Steel, Graham and Warinschi, Bogdan
Security for Key Management Interfaces.
Krüger, Antonio
Die Zukunft des Fachbereichs "Künstliche Intelligenz".
KI, 25 (4).
Krüger, Antonio and Schöning, Johannes and Olivier, Patrick
How Computing Will Change the Face of Retail.
IEEE Computer, 44 (4).
Künnemann, Robert
Game-Theoretic Notions of Incoercibility.
Masters thesis, UNSPECIFIED.
Lapin, Maksim and Mikeev, Linar and Wolf, Verena
SHAVE: stochastic hybrid analysis of markov population models.
Leibenger, Dominik
Vertrauliche Versionsverwaltung mit Subversion.
Masters thesis, Universität Paderborn.
Li, Qi and Xu, Mingwei and Wu, Jianping and Zhang, Xinwen and Lee, Patrick P. C. and Xu, Ke
Enhancing the Trust of Internet Routing with Lightweight Route Attestation.
Liu, Yabing and Gummadi, Krishna P. and Krishnamurthy, Balachander and Mislove, Alan
Analyzing facebook privacy settings: user expectations vs. reality.
Lorenz, Stefan
Anonymous Webs of Trust.
Masters thesis, Saarland University.
Löchtefeld, Markus and Gehring, Sven and Jung, Ralf and Krüger, Antonio
Using Mobile Projection to Support Guitar Learning.
Löchtefeld, Markus and Gehring, Sven and Jung, Ralf and Krüger, Antonio
guitAR: supporting guitar learning through mobile projection.
Löchtefeld, Markus and Gehring, Sven and Krüger, Antonio
Distributed User Interfaces for Projector Phones.
Distributed User Interfaces - Designing Interfaces for the Distributed Ecosystem.
Human-Computer Interaction Series
Springer, 113–123.
Löchtefeld, Markus and Krüger, Antonio and Rohs, Michael
Mobile Projection Interfaces for Augmented Reality Applications.
Handbook of Augmented Reality.
Springer, 177–197.
Maffei, Matteo and Pecina, Kim
Privacy-aware proof-carrying authorization.
Majumdar, Rupak and Render, Elaine and Tabuada, Paulo
Robust Discrete Synthesis Against Unspecified Disturbances.
Majumdar, Rupak and Saha, Indranil and Zamani, Majid
Performance-aware Scheduler Synthesis for Control Systems.
Mampaey, Michael and Tatti, Nikolaj and Vreeken, Jilles
Tell Me What I Need to Know: Succinctly Summarizing Data with Itemsets.
Manjunath, Madhusudan and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Panagiotou, Konstantinos and Sun, He
Approximate Counting of Cycles in Streams.
Mannan, Mohammad and Kim, Boem Heyn and Ganjali, Afshar and Lie, David
Unicorn: Two-Factor Attestation for Data Security.
Mantel, Heiko and Sands, David and Sudbrock, Henning
Assumptions and Guarantees for Compositional Noninterference.
Marcon, Massimiliano and Dischinger, Marcel and Gummadi, Krishna P. and Vahdat, Amin
The local and global effects of traffic shaping in the internet.
Marcon, Massimiliano and Viswanath, Bimal and Cha, Meeyoung and Gummadi, Krishna P.
Sharing social content from home: a measurement-driven feasibility study.
Mardziel, Piotr and Magill, Stephen and Hicks, Michael and Srivatsa, Mudhakar
Dynamic Enforcement of Knowledge-based Security Policies.
Marnau, Ninja and Schirmer, Norbert and Schlehahn, Eva and Schunter, Matthias
Herausforderungen und erste Schritte zur sicheren und datenschutzkonformen Cloud.
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (DuD), 5.
pp. 333-337.
Marnau, Ninja and Schlehahn, Eva
Cloud Computing und Safe Harbor.
Datenschutz und Datensicherheit (DuD), 5.
Marnau, Ninja and Schlehahn, Eva
Cloud Computing: Legal Analysis.
Technical Report.
McConnell, Ross M and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Näher, Stefan and Schweitzer, Pascal
Survey: Certifying Algorithms.
Computer Science Review, 5 (2).
pp. 119-161.
ISSN 1574-0137
McConnell, Ross M. and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Näher, Stefan and Schweitzer, Pascal
Certifying algorithms.
Computer Science Review, 5 (2).
Megow, Nicole and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Schweitzer, Pascal
Online Graph Exploration: New Results on Old and New Algorithms.
Mehlhorn, Kurt
The Physarum Computer.
Mehlhorn, Kurt and Osbild, Ralf and Sagraloff, Michael
A general approach to the analysis of controlled perturbation algorithms.
Computational Geometry, 44 (9).
Mehlhorn, Kurt and Sagraloff, Michael
A deterministic algorithm for isolating real roots of a real polynomial.
Journal of Symbolic Computation, 46 (1).
Meiser, Sebastian
Computational Soundness of Passively Secure Encryption in Presence of Active Adversaries.
Masters thesis, Saarland University.
Meiser, Sebastian
Computational Soundness of Passively Secure Encryption in Presence of Active Adversaries.
Metzger, Steffen and Elbassuoni, Shady and Hose, Katja and Schenkel, Ralf
S3K: seeking statement-supporting top-K witnesses.
Miettinen, Pauli and Vreeken, Jilles
Model Order Selection for Boolean Matrix Factorization.
Mikeev, Linar and Sandmann, Werner and Wolf, Verena
Efficient calculation of rare event probabilities in Markovian queueing networks.
Mileva, Yana Momchilova and Wasylkowski, Andrzej and Zeller, Andreas
Mining Evolution of Object Usage.
Mileva, Yana Momchilova and Zeller, Andreas
Assessing modularity via usage changes.
Miller, Stephen and Fritz, Mario and Darrell, Trevor and Abbeel, Pieter
Parametrized shape models for clothing.
Mondal, Mainack and Viswanath, Bimal and Clement, Allen and Druschel, Peter and Gummadi, Krishna P. and Mislove, Alan and Post, Ansley
Limiting large-scale crawls of social networking sites.
Moore, Scott and Chong, Stephen
Static analysis for efficient hybrid information-flow control.
Morgenstern, Jamie and Garg, Deepak and Pfenning, Frank
A Proof-Carrying File System with Revocable and Use-Once Certificates.
Müller, Christian A. and Paul, Wolfgang J.
Complete Formal Hardware Verification of Interfaces for a FlexRay-Like Bus.
Nam, Jaechang and Schuler, David and Zeller, Andreas
Calibrated Mutation Testing.
Nanevski, Aleksandar and Banerjee, Anindya and Garg, Deepak
Verification of Information Flow and Access Control Policies with Dependent Types.
Narayanaswami, Chandra and Krüger, Antonio and Marmasse, Natalia
Guest Editors' Introduction.
IEEE Pervasive Computing, 10 (2).
Neis, Georg and Dreyer, Derek and Rossberg, Andreas
Non-parametric parametricity.
J. Funct. Program., 21 (4-5).
Ngo, Long and Boyd, Colin and Nieto, Juan Gonzalez
Automated proofs for Diffie-Hellman-based key exchanges.
Nissim, Raz and Hoffmann, Jörg and Helmert, Malte
Computing Perfect Heuristics in Polynomial Time: On Bisimulation and Merge-and-Shrink Abstraction in Optimal Planning.
Petrlic, Ronald
Integrity Protection for Automated Teller Machines.
Petrlic, Ronald and Sorge, Christoph
A Mutual Authentication Scheme for ATMs.
Technical Report.
Post, Ansley and Navarro, Juan and Kuznetsov, Petr and Druschel, Peter
Autonomous Storage Management for Personal Devices with PodBase.
Pöpper, Christina and Tippenhauer, Nils Ole and Danev, Boris and \vCapku, Srdjan
Investigation of Signal and Message Manipulations on the Wireless Channel.
Quiané-Ruiz, Jorge-Arnulfo and Pinkel, Christoph and Schad, Jorg and Dittrich, Jens
RAFT at work: speeding-up mapreduce applications under task and node failures.
Quiané-Ruiz, Jorge-Arnulfo and Pinkel, Christoph and Schad, Jorg and Dittrich, Jens
RAFTing MapReduce: Fast recovery on the RAFT.
Reineke, Jan and Liu, Isaac and Patel, Hiren D. and Kim, Sungjun and Lee, Edward A.
PRET DRAM controller: bank privatization for predictability and temporal isolation.
Remmerie, Noor and Vijlder, Thomas De and Valkenborg, Dirk and Laukens, Kris and Smets, Koen and Vreeken, Jilles and Mertens, Inge and Carpentier, Sebastien and Panis, Bart and de Jaeger, Geert and Prinsen, Els and Witters, Erwin
Unraveling tobacco BY-2 protein complexes with BN PAGE/LC-MS/MS and clustering methods.
Journal of Proteomics, 74 (8).
pp. 1201-1217.
Reznichenko, Alexey and Guha, Saikat and Francis, Paul
Auctions in do-not-track compliant internet advertising.
Richards, Gregor and Hammer, Christian and Burg, Brian and Vitek, Jan
The Eval that Men Do -- A Large-scale Study of the Use of Eval in JavaScript Applications.
Rodrigues, Tiago and Benevenuto, Fabrício and Cha, Meeyoung and Gummadi, Krishna P. and Almeida, Virgílio A. F.
On word-of-mouth based discovery of the web.
Roy, Pritam and Tabuada, Paulo and Majumdar, Rupak
Pessoa 2.0: A Controller Synthesis Tool for Cyber-physical Systems.
Rößler, Jeremias and Orso, Alessandro and Zeller, Andreas
When Does My Program Fail?
Saenko, Kate and Karayev, Sergey and Jia, Yangqing and Shyr, Alex and Janoch, Allison and Long, Jonathan and Fritz, Mario and Darrell, Trevor
Practical 3-D object detection using category and instance-level appearance models.
Schlesinger, Cole and Pattabiraman, Karthik and Swamy, Nikhil and Walker, David and Zorn, Benjamin
Modular Protections Against Non-control Data Attacks.
Schröder, Dominique
How to Aggregate the CL Signature Scheme.
Schröder, Dominique and Unruh, Dominique
Round Optimal Blind Signatures.
Schröder, Dominique and Unruh, Dominique and Garg, Sanjam and Rao, Vanishree and Sahai, Amit
Round Optimal Blind Signatures.
Schuler, David and Zeller, Andreas
Assessing Oracle Quality with Checked Coverage.
Schwarz, Birgit and Schuler, David and Zeller, Andreas
Breeding High-Impact Mutations.
Sevcík, Jaroslav and Vafeiadis, Viktor and Nardelli, Francesco Zappa and Jagannathan, Suresh and Sewell, Peter
Relaxed-memory concurrency and verified compilation.
Shervashidze, Nino and Schweitzer, Pascal and van Leeuwen, Erik Jan and Mehlhorn, Kurt and Borgwardt, Karsten M.
Weisfeiler-Lehman Graph Kernels.
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 12.
Slawski, Martin and Hein, Matthias
Sparse recovery by thresholded non-negative least squares.
Smets, Koen and Vreeken, Jilles
The Odd One Out: Identifying and Characterising Anomalies.
Song, Hyun Oh and Fritz, Mario and Gu, Chunhui and Darrell, Trevor
Visual grasp affordances from appearance-based cues.
Sorge, Christoph
Zum Stand der Technik in der WLAN-Sicherheit.
Computer und Recht, 27 (4).
pp. 273-276.
Stikic, Maja and Larlus, Diane and Ebert, Sandra and Schiele, Bernt
Weakly Supervised Recognition of Daily Life Activities with Wearable Sensors.
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), 33 (12).
pp. 2521-2537.
Stollberg, Michael and Hoffmann, Jörg and Fensel, Dieter
A Caching Technique for Optimizing Automated Service Discovery.
Int. J. Semantic Computing, 5 (1).
Stuijk, Sander and Basten, Twan and Akesson, Benny and Geilen, Marc and Moreira, Orlando and Reineke, Jan
Designing next-generation real-time streaming systems.
Suchanek, Fabian M and Gross-Amblard, David and Abiteboul, Serge
Watermarking for Ontologies.
Tatti, Nikolaj and Vreeken, Jilles
Comparing Apples and Oranges: Measuring Differences between Data Mining Results.
Tippenhauer, Nils Ole and Pöpper, Christina and Rasmussen, Kasper Bonne and \vCapkun, Srdjan
On the Requirements for Successful GPS Spoofing Attacks.
Tombers, Stefan
Low-Cost Byzantine Fault Tolerant Replication for a Cloud Environment.
Bachelors thesis, Saarland University.
Treiblmayr, Martin and H., Karen and Krüger, Antonio
Interfacing business processes and spatial processes.
Tsankov, Petar and Basin, David and Dashti, Mohammad Torabi
Constructing Mid-Points for Two-Party Asynchronous Protocols.
Tuytelaars, Tinne and Fritz, Mario and Saenko, Kate and Darrell, Trevor
The NBNN kernel.
Unruh, Dominique
Composition in Quantum Cryptography.
Unruh, Dominique
Concurrent composition in the bounded quantum storage model.
Unruh, Dominique
Termination-Insensitive Computational Indistinguishability (and applications to computational soundness).
Uzmi, Zartash Afzal and Nebel, Markus E. and Tariq, Ahsan and Jawad, Sana and Chen, Ruichuan and Shaikh, Aman and Wang, Jia and Francis, Paul
SMALTA: practical and near-optimal FIB aggregation.
Varodayan, David and Khisti, Ashish
Smart meter privacy using a rechargeable battery: minimizing the rate of information leakage.
Vreeken, Jilles and Zimek, Arthur
When Pattern met Subspace Cluster, a Relationship Story.
Vreeken, Jilles and van Leeuwen, Matthijs and Siebes, Arno
Krimp: Mining Itemsets that Compress.
Data Minining and Knowledge Discovery, 23 (1).
pp. 169-214.
Völker, Lars and Noe, Marcel and Waldhorst, Oliver P and Sorge, Christoph
Can Internet users protect themselves? Challenges and Techniques of Automated Protection of HTTP Communication.
Computer Communications, 34 (3).
pp. 457-467.
Wang, Ping Chuan and Miller, Stephen and Fritz, Mario and Darrell, Trevor and Abbeel, Pieter
Perception for the manipulation of socks.
Wasylkowski, Andrzej and Zeller, Andreas
Mining temporal specifications from object usage.
Autom. Softw. Eng., 18 (3-4).
Wei-Chen, Walon and Blanke, Ulf and Fritz, Mario
I spy with my little eye: Learning optimal filters for cross-modal stereo under projected patterns.
Wei-Chen, Walon and Blanke, Ulf and Fritz, Mario
Improving the Kinect by Cross-Modal Stereo.
Weisgerber, Sebastian
Design einer mobilen Anwendung zur verschlüsselten Sprachkommunikation auf Basis des Android Betriebssystems.
Masters thesis, HTW des Saarlandes.
Zamani, Majid and Majumdar, Rupak
A Lyapunov approach in incremental stability.
Zheng, Nan and Paloski, Aaron and Wang, Haining
An Efficient User Verification System via Mouse Movements.
Zmudzinski, Sascha and Steinebach, Martin
Re-synchronizing Audio Watermarking after Non-linear Time Stretching.
This list was generated on Wed Feb 19 13:59:46 2025 CET.